Buy it now, or regret it later is the motto for anyone who shops at an antique show. I can't tell you how many times people will "think" about something and walk away and the next person coming in your tent snatches it up. Then the first looker comes back to buy that desired item, just to be told "sorry, it's sold". So, my first advice to anyone hunting for treasures, don't want until later...if you see something you like, buy it now, later may be too late.
On with the show! We usually do the Burton Antique show since it is close to home and I can really fill up our tent. We took three loads of goodies down and came back with 1-1/2 and that includes my tables and tent. We did good.
A few years ago we were tagged "The Chic Shak". We always have items women love but we also cater to the men. My first photo is a picture of a chalkboard that my daughter and I made a few days before the show. We had best intentions of selling it until she suggested we write "Welcome to The Chic Shak" on it. That was it, it's mine lol. We had so many comments on it, so many people wanted to buy it but, I just couldn't part with it.
We used an old dresser mirror frame that I have saved for a long time (because I liked it...hint hint) and I primed it, painted it and sprayed a protective coating on it. My daughter made the chalkboard after I cut the wood for it. Isn't is awesome! All that carved wood, who could give it up?
Back to the show. I hopefully have enough photos from inside the tent. We sold all but one footstool my daughter recovered and painted. We still have the PINK one! I am so happy! I didn't want to sell it but we put it out anyway, One lady wanted to buy it and offered some silly price for it...said she'd have to pay to have it covered, she didn't like the pink strip fabric...LOLOLOLOLOLO, oh sorry. No thanks, we'll keep it.
I was a tad disappointed that the larger pieces of furniture I took didn't sell but...you know me, I have a plan to unload it.
Okay, back to the show again...some of the first things we sold again were the items that my daughter planted flowers in. She did good! I'm thinking all we need to take is recovered footstools and flowers in odd ball planters this fall!
For the most part the weather cooperated. It was hot, humid, sticky, cloudy, a few spot of showers (normal for Burton Ohio). We survived!
If anyone ever tells you that doing a show is easy, they've never done a show. It's a lot of work! Hunting down items to resale, cleaning, painting, recovering, pricing, packing, setting up, making your display attractive, dealing with the weather in an outside show, and yes, sometimes dealing with the public. There's always "one" in every crowd.
We had people that came in and asked to take photos of our layout. No problem, it happens every year. I take that as a compliment.
We had so many people ask us where our shop was so they could visit it...ouch, that's the part that is hard to deal with. I loved our shop but am not ready to commit to one again. I just tell them..."hopefully, see you next show".
Thanks to my sister-in-law who came down to help us, she's a pretty special gal who my brother is lucky to have! That pretty much sums up this show....next adventure...who knows...only the blog will tell!