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Aku ada jumpa benda ni kat internet masa aku baca-baca pasal photography. Aku rasa benda ni macam fun je, so aku nak kongsi kat blog ni.
Benda ni macam quiz la. Pasal adakah kita sesuai untuk menjadi professional photographer. Kalau nak jawab, silalah ambik pensil dan kertas sekarang. Kalau taknak, lantak korang la, asalkan tak kacau hidup aku. Resultnya ada kat bawah sekali tuh. Selamat menjawab :)
FACT: There are more photographers in the world than cab drivers.
Yes, it’s a very competitive industry there’s no two ways about it. To be able to earn a living taking pictures sounds like a great idea, but what does it take to go professional? Funnily enough it's not just a matter of picking up a camera, shooting away and waiting for the money to roll in!
Being a professional photographer is often a contradiction in terms. It’s a fine balance between being creative and passionate, yet ambitious and business minded. You need to be a sensitive artist and a thick skinned sales person. Yes, you need to be able to be able to take great pictures but that alone is not enough to succeed in this industry.
Over the years I have represented a diverse range of photographers: their work ranging from photojournalism to packshots, celebrity portraits to architecture. I have witnessed why some succeed where others fail: why some seem to keep clients whilst others don’t.
So, have you got what it takes? Do the following quiz to find out!
1) You want to be a photographer because…
A- You won’t have to deal with paperwork
B- You want to be your own boss
C- You can work when you feel like it
2) You want to spend your days…?
A- Being creative
B- Building a business
C- Building an empire
3) You like to spend your weekends…
A- You won’t have any spare weekends, you’ll be in constant demand for work
B- With your friends and family, and your camera just in case
C- Socialising and on your other hobbies, it’s a time to put down the camera.
4) A friend tells you they don’t like your pictures, how do you react?
A- Sulk. How dare they?
B- Ask them why and try to take the criticism constructively
C- Take it personally and feel disheartened.
5) Which of the below best describes you?
A- A Creative genius
B- Motivated and ambitious
C- Not one to take risks
6) What’s your perfect day?
A- Shouting orders to your crew in the studio and being told how brilliant you are.
B- Catching the best early morning light at getting the perfect shot for your portfolio, then finding out you’ve won a photography competition and going to a private view in the evening for a bit of networking.
C- A nice lay in, catch up with some mates for lunch, bit of shopping, down the pub.
7) What is a model release form?
A- Something you’d get you’re agent to deal with , you’ll just be concentrating on taking the pictures.
B- A necessary bit of paperwork to get the model’s permission to allow you to reproduce the image without there being any repercussions
C- A form that allows the model to go home, err, no not sure, but you’d like to know more about organizing shoots.
8) Your shooting a job on location when there’s a heavy storm, what do you do?
A- Go off in a strop. You can’t work under these conditions
B- Think on your feet and work out a different approach to the brief so you can still shoot whilst you’ve got all the crew there. Get some fantastic shots of the dramatic weather
C- Panic. You can’t deal with all this unpredictability.
9) How long does it take to start earning a decent salary as a full time photographer on average?
A- 4 months
B- 4 years
C- hopefully straightaway as you need to money coming in every month to pay for your rent, your loan, your car, etc.
10) You want to be a photographer because…
A- You can make a fast buck
B- You can combine what you love doing with your natural business acumen
C- Seems like a nice life
Tally up your answers and find out if you’ve got what it takes to be a successful professional photographer!
Mostly A. The deluded Prima Donna
Well you certainly don’t lack the confidence. You may or may not be a good photographer but you have to remember you are providing a professional client service and its not all about me, me, me. Its important to develop your business skills as your photography skills, even if one day you do have an agent, a producer, a p.a, a p.r, and four assistants you are still responsible for running your business. Its crucial you work on your people skills too, photography is very much a people business- that diva attitude is a bit passé! You need to be able to nurture relationships with clients and treat anyone that works with you with respect to get the best out of them. Do yourself a favour and actually listen to others- they may have something worthwhile to say.
Mostly B. Move over Mario!
