Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Παρασκευή 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022


 Οι Τέκτονες πιστεύουν τώρα στον δικό τους απρόσωπο Θεό που αποκάλεσε τον ΜΑΤΣ, αυτόν τον Μεγάλο Αρχιτέκτονα του Σύμπαντος. Οι στοές δεν θα είναι ημισταυρός ή εικόνα του Χριστού. Ο Υιός και ο Λόγος του Θεού, ο Κύριος και Σωτήρας σας Ιησούς Χριστός, αυτά είναι για ένα απλό μυστικό, όπως ο Πυθαγόρας, ο Βούδας και άλλοι. 

Το σκωτσέζικο μασονικό δόγμα που δημιουργήθηκε το 1804 περιλαμβάνει 3 μυήσεις και 33 μοίρες. Ο τρίτος βαθμός είναι μια τελετή γύρω από τον δολοφονικό θάνατο του Δασκάλου Χιράμ και την αναζήτηση λειψάνων. Πράγματι, η Παλαιά Διαθήκη μιλά για έναν Χιράμ της Τύρου που προσκλήθηκε από τον Βασιλιά Σολομώντα να βοηθήσει στην οικοδόμηση του Ναού στην Ιερουσαλήμ. Το μόνο έξω, αλλά σχετικά με τη δολοφονία, ανακτήστε τα λείψανα, κ.λπ. είναι εντελώς φανταστικό και μυθικό. 

Ο Τεκτονισμός, όπως είναι γνωστός σήμερα, δεν είναι απλός φιλανθρωπικός και φιλοσοφικός οργανισμός, όπως υποστηρίζουν οι υποστηρικτές του. Είναι μια υπερθρίσκεια με συγκρητιστικό χαρακτήρα. Είναι αυτή η απόδειξη της ειδωλολατρίας των δασκάλων και των μυστικιστών Εβραίων και Χριστιανών. Οι μασόνοι πιστεύουν ότι είναι μια παγκόσμια αδελφότητα. Αδερφέ αποκαλούν τον καθένα που τους ανήκει, είτε είναι Μουσουλμάνος είτε Βουδιστής είτε οτιδήποτε άλλο, ενώ οι μη Μασόνοι το αποκαλούν ιερόσυλο, ακόμα κι αν είναι χριστιανός. 

Ο Τεκτονισμός είναι θρησκεία και βασίζεται κυρίως στα αρχαία παγανιστικά μυστήρια. Ο ναός πρέπει να τον ονομάσει στοά, όπου γίνονται διάφορες τελετές: Λυκιδαίος υιοθεσίας (κάτι παρόμοιο με το χριστιανικό βάπτισμα), γάμος, μνημόσυνο και άλλα. Έχουν πτυχιούχους που αποδίδουν τις τελετές τους, ντυμένοι με ειδικές στολές, όπως ο Σεβασμιώτατος, ο Σεβασμιώτατος, ο Διδάσκαλος, ο Μέγας Διδάσκαλος, επόπτες. Χρησιμοποιώντας διαφορετικά σύμβολα. Κάπου φαίνεται η Βίβλος, αλλά όχι όπως εννοούμε εμείς οι Χριστιανοί, αλλά σαν ένα απλό σύμβολο. Στις μυστηριώδεις τελετουργίες που χρησιμοποιούν ανθρώπινο σκελετό και σε κάποιο βαθμό απαιτούν το μυούμενο στην Τεκτονική να πίνει κρασί στο κρανίο που το έχουν κάνει να μοιάζει με Κύπελλο. 

Ένας Τέκτονας δεν είναι υποχρεωμένος να αλλάξει την πίστη του. Ένας χριστιανός μπορεί ακόμα να είναι χριστιανός και ένας μουσουλμάνος να είναι μουσουλμάνος, μαζί με την μασονική ικανότητα. 

Το ερώτημα όμως γεννιέται. Επιτρέπεται στον Χριστιανό να είναι και Μασόνος. 

Πέμπτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Prophet Muhammad DEMON POSSESSED read my subs

The scriptures describe such an experience with a demon-possessed child (Mark 9:18-20 KJV) And wherever (the devil) takes him, he tears it up: and it foams, it gnashes with his teeth, and he is missed. : and I told his disciples to cast out him (the devil), and they couldn't. He answered him and said: O faithless generation, how long will I be with you? How much longer will I suffer you? bring it to me. And they brought him to him, and seeing it, immediately the soul tare it; and he fell to the ground and rolled in foam. "According to non-Quranic sources, Muhammad's first mystical experience is allegedly being attacked by two men who cut his stomach in search of something. After his stepmother found him standing up and didn't look like a victim, he thought he was possessed by demons. Angels later cleared the hearts of his non-existent attackers. He claimed that in 610 AD the Qur'an received the first of a series of Revelations from God through the angel GABRIEL. His first disciple was his wife, then his cousin Ali, then his slave, and then his friend Abu Bakr. (a now-deleted version of Sura 53:19 advocating the worship of al-Lat, al-'Uzza, and Manat), later the angel GABRIEL rebuked Muhammad for claiming the divine inspiration of this verse, and T, did it on his own while under the power of the devil) preaching to unbelievers." (1) Muhammad claimed that ANGEL GABRIEL FROM HEAVEN gave him this “OTHER GOSPEL”. God knew that false prophets like Muhammad would appear to deceive many. He warned the saints that anyone preaching a different gospel, even from an angel from heaven, would be "cursed." Jehovah God foretold through Paul that one day a man like Mohammed would claim that an angel from heaven had given him another gospel! (Gal 1:8 KJV) But even if we, or an ANGEL from heaven, preach to you a gospel other than the one we have preached to you, damn him. (Matthew 24:11 KJV) And many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. (Revelation 20:10 KJV) And the Devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever


when the plane of the sun crashes, One night

without doing any special prayer I saw in

my dream one little girl, she said to me,
do you know me? No my love who are you? I

was in the airplane Helios with my mother
brother and father, we had one other baby

but we didn't take it with us, Pity NOW WE
ARE IN Paradise and didn't know that paradise

is so nice, and we didn't the baby with us,
Pity I didn't know that paradise is so nice.

US. and we are alone in paradise. Another

the night I saw another girl 10,12 years old?
she said to me, my name is Evelin do you know

me? I say to her no.WE WERE in the aeroplane
ilios. You were not scared? No, we were not

on the airplane when it went down. Our Angels
took us to Christ some minutes before the

plane goes down. I asked her ..you didn't
pass from toll houses? What is that? The devils.

we didn't see any devils. Our Angels took
us to Jesus. Christ crowned us as witnesses

and we are happy. You want to see my mother?
before I even say anything, I was in paradise,

a very nice place full of flowers, I asked
her mother, what are you doing now? I cut

flowers from my garden to give to the saint
Phanourios that celebrate today. The day after

tomorrow saint prodromos celebrate. the Baptist
beheaded, and he is very happy being close

to christ For you the people that you were
on earth when you hear about the accident,

You said tragedy, but for us was the best
time of our life. we are very happy with Christ

BECAUSE without asking us he put us in paradise.
I am happy because I am with my family here.

There is no night here. Each time we know
who celebrates. we are very happy with Christ

BECAUSE without asking us he put us in paradise.
I am happy because I am with my family here.

there is no night here. each time we know
who celebrates. while she was talking to me

I woke up from sleep. after a while, some
other people who had relatives in the airplane

started asking about their own relatives who
were on the plane. I said to God. I am the

reason now to cause such a problem? to the
people for the rest of the people who were

in the airplane not knowing the rest of the
families if their relatives are in paradise?

You want to see my mother? before I even say
anything, I was in paradise, a 

very nice place fall of flowers, I asked her
mother, what are you doing now? I cut flowers

from my garden to give to the saint that celebrates
today. for you the people that you were on

earth when you hear about the accident, you
said tragedy, but for us was the best time

of our life. we are very happy with Christ
BECAUSE without asking us he put us in paradise.

