Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Κυριακή 1 Μαΐου 2022

Cuban Gabriela Gomez

 Cuban Gabriela Gomez

 We realized that everything we were told about Russian soldiers was a lie.” 


🇨🇺 Cuban Gabriela Gomez married a Ukrainian in 2019 and moved to Mariupol. At the beginning of the special operation, the Azov terrorists occupied the upper floors of her house, and residents were forbidden to leave the building. 


“I could not even imagine that Ukrainians could be afraid of the Ukrainians themselves... At some point it became very dangerous to go out into the street. I stopped going to the building where we cooked food. The neighbors came to my house because they thought something had happened to me,” the girl recalls. 


According to Gabriela, she never received help from Ukraine, the Russian military helped her to evacuate to the Russian Federation: “Only in Russia did I feel calm

Σάββατο 30 Απριλίου 2022

Ο Γέροντας Παΐσιος 1924-1994

 Ο Γέροντας Παΐσιος (1924-1994) ήταν ένας από τους πιο αγαπητούς και σεβαστούς Ελληνορθόδοξους Γέροντες της εποχής μας. Ζώντας ως μοναχός στην αρχαία μοναστική δημοκρατία του Αγίου Όρους στην Ελλάδα, έζησε στη Βασιλεία του Θεού ακόμη και όταν βρισκόταν στη γη και δέχθηκε πολλές ουράνιες επισκέψεις. Έζησε στην αφάνεια, παραδίδοντας τον εαυτό του εξ ολοκλήρου στον Θεό, και ο Θεός τον έδωσε σε όλο τον κόσμο. Κατά τα τελευταία δεκαπέντε χρόνια της ζωής του, περνούσε τις νύχτες του στην προσευχή και όλες τις ημέρες του συλλέγοντας τον ανθρώπινο πόνο και διαδίδοντας τη θεία παρηγοριά. Καθοδήγησε, παρηγόρησε, θεράπευσε και έδωσε ανάπαυση σε αμέτρητους ανθρώπους που βρήκαν καταφύγιο σε αυτόν. Η αγιασμένη ψυχή του ξεχείλιζε από θεία αγάπη και το πρόσωπό του ακτινοβολούσε τη θεία Χάρη.

Ζώντας στη σύγχρονη εποχή μαζί μας και συγχρόνως ζώντας ενωμένος με τον Θεό, ο Γέροντας Παΐσιος αντιμετώπισε τα προβλήματα της εποχής μας με αμεσότητα και θάρρος. Βαθιά ριζωμένος στη σοφία των αρχαίων Αγίων Πατέρων και μετέχοντας της ζωής τους της αγιότητας και της ασκητικής ζωής, μας μεταδίδει αυτή την πατερική σοφία με τρόπο προσγειωμένο και προσιτό. Τα λόγια της διδασκαλίας του αγγίζουν δυναμικά την καρδιά, ανάβοντας μέσα της την ίδια θεία αγάπη που γέμισε άφθονα τον Γέροντα. 

Στον δεύτερο τόμο της σειράς, ο Γέροντας Παΐσιος ασχολείται με το θέμα της διαρκούς επαγρύπνησης και ετοιμότητας, προετοιμάζοντάς μας για δύσκολες καταστάσεις και συνθήκες ζωής. Μερικά από τα θέματα που περιλαμβάνονται είναι: "Η ευθύνη της αγάπης", "Αγώνας και αφοσίωση", "Πνευματική γενναιότητα", "Εξάρτηση από τον ουρανό" και "Πνευματικά όπλα". 

"Όποιος έχει πίστη στον Θεό και θυσιαστικό πνεύμα δεν θεωρεί τον εαυτό του. Όταν κάποιος δεν καλλιεργεί το πνεύμα της θυσίας, σκέφτεται μόνο τον εαυτό του και θέλει όλοι να θυσιαστούν γι' αυτόν. Όποιος όμως σκέφτεται μόνο τον εαυτό του είναι απομονωμένος τόσο από τους άλλους όσο και από τον Θεό -μια διπλή απομόνωση-, οπότε δεν μπορεί να λάβει τη θεία Χάρη. Γίνεται ένας άχρηστος άνθρωπος. Μπορεί κανείς εύκολα να δει ότι αυτός που σκέφτεται συνεχώς τον εαυτό του, τις δυσκολίες και τα προβλήματά του κ.ο.κ., δεν θα βρει ούτε καν κάποια ανθρώπινη βοήθεια όταν προκύψει ανάγκη..... Αντίθετα, κάποιος που δεν σκέφτεται τον εαυτό του, αλλά σκέφτεται συνεχώς τους άλλους, με την καλή έννοια, θα τον σκέφτεται συνεχώς ο Θεός, και τότε θα τον σκέφτονται και οι άλλοι".