You seem to have what it takes to be a top professional photographer. You have enough passion for your photography and motivation to make it work as a freelance career. You have the gritty determination to reach your creative and financial goals, along with the ability to find a work/ life balance. You’re seem to understand that this isn’t the kind of industry where you make a ‘quick buck’. You are passionate about photography so accept that to be a and that to be success requires a lot of patience and hard work. You can take criticism on the chin and appreciate you need to sell yourself. You’re focused and driven yet flexible to clients needs. You know your limitations and appreciate you have a lot to learn from others. Congratulations, now read on and lets get you up and running
Mostly C – You might need a Plan B?
I’m not sure you are cut out to be a professional photographer. You don’t really seem to appreciate the demands of being a freelance creative or have the constitution to put up with the unpredictability. This isn’t going to a 9-5 job with a secure salary, holiday pay and a pension plan. You’ll need to be 100% enthusiastic about being a full time photographer and finding your own clients. Are you willing to invest time, money and energy, to make sacrifices?- I’m not so sure. But , don’t despair, you obviously have an interest in photography else you wouldn’t be reading this in the first place. Whilst being in charge and behind the camera might not be your cup of tea there are many other careers the other side of the lens that might be perfect for you.
by : Lisa Pritchard
Hari 28
part 1 | part 2
Ok. Sori lambat post. Busy main twitter. Ni bahagian kedua siri mengshoot gig aku. Aku takde lah hebat bangat. Ni first time shoot bende cenggini. Bantai saja apa nak jadi, asalkan dapat belajar. kalau korang nak tau aku edit pakai apa. Jawapannya pakai lightroom2 versi haram download torrent. Kalau nak preset ke ape ke. Sila PM ke ape-ape cara yg korang nak. Cakap banyak taknak. Ni bukan blog sebar dakyah2 ke ape. Ini blog fotografi je. Oleh sebab itu, mari kita tengok sahaja :)
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Ingat lagi tak band ni. Quarter After One. Hari tu aku di ajak untuk shoot band ni, tapi nak buat macam mana, ada aral melintang. Hahahahaha. Tak sempat aku nak shoot band ni. Takpe lain kali aku akan shoot band ni balik. Sebab aku sampai lambat, aku dapat shoot dua band je, tapi tu pun jenuh jugak la nak memilih dan mengedit. Agak terhad jugak la idea nak shoot gig ni. Tercabar jiwa lelaki gua yang rakus ni. Tapi apa-apa pun jom tengok sikit hasil aku. Kalau nak komen dipersilakan. Nak puji lagi la di alukan..hahahaha.
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Hari 23
Hari ni aku balik, rasa banyak pulak kenangan. Haih. Kepada sempai-sempai yang nak balik. Thanks for everything.
Korang yg baca blog aku mesti terfikir kan. Kenapa aku tak tulis pasal cara2 edit gambar kan.Alasannya ialah aku rasa belajar pasal teknik mengambil gambar lebih penting. Oleh sebab itu aku pun mengajarlah pasal composition,teknik dan lain2 kat sini. Lagipun blog ni baru lagi kan,aku rasa bersalah jugak la kalau tak ajar benda paling basic kat sini.
Bagi aku, edit gambar dan teknik ambil gambar(composition dan lain2) adalah 50-50 dalam menentukan gambar yg cantik.Kalau composition hampeh payah jugak nak edit sampai jadi cantik.Sama jugak la, kalau composition dh nice dah tapi edit pulak lebih2 jadi buruk. Itu kerugian jugak la.Tips aku untuk edit gambar,edit je la macam mana korang suka, asalkan gambar korang jadi cantik.Tu je..hahaha
Lagi satu aku tak ajar kat sini pasal edit sebab software makin lama makin cangih dag makin update.Apa yang aku tulis tahun ni,tah2 dua tiga tahun depan org tak baca dah. Dulu orang pakai photoshop, sekarang dah ramai pakai lightroom. Kalau aku ajar pasal teknik,sampai bila-bila org boleh baca pasal ni. Tapi mugkin pada masa hadapan, aku akan buat tutorial photoshop atau lightroom. Kalau korang nak la :p
Hari 18
Advices for photographer :
1.Follow your own style, not trends.
2.There are no rules in photography (rule of third etc. is just a guide).
3.Constantly experiment and innovate.
Ni post kedua pasal lens. Post pertama klik sini. Ada kat sini aku nak senaraikan beberapa faktor yang kena fikir sebelum beli sesuatu lens.