I am happy because I am with my family here.
there is no night here. Each time we know

who celebrates. while she was talking to me
I woke up from sleep. everyone was passing

in front of me introducing himself, and there
was one lady, saying to me, I was pregnant

was 5 months pregnant with my child. I am
in paradise with my husband and child. Did

I ask her how come? I say to her the unbaptized
the baby was saved?.she replied, I was baptized

and christ accepted it as baptized. after
a while, some other people who had relatives

in the airplane started asking about their
own relatives who were on the plane. I said

to God. I am the reason now to cause such
a problem to the people for the rest of 

the people who were in the airplane not knowing

rest of the families if their relatives are
in olso in paradise? After 2,3 nights I see

another dream, a lot of people came to visit
me saying to me we all that we are all here

in, Paradise, and each one of them was passing
in front of me introduced himself, saying

who was telling me all their story, but I
don't remember all of their names. that is,

the embryos are alive; now I will tell you
something, Someday some people went to father

Paisios, And 
told him that in Cyprus there is a nun saying

to us to light candles for the unborn babies
Paisios said to them, don't listen to her

...she is crazy that there are no unborn babies
in the afterlife. in the night he saw a dream,

hearing a lot of voices crying loud seeking
help from God, He then asked someone near

him who are these....and they told him that
are the unborn babies that their mothers killed.

and the next day father Paisios told them
yes, light candles...There is a soul

Τετάρτη 21 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022


Κανείς δεν ξέρει πότε θα έρθει ο αντίχριστος, όπως μας λέει η Βίβλος, αλλά τα σημάδια του ερχομού του αντίχριστου είναι ήδη εδώ. Βλέποντας τέτοιους διωγμούς κατά της πίστεως και προσπάθειες καταστροφής της, καθώς και πολλά άλλα, πρέπει να σκεφτούμε ότι πλησιάζει ο καιρός. Ωστόσο, είναι αδύνατο να πούμε. Υπήρχαν φορές πριν που οι άνθρωποι νόμιζαν ότι είχε έρθει ο αντίχριστος. για παράδειγμα, ο Πέτρος [ο Μέγας]. Αλλά αργότερα φάνηκε ότι ήταν λάθος, ότι ο κόσμος εξακολουθεί να υπάρχει. Ναι, και τι νόημα έχουν τέτοιες απαριθμήσεις; Ένα μόνο πράγμα είναι σημαντικό - ότι η συνείδησή μαςνα είσαι καθαρός σε όλα. Κρατήστε γερά την Ορθόδοξη πίστη και ζήστε μια ηθικά ορθή ζωή σύμφωνα με τις εντολές του Θεού, για να είστε έτοιμοι ανά πάσα στιγμή. Και γι' αυτό δεν χρειάζεται να το αναβάλουμε σε κάποιο άγνωστο μέλλον και να χρησιμοποιήσουμε τον παρόντα χρόνο για μετάνοια και διόρθωση: Ιδού, τώρα είναι η αποδεκτή ώρα. ιδού, τώρα είναι η ημέρα της σωτηρίας (Β' Κορ. 6:2).

Άγιος Νίκων

Είναι αμαρτωλό να επιθυμούμε να ζήσουμε μέχρι την εποχή του αντίχριστου . Θα υπάρξουν τέτοιες στενοχώριες που, όπως ειπώθηκε, δύσκολα θα σωθούν και οι εκλεκτοί. Είναι όμως επικίνδυνο και αμαρτωλό να αναζητάς τα βάσανα . Αυτό προέρχεται από υπερηφάνεια και ανοησία.

