I'm pretty sure that I'll go to the grave never having learned to type with more than just two fingers. Oh, well. I'm working on a couple of projects at the moment. One is a novel, "A Train Runs Through Here." I hope to have it finished by the December of 200?. I've enjoyed struggling with my flash fiction, and can't wait to see where else this journey will take me. The other biggish project I'm working on is a surreal novel set on a Greek island. My mom and dad inspired this novel with their tales of growing up in post war Greece. I've linked some of my work below. My collection, "Setting Fires," is pretty much complete.
Swineherds and Swillpits
The Marker
A Landscape and a Horse to Ride
The Mule Killer
Mother Nigeria
Hanging Tree
Gardening , The Cellist
A Short Review
The Sea Witch
A Fond Memory of Lovingkindness , Thalassolicos
Plethora , Ouzo
A Regular Bastard
Sister Gwendolyn
An Unpleasant Lot
The Last Man
Bingo and the Rib Eye
Fat Boy Breathing , She Was Always Right
Broken Curfew
Firm , Trooper
The Whale Watcher
A Fire in the Belly
Billy's Shadow
Baseball: A Life
A Terrible Mistake