Lens speed ni adalah benda pertama yang kita kena consider dalam mebeli lens. Lens yang laju bermaksud aperture yang tinggi (f stop rendah). Maksudnya, cahaya dapat masuk dengan banyak even dalam keadaan gelap. Aperture paling besar aku pernah jumpa ialah f1.4 tapi agak mahal la. Dan kalau aperture besar quality bokeh pun akan up. Sebenarnya, kalau lens yang ber aperture rendah pun tak salah. Contohnya kit lens 18-55mm f3.5-f5.6, tapi kadang-kadang dalam keadaan gelap kena pakai flash atau sumber cahaya untuk dapat gambar yang cantik. Tu pandai-pandai korang la nak settle macam mana.
Focal length ni maksudnya nilai mm kat lens tu. Lagi tinggi nilai mm tu, lagi jauh korang boleh zoom. Part ni aku tak boleh cakap banyak sebab semuanya bergantung kat korang nak buat photography jenis macam mana.
Ini adalah jarak hujung lens dengan subject. Benda ni berguna kalau korang minat macro atau close up photography.
Function ni berguna untuk elakkan camera shake. Selalunya kebanyakan lens dah ada IS ni. Tapi ada yang takde. Ikut korang kalau nak atau tak. Sebab kalau lens yang ada IS ni harganya akan naik sikit. Bagi aku IS ni penting kalau lens korang panjang (focal length tinggi). Sebab, semakin zoom semain shake camera, so IS sangat penting time ni.
Build dan quality setiap lens berbeza. Kalau lens mahal qualitynya memang mantap dan selalunya agak berat. Lens murah pulak kadang-kadang nampak macam plastik dan ringan. Jatuh sekali boleh pecah. Tapi bagi aku benda ni takde lah penting sangat asalkan korang tau jaga lens dan tak campak-campak lens.
Yang ni aku tak boleh cakap banyak. Isi poket berbeza bagi setiap orang. Bagi CANON, lens yang bergelang merah adalah lens yang mahal (L series). Tapi bagi orang yang tak berduit dan biasa, aku nasihatkan korang pakai lens yang murah dulu selama 2-3 tahun, bagi master setting-setting camera, tau apa tu aperture, iso, shutter speed, white balance dan lain-lain settings yang korang tak pernah usik, pastu barulah fikir untuk beli lens. Ni baru beli camera beberapa bulan dah tukar lens, amende tu? Tau la korang banyak duit. Bagi pendapat aku, jenis lens takde lah mainkan perananyang sangat penting dalam quality gambar anda. Yang penting adalah cahaya dan Point Of View korang. So betulkan skill tu dulu.
Dekat luar tu ada banyak brand camera. Dan banyak juga third party lens. Kalau korang pakai Nikon, tak smestinya lens kena nikon. Boleh je pakai Tamron atau Sigma. Maksud aku takde lah third party lens tu hebat. Tapi mungkin lens diorang murah dan quality dia sama dengan lens Canon atau Nikon. Bagi aku, setiap brand ada lens yang tak best dan best. So, sebelum beli lens baik korang buat research sikit dan bandingkan mana yang berbaloi.
Salam. Rasa mcm dah lama tak menulis tip-tip fotografi kat sini. Tak mampu nak update blog sangat. Busy la dengan exam dan projek 365 kebelakangan ni. Tapi kali ni aku nak cakap pasal kesabaran dalam fotografi.
Macam ni kisahnya. Kadang-kadang fotografi ni kita kena banyak bersabar dan jangan give up. Contohnya, kalau anda minat ambik gambar landscape. Antara gambar landscape yang best bila sunset ataupun sunrise. Dan untuk ambik gambar ni anda kena bersabar menunggu. Dan tips aku dalam ambik gambar sunset ni, timing warna langit yang terbaik ialah 20 minit selepas masuk waktu maghrib. Masa tu langit akan jadi merah oren ke biru gelap. Dalam istilah fotografinya ialah GOLDEN HOUR. Time ni lah selalunya orang tertunggu-tunggu. Sebab time golden hour ni, langit anda akan jadi lagi dramatic dan tak bosan.
Lagi satu contoh, bagi peminat street candid. Anda memerlukan timing yang tepat untuk ambik gambar yang best. Street candid bukan setakat duduk kat tepi jalan snap ikut suka hati. Mata kena alert tengok sekeliling. cari mangsa yang best. Pastu baru snap. Ini baru namanya professional.
Bawah ni adalah contoh gambar.