— Άγιος Νίκων

Το πνεύμα του αντίχριστου ενεργούσε από τους αποστολικούς χρόνους μέσω των προκατόχων του, όπως γράφει ο Απόστολος: Διότι το μυστήριο της ανομίας ήδη ενεργεί· μόνο αυτός που τώρα αφήνει θα αφήσει, μέχρις ότου φύγει από την οδό(2 Θεσ. 2:7). Τα λόγια του αποστόλου «[δεν θα γίνει] έως ότου», σχετίζονται με τις κυρίαρχες αρχές και τις εκκλησιαστικές αρχές, εναντίον των οποίων οι πρόδρομοι του αντίχριστου θα επαναστατήσουν για να τους εξαφανίσουν και να τους καταστρέψουν στη γη. γιατί ο αντίχριστος, σύμφωνα με την ερμηνεία της Αγίας Γραφής, πρέπει να έρθει σε καιρό αναρχίας στη γη. Αλλά ενώ κάθεται στον πάτο της κόλασης, εργάζεται μέσω των προκατόχων του. Πρώτα εργάστηκε μέσω διαφόρων αιρετικών που έφεραν σύγχυση στην Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία, και ιδιαίτερα μέσω των Αρειανών, ανθρώπων που ήταν μορφωμένοι και σε αυλές βασιλέων, και μετά δούλεψε πονηρά μέσω μορφωμένων Μασόνων και τέλος, τώρα μέσω μορφωμένων μηδενιστών άρχισε να εργάζονται με θρασύτητα και ωμά, πέρα ​​από κάθε μέτρο. Αλλά η αρρώστια τους θα επιστρέψει στα δικά τους κεφάλια, όπως είναι γραμμένο στη Γραφή. Δεν είναι ακραία τρέλα να κοπιάζεις με όλη σου τη δύναμη, χωρίς να γλυτώνεις τη ζωή σου, μόνο για να κρεμαστείς από μια θηλιά εδώ στη γη και στο μέλλον η ζωή να καταλήξεις στον πάτο της κόλασης, στα τάρταρα, για αιώνιο μαρτύριο ? Αλλά η απελπισμένη περηφάνια τους δεν βλέπει τίποτα ούτε θέλει. θέλουν να εκφράσουν την απερίσκεπτη απερισκεψία τους σε όλους.

— Άγιος Αμβρόσιος

Φοβάσαι να ζήσεις μέχρι την εποχή του αντίχριστου. Ο Κύριος είναι ελεήμων. Εσείς και εγώ δεν είναι πιθανό να ζήσουμε μέχρι εκείνη την εποχή, αλλά είμαστε λίγο φοβισμένοι από τους προδρόμους του αντίχριστου που επιτίθενται στην Εκκλησία και στις βασιλεύουσες αρχές. γιατί ο αντίχριστος πρέπει να έρθει σε μια εποχή πλήρους αναρχίας, και αυτό είναι που εργάζονται οι πρόδρομοι του αντίχριστου