Τετάρτη 27 Απριλίου 2022

Panagia Glossa Drone-subs

The monastery here is of a life-giving source. Virgin of the tongue, is 15-20 minutes from the interurban road, is south of the village of Kelaki about 5 minutes, The mountain is called Robbery, because in the old days pirate ships stopped there, about bandits in Amathus, the robbers resorted to this mountain because it was inaccessible, there used to be a village here, the inhabitants then went down, perhaps from robberies to hide perhaps from the cold. We do not know and old ruins remained here which they called mud houses. little by little because the inhabitants of the area made pergolas, the place was cleared, the small church that exists is the small church, was the chapel of the cell village=kelaki. some historians reduce it to the 12century and others in the 15 century. we are not sure about that. here as we said was the chapel of the life-giving spring. then the inhabitants leveled the area, finally, in 1976 the metropolis asked to become a monastery, and 4 nuns came from the monastery of Agios Georgios Alamanos. and started to become female friaries. The church of the Holy Trinity was built, which is the katholikon of the monastery-of Byzantine style, the wood carvings that exist are handmade. wood carvings are of great value. the Holy Trinity was built by the priest saint of Saint Tychonas. then the church was donated by others, There is also a chapel on the upper floor of Agios Savvas, and Agios Amrosios Boy came with his parents, stayed the whole night with his parents to pray and seek help from Panagia. Τhe morning when the child woke up, .. Said to his parents ... I want milk. Was the first time the child speaks in his life, And so many other miracles we saw -Another man came to the monastery, saying we heard about the miracles happening with people, having problem speaking, Ηe took holy water from the monastery, took it home...His son drinks 3 times...and the boy speaks,-We must also say something about, the holy water, we fix it to come directly in the monastery because it's difficult to go from behind,.Oslo Another case of a woman who was at the last stage of Cancer. Panagia goes to her saying go to HER monastery explaining to her exactly were was her Monastery, the woman visits the monastery and the miracle happens to her,-Oslo another case of a girl, who was going to have an operation having a tumor in her ...we did request to the Virgin Mary, next day when the girl comes up to the monastery very happy saying that she was clean from cancer, and she was very happy,-One boy from Russia 9 years old came to the Monastery, his parents said the boy never spoke before in his life,.We did request to virgin Mary, and the boy spoke, after putting holy oil and doing on him the sign of cross The monastery is located south of kellaki village.5 minutes road to go there GPS »34'48.620B O33'10.140A Note for the holy Water=Long time before, there was a man staying with his deaf daughter, one day his daughter drinks water from the well who was there, And immediately speaks for first TIME. was close to the Monastery, and they did diversion to go to the monastery-The water was coming out from a Rock

Ww3 profecies


The Blonde race

Then the Russian will intervene from above and it will be done as the prophecy says.
Turkish challenge
F . Paisios: "When we see Greece taking its embassy from Turkey and Turkey taking its embassy from Greece, then we should say:" The embassies of the Virgin, Soter save us ". " There will be a conflict in the Aegean. We will not suffer much harm. "
F . Simon Arvanitis: "And the first, the first Greece that will suffer from the Turks a small, a small one as we said insult". F. Joseph Vatopaidinos: "they will force the Turks to come here, in Greece, to start their work. And Greece, although it formally has a government, does not actually have a government. "It lacks strength, and the Turks will come here."
Monk Gennadios: "The Turks will attack us, they will cross the Evros river, causing all kinds of destruction. They will reach the Examilia ".
Kyriakos Tsitsikas: " When you see the Turks sit down with their national assembly and pull pistols, you know the time is near. "A Greek-Turkish war will be declared and Turkey will enter Greece."
Kosmas the Aetolian: "The Turks will leave, but they will return again and will reach the Examilia".
F . Paisios: "Six miles is any point that is six miles off the coast of Turkey. The same from our side. Every point that is six miles from our coasts, from any island or land coast, is the Examilia. When the Turkish fleet starts against Greece and reaches six miles, it will actually be destroyed. It will be the time when they will have their huts in their belt ".
Consequences: 2 islands are occupied
A few months of hunger in Greece
F. Paisios: "at most one-two islands to be disturbed by the Turks", "we will be hungry. Greece will be hungry. And because this rain will last for some time, it will be months, we will call it bread's bread ".
Fr. Simon Arvanitis: "once again he told me that such a famine will come, that the famine of 1941 is nothing, in front of the one that is coming"
F. Ambrosios Lazaris: "difficult years will come, but do not be afraid. God does not abandon his children. He will keep them scandalous. “ That is, old man? so what; "Yes, if you do not have something to eat, you will wake up in the morning, find a loaf of bread on the table and say: where did it come from?"
F. Gennadios: "And here in Crete the Turks will come".
Russian intervention
Tomb of M. Konstantinos: "The blonde tribe together with their agents will defeat the whole of Ishmael and will take Eptalofos along with the other privileges
St. Andreas Salos: "But I believe that the blonde genus will also enter, whose name begins with the seventeenth letter of the alphabet (P). So he will come in and cut down, and lay the sinners on the ground. "
F . Paisios: "Then the Russian will intervene from above and it will be done as the prophecy of Saint Cosmas says."
F. Joseph Vatopedinos: "Russia is suddenly invading Turkey." "Russia will also move its forces to force the Turks to retreat."
Kyriakos Tsitsikas: "'A blonde race will come to the aid of Christianity".
Monk Gennadios: "Then we will counterattack them, other peoples will help us, (probably the Russians or the French )".

