Saturday, September 15, 2007

Grandpa stopped by on his way to visit Luke last week. Here he is with Dallin.
We got to meet Barbie as Island Princess today at the zoo.

We made paper bag puppets for our family home evening activity last Monday.

Here's Grandpa with Adriana.

So the latest funny thing that Adriana said: I was doing 2 digit flashcards with Ariel and Adriana and at first Adriana was just guessing, and then she caught on and could identify ninety-five and fifty-six but when we got to 24 she said "twoty-four". It was really funny.
Dallin rolled over from his back to his front today. Lately whenever the girls kiss him, he reaches out and grabs their hair. Maybe I won't have to tell them not to kiss him so much anymore.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Quote of the Day

"When Ariel grows up if she bes a gingerbread man, I will run faster than her," Adriana.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

This is our latest attepmt at a family picture.

Sometimes Ariel writes us notes early in the morning or when we are taking our Sunday afternoon nap. This one says "Sorry Annika got hurt. Just Kidding."

Sunday, September 2, 2007

last week in pictures

I just had Ariel take this picture of me holding Dallin because I didn't have any other ones of him this week. Isn't he gorgeous?
This is Adriana in front of the CEU Prehistoric Museum in Price.
The whole gang at Grandma Beth's house
Annika riding Papa like Mowgli at Jacob and Emily's house. She has her pajamas on because we were counting on her falling asleep in the car on the way home, which she did.
Adriana brushing Annika's hair and Annika letting her. Notice Adriana's new haircut.
Ariel in front of her school on the first day.

I guess I like to post pictures more than write in my blog lately. I wish that more people would leave comments. Maybe I will start e-mailing everyone everytime I post. I quess I just don't know if anyone but Emily is even reading. Well I guess it will be kind of like family history for us than anyway even if no one else cares :( Sob sob.
Just kidding.

Lately I have been awed and amazed at authors. How could anyone have so much talent as to create a whole world with people who have individual believable personalities of their own. And they interact and interesting things happen to them.
I just remembered something interesting that happened to us. While we were at the dinosaur museum, Adriana was having so much fun, that she forgot to go to the bathroom and had a little pee-pee accident. So of course the super mom that I am had to solve the problem. We had no extra panties or pants for her in the car, but we went out anyway to investigate what we did have. I wanted her not only to be acceptable in public but also dry for our long drive home. I have an "emergency" bag in the car that has sweatshirts and socks for everyone in the family, but nothing that would really help with our problem. I looked in the diaper bag and found an extra pair of knit pants that I had brought for Dallin. I wasn't sure if they were going to fit Adriana who is four, but I grabbed them anyway and one of Annika's diapers because I thought that would be better than nothing. We got to the public restroom and she finished peeing and took off her pants and panties and tried on Dallin's pants. She just happens to be so skinny that the pants looked just like shorts her size. So, phew, we were saved.