Παρασκευή 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

λόγια - Σοφίας

"Γνώριζε ότι χωρίς πειρασμούς βρίσκεται μακριά από το δρόμο του Θεού και δεν περπατάς στα ίχνη των αγίων", Ισαάκ ό Σύρος.-"Είναι ανάγκη να προσεύχεται κανείς πάντοτε και ασταμάτητα, και εκείνος που βρίσκεται σε θλίψη και εκείνος που ζει με άνεση", Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος.-"Οι απολαύσεις και οι αμαρτωλές ηδονές και τα αναρίθμητα κακά γεννιούνται από τα πολλά χρήματα", Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος.-"Βλέποντας ο Θεός ότι αυτά που κατορθώνεις εσύ με τη δύναμη τ' αποδίδεις στο Θεό, και Αυτός με τη σειρά Του σου χαρίζει τα δικά Του, τα πνευματικά, τα θεία", Άγιος Μακάριος ο Αιγύπτιος.-"Αν ο άνθρωπος δεν έχει στην καρδιά του την πεποίθηση ότι είναι αμαρτωλός, ο Θεός δεν τον εισακούει", Γεροντικό (Αββάς Μωυσής, 16).-"Θα μας ζητηθεί να λογοδοτήσουμε όχι για κάθε λόγο και πράξη μας, αλλά και για κάθε χρόνο, ακόμη και για κάθε στιγμή και λεπτό της ώρας", Γρηγόριος Θεολόγος-"Αν δεν υπήρχαν αντίπαλοι, δε θα υπήρχαν αγώνες. Κι αν δεν υπήρχαν αγώνες, δεν θα υπήρχαν στεφάνια", Άγιος Θεοφύλακτος.-"Όταν δίνει ο Θεός, δεν έχει δύναμη ο φθόνος και όταν δεν δίνει, δεν έχει δύναμη ο κόπος", Γρηγόριος Θεολόγος.-Και ο πονηρός πειράζει και ταλαιπωρεί την ψυχή όσο θέλει αλλά όσο του επιτρέπει ο Θεός", Άγιος Εφραίμ ο Σύρος.-"Να σέβεσαι το Θεό με έργα σεμνά, να Τον υμνείς με λόγια και να Τον τιμάς με τη σκέψη", Άγιος Ιωάννης ο Δαμασκηνός.-Ας κερδίσουμε τις ψυχές με τις ελεημοσύνες, ας δώσουμε από τα υπάρχοντα μας στους φτωχούς, για να γίνουμε πλούσιοι σε ουράνια αγαθά", Γρηγόριος Θεολόγος.-Αντισταθείτε στον Διάβολο στερεοί στην πίστη. Και ο Θεός αφού υποφέρετε λίγο, θα σας κρατήσει, θα σας στηρίξει", (Α' Πέτρ. ε' 9-10).-Η εξομολόγηση είναι ένας τρόπος, για να έλθει ο άνθρωπος στο Θεό. Είναι προσφορά της αγάπης του Θεού στον άνθρωπο", Άγιος Γέροντας Πορφύριος -Η παρρησία προς τον Θεό αποκτάται από την καθαρή συνείδηση και τα έργα της αρετής", Άγιος Ισαάκ ο Σύρος.-Όσο πνευματικός άνθρωπος είναι κάποιος, τόσο λιγότερα δικαιώματα έχει σ' αυτή τη ζωή", Γέροντας Παΐσιος Αγιορείτης.-Κανείς και τίποτα να μη σε φοβίζει. Κι αν ακόμη είναι αναρίθμητοι οι εχθροί, δαίμονες και ασεβείς άνθρωποι, ο δικός μας υπερασπιστής είναι ισχυρότερος", Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος.-Κανένας δεν μπορεί να γνωρίσει την αδυναμία του, αν δεν πέσει σε σωματικούς πειρασμούς. Τότε προσεύχεται και συντρίβεται και ταπεινώνεται", Ισαάκ ο Σύρος.-Η αδιαντροπιά είναι ιδιαίτερο γνώρισμα του κακού και τιποτένιου ανθρώπου και η ντροπή του σπουδαίου", Μέγας Φώτιος.-Οι άνθρωποι όσο πλησιάζουν τον Θεό, πλησιάζουν ο ένας τον άλλον. Και πάλι όσο πλησιάζουν ο ένας τον άλλον, τόσο πλησιάζουν και τον Θεό", Αββάς Δωρόθεος.-"Ο Θεός, που γνωρίζει τις δυνατότητες των ανθρώπων, επιτρέπει και τη δύναμη του διαβόλου να ενεργεί διαφορετικά σε κάθε άνθρωπο", Άγιος Μακάριος ο Αιγύπτιος.-Προσέχετε να μην κάνετε την ελεημοσύνη σας μπροστά στους ανθρώπους για να σας δούν" (Ματθ. στ' 1-6, 16-18).-Τα μυστήρια του Θεού αποκαλύπτονται στους ταπεινόφρονες", Άγιος Ισαάκ ο Σύρος.-Όσα κατορθώνουμε με τη χάρη του Θεού, πρέπει να τα ανακοινώνουμε και σε άλλους, για να δοξάζεται ο Θεός", Μέγας Βασίλειος.-Αν μας κατέλαβε φρόνημα κενοδοξίας και αλαζονείας και τυφλωθήκαμε από έπαρση, πέφτουμε αναπόφευκτα στο ίδιο αμάρτημα με το διάβολο", Μέγας Βασίλειος.-Τίποτε δεν δυσαρεστεί τόσο τους περισσότερους ακροατές, όσο το να εγκωμιάζει κανείς τον εαυτό του", Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος.-"Η αδικία είναι μεγάλη αμαρτία. Όλες οι αμαρτίες έχουν ελαφρυντικά, η αδικία δεν έχει' μαζεύει οργή Θεού. Φοβερό!", Γέροντας Παΐσιος Αγιορείτης.-Μεγάλο αγαθό είναι το να ελεεί κάποιος τους φτωχούς. Αλλά τίποτε δεν είναι τόσο μεγάλο, όσο το να απαλλάσει κάποιον από την πλάνη", Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος.-Μην προσφέρεσαι να ακούς τους λόγους του καταλάλου, ούτε να μιλάς σε εκείνον που από εμπάθεια κατηγορεί τους πάντες", Μάξιμος ο Ομολογητής.-"Η προσευχή δεν χρειάζεται ορισμένη στάση, ορισμένους τόπους και καιρούς, αλλά γενναίο και νηφάλιο φρόνημα", Άγιος Ιωάννης Χρυσόστομος-"Τα δάκρυα για τους νεκρούς εξατμίζονται, τα λουλούδια μαραίνονται, αλλά η προσευχή ανεβαίνει ως τον θρόνο του Θεού", Ιερός Αυγουστίνος.


Τετάρτη 14 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Entering Ancient Orthodoxy-READ MY SUBS

The time that Orthodoxy will prevail is near We know that it is not only the natural laws, but also spiritual. Therefore, the wrath of God can not be addressed by cooperative sinners (why double rage will become), but by repentance and adherence to orders Lord. Elder Sophronius of Mount Athos (1993) telling the Essex, England like Saint Paisius: "The Union of Churches is difficult if not impossible for them. speak for the Union Churches do not know the mentality of the heterodox or level Orthodoxy. Saint Paisius the above knowledge, advises everyone to be more restrained because there will be the time when the Lord will present the Marcus Polite and fast palms to gather all scandalized our brethren, to confess the Orthodox faith, to clinch tradition and give great joy to our Mother. Essentially the elder prophesying a truly Orthodox Synod Perhaps the 8th. Ecumenical Council for which prophesied to become the Holy Nile Myrovlytis: Then he made at the eighth meeting, and wants to choose good from evil, ie Orthodoxy, as the farmer selects the wheat from the chaff. and Then make peace little people again will change the agreement in their evil .... Peace in the world can not come without a peacemaker, living and unadulterated teaching Orthodoxy. Dissemination However, although continued after the fall of City, to a degree, it should be maximized and will officially spread dynamically after the 3rd World War general war as Mentioning Agios Kosmas of Aetolia. This will be the period glimpse of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because then start again people are lured into evil. believe it or not there is going to be a glimpse of orthodoxy around the globe, Because God wants you to know what the real truth is.  Before the ascension of the Antichrist

Τρίτη 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Channel energy is

 Channel energy is an old practice of occultism. Demons use energy as one of the ways they can move from place to place. They use this energy to move from person to person, person to object, etc. It is a form of magic and it is not a practice that brings a person in alignment with the Spirit of God. Even meditation is a form of moving energy, as you try to move your energy in a particular direction, thought, or process to gain something. This is magic. By doing these Eastern spiritual practices you align yourself with the kingdom of darkness. It is practicing inviting the demonic into your existence and into your life. It can cause a great deal of damage to your physical and spiritual existence. Once you bring these practices into your life, you also invite these demonic entities into your home and family. Yoga is especially dangerous because of the momentum it has acquired in our world today, even within the Christian Church."Anyone who believes that he can lead to genuine spiritual experiences as a result of his own efforts does not follow Christ's teaching. Human efforts are evaluated only as an expression of man's free choice, as a" synergy "of man in conscious acceptance of God's grace. The presence of the Holy Spirit is that which is fruitful, because the "Holy Spirit leads to the kingdom of Christ" (1 Cor. 3). "Where the king is present, of course, there are also royal signs. And the signs of God that must have the soul that is ruled by God are righteousness, righteousness, truth, humility, goodness, justice, and all reverence, even indifference, charity, sympathy, love, unobtrusive, longsuffering, punctuation, and patience. For these appear against those where God does not rule "(Symeon the New Theologian). Where there is no true humiliation, there is no genuine spiritual experience. Where there is arrogance, the spirit of error, not the spirit of truth, reigns there (Jas. 6: 1 Pet. 5). The spirit of delusion is proud. The humble soul begs God to give her a sigh of relief and a sense of her sinfulness, even if the Lord raises it daily and shows her love in various ways. "What are the points where they reveal the one who received the grace of God?" Saint Simeon the New Theologian asks and answers: "To be humble, unbound by carnal pleasure, to be humble, and to be humble, to have humility, with indulgence, sympathy for love and neighborly affection true to God ruthless and steadfast ". So whoever says Isaac the Syros, healed of passions, runs "seeking through the intellect" spiritual experiences, will be enclosed by "false shapes of error", which will appear true, but will be a shuffle of "true shapes" with " error shapes ". The gifts of the Holy Spirit, that is, true spiritual experiences, are not the results of coercion. God can appear to the man at any time and in any spiritual or physical way, says Sophronius. ORTHODOX TRUTH Orthodoxy is the only way ...the truth...and light of the Apostolic Faith and no modernized denomination will ever dare compare itself to the real teachings of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour... Glory be to God and his holy Eastern Orthodox Church ...Amen ORTHODOX TRUTH Don't make a mistake We live at the end of time, The devil has built a huge prophet on the earth to speak in the name of Christ, confuse us, and get us out of the Orthodox Church. and keep us away from the weapons that ORTHODOXY can offer you. The Holy Spirit will not work outside the Orthodox Church. You can say whatever you want, but on the day you die and stand before our Lord's Throne than you will learn of the Truth, and only too late. READ THE ORTHODOX BOOKS, SEEK THE TRUTH

High Level Occult Yoga Woman Experiences a Glimpse of Hell

The Bible warns us that Satan "transforms himself into an angel of light" to design. The events in which Christians, even monks, as victims of deceptive demonic appearances, are fully reflected in what is published by the Holy Mother of God. saint Nikodimou "Elders for dreams and visions". We also know from the Scriptures that even if "the angel from heaven is preached to us, we will not be saved." For this reason, any evangelized union that violates the saving Truth of the Church cannot be accepted as a cause of confusion and loss, much more likely that these words are based on the spirit of our time. the Holy Fathers, but in the writings of the Christian Christians, who denounce the Prophets themselves
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Δευτέρα 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022


On Pascha Monday, in the evening after midnight, before fore lying down to sleep I went out into the little garden behind my house. The sky was dark and covered with stars. I seemed to see it for the first time, and a distant psalmody seemed to descend from it. My lips murmured, very softly: "Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship the footstool of His feet." A holy man once told me that during these hours the heavens are opened. The air exhaled a fragrance of the flowers and herbs I had planted. "Heaven and earth are filled with the glory of the Lord."

I could well have remained there alone until the break of day. I was as if without a body and without any bond to the earth. But fearing that my absence would disturb those with me in the house, I returned and lay down. Sleep had not really taken possession of me; I do not know whether I was awake or asleep when suddenly a strange man rose up before me. He was as pale as a dead man. His eyes were as if open, and he looked at me in terror. His face was like a mask, like a mummy's. His glistening, dark yellow skin was stretched tight over his dead man's head with all its cavities. He was as if panting. In one hand he held some kind of bizarre object which I could not make out; the other hand was clutching his breast as if he were suffering. This creature filled me with terror. I looked at him and he looked at me without speaking, as if he were waiting for me to recognize him, strange as he was. And a voice said to me: "It is so-and-so!" And I recognized him immediately. Then he opened his mouth and sighed. His voice came from far away; it came up as from a deep well. He was in great agony, and I suffered for him. His hands, his feet, his eyes—everything showed that he was suffering. In my despair, I was going to help him, but he gave me a sign with his hand to stop. He began to groan in such a way that I froze. Then he said to me: "I have not come; I have been sent. I shake without stopping; I am dizzy. Pray God to have pity on me. I want to die but I cannot. Alas! Everything you told me before is true. Do you remember how, several days before my death, you came to see me and spoke about religion? There were two other friends with me, unbelievers like myself. You spoke, and they mocked. When you left, they said: 'What a pity! He is intelligent and he believes the stupid things old women believe!' "Another time, and other times too, I told you: 'Dear Photios, save up money, or else you will die a pauper. Look my riches, and I want more of them.' You told me then: 'Have you signed a pact with death, that you can live as many years as you want and enjoy a happy old age?' "And I replied: 'You will see to what an age I will live Now I am 75; 1 will live past a hundred. My children are free from want. My son earns a lot of money, and I have married my daughter to a rich Ethiopian. My wife and I have more money than we need. I am not like you who listen to what the priests say: "A Christian ending to our life ..." and the rest. What have you gained from a Christian ending? Better a full pocket and no worries ... Give alms? Why did your so merciful God create paupers? Why should I feed them? And they ask you, in order to go to Paradise, to feed idlers! Do you want to talk about Paradise? You know that I am the son of a priest and that I know well all these tricks. That those who have no brains believe them is well enough, but you who have a mind have gone astray. If you continue to live as you are doing, you will die before me, and you will be responsible for those you have led astray. As a physician, I tell you and affirm that I will live a hundred and ten years ...'" After saying all this, he turned this way and that as if he were on a grill. I heard his groans: "Ah! Ouch! Oh! Oh!" He was silent for a moment, and then continued: "This is what I said, and in a few days I was dead! I was dead, and I lost the wager! What confusion was mine, what horror! Lost, I descended into the abyss. What suffering I have had up to now, what agony! Everything you told me was true. You have won the wager! "When I was in the world where you are now, I was an intellectual, I was a physician. I had learned how to speak and to be listened to, to mock religion, to discuss whatever falls under the senses. And now I see that everything I called stories, myths, paper lanterns—is true. The agony which I am experiencing now—this is what is true, this is the worm that never sleeps, this is the gnashing of teeth." After having spoken thus, he disappeared. I still heard his groans, which gradually faded away. Sleep had begun to take possession of me when I felt an icy hand touch me. I opened my eyes and saw him again before me. This time he was more horrible and smaller in the body. He had become like a nursing infant, with a large old man's head which he was shaking. "In a short time the day will break, and those who have sent me will come to seek me!" "Who are they?" He spoke some confused words which I could not make out. Then he added: "There where I am, there are also many who mock you and your faith. Now they understand that their spiritual darts have not gone beyond the cemetery. There are both those you have done good to and those who have slandered you. The more you forgive them, the more they detest you. Man is evil. Instead of rejoicing him, kindness makes him bitter, because it makes him feel his defeat. The state of these latter is worse than mine. They cannot leave their dark prison to come and find you as I have done. They are severely tormented, lashed by the whip of God's love, as one of the Saints has said [St. Isaac the Syrian]. The world is something else entirely from what we see! Our intellect shows it to us in reverse. Now we understand that our intellect was only stupid, our conversations were spiteful meanness, and our joys were lies and illusions. "You, who bear God in your hearts, Whose word is Truth, the only Truth—you have won the great wager between believers and unbelievers. This wager I have lost. I tremble, I sigh, and I find no rest. In truth, there is no repentance in hell. Woe to those who walk as I did when I was on earth. Our flesh was drunk and mocked those who believed in God and eternal life; almost everyone applauded us. They treated you as mad, as imbeciles. And the more you accept our mockeries, the more our rage increases. "Now I see how much the conduct of evil men grieved you. How could you bear with such patience the poisoned darts which issued from our lips which treated you as hypocrites, mockers of God, and deceivers of the people? If these evil men who are still on earth would see where I am, if only they were in my place, they would tremble for everything they are doing. I would like to appear to them and tell them to change their path, but I do not have permission to do so, just as the rich man did not have it when he begged Abraham to send Lazarus the pauper. Lazarus was not sent so that those who sinned might be worthy of punishment and those who went on the ways of God might be worthy of salvation. "He that is unrighteous, let him do unrighteousness yet more; and he that is filthy, let him he made filthy yet more. And he that is righteous, let him do righteousness yet more; and he that is holy, let him be made holy yet more" (Apoc. 22:11). With these words, he disappeared

όταν η Αγία γαλακτια το λέει ξεκάθαρα θα γίνει

AFTER ERDOGAN Θα ξεμπαρκάρουν οι Τούρκοι από το νότιο μέρος της Κρήτης, από τα Πρεβελιώτικα (Μοναστήρι Πρέβελη) και από το Μαριδάκι, από το ...