The story of the Holy light

Holy Light: The journey to the depths of history, the miracle and the challenge

 "It unites us and gives us a perspective of hope and salvation." There is of course the opposite view. That of exaggeration or even of the "fabricated" behind the phenomenon. The Holy Light divides into the depths of the centuries, believers, unbelievers, and skeptics. In any case, its "history" goes to the depths of the centuries and reaches today. An event that is one of the highlights of the Orthodox faith.

With the help of the Theologian, Dr. Virtue Demosthenes we try to catch the thread of the Holy Light in its birth. The importance that the faithful attach to it, as well as the arguments with which the Church refutes the denial of the miracle.

The Holy Light at the beginning of the story

According to Mrs. Demosthenes, everything starts from the very moment of the Crucifixion of Christ. And it is related to the later (52 AD), Bishop of Athens, Saint Dionysios Areopagitic.

According to Mrs. Demosthenes, "Saint Dionysios the Areopagite was nine years younger than Christ. At a young age he was found in Ilioupoli, Egypt (near present-day Cairo) just at the time of the Crucifixion of the Lord. On that Good Friday at the time of the crucifixion of Christ at 15:00 the time, although noon, the sun was darkened "ὲπὸ δὲ ἕκτής ὥρας σκότος ἐγένετο ἐπὶ πᾶσαν τὴν γὴν ἕως ὥρας ἐνάτης" (Matt. 27, 45 ) ".

According to tradition, Dionysius was shocked by this paradoxical phenomenon and exclaimed: "Either God suffers or everything is dismissed" ("Either God suffers or everything is lost"). He diligently marked the day and time of this supernatural event of the eclipse of the Sun ".

"When he returned to Athens, he heard the Apostle Paul preach in the Holy See talking about that supernatural darkness at the Crucifixion of the Lord, dispelling any doubts about the validity of his new faith," said Mrs. Demosthenous

. Because on Holy Saturday

The Holy Light comes out on Holy Saturday around noon in the great Temple in the tomb of Christ.

According to Ms. Demosthenes, "the Holy Light comes out after the fast and prayer of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem on Holy Saturday around noon and foretells the Resurrection of Christ which took place after 36 hours, ie three 12 hours, hence three days, from the

time that cooled down on the Cross at 15:00 on Friday time ".

He also mentions that "in the rest of the churches on Saturday morning they announce the Resurrection with the so-called first Resurrection, throws myrrh-bearers - flowers, laurels, ring the bells and the bells and shout: πᾶσι τοῖς ἔθνεσι ».

Why the Greek Patriarch

As mentioned above, the Holy Light comes out after the fast and prayer of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem on Holy Saturday around noon. But why was this privilege granted to a Greek?

According to Ms. Demosthenes, this decision has its roots in 1118 AD, and is directly related to an event that took place on Golgotha, several centuries earlier.

As Mrs. Demosthenes records, "after the Crucifixion of Christ, the then Jews (Jews) made Golgotha a garbage dump. Agia Eleni at the beginning of the 4th century went and cleaned the garbage dump - mountain and found the Holy Cross. He built the first temple in the middle of the 4th century. But soon in 614, the area was conquered by the Muslim Persians as well as Jerusalem and the Temple was set on fire. It was being restored and they were destroying it again ". The passage of

our history leads to 1118 AD when the Arab Salah El-Din granted the Orthodox monks the pilgrimages to the Holy Land. El Dean stipulated that "the patriarch of the Greeks will be the lord of Kamare (church of the Holy Sepulcher) and he will take from his tomb and the Holy Light to distribute it to the Nazarenes (Christians)".

Practice applied to date.

Why the Holy Light comes out

Asking this question to Mrs. Demosthenes, her answer was clear and concise. "To strengthen our faith. To remind us that God is Light and we must imitate him, to be bright, people of light and not of darkness ". 

He even claims that " it comes out only with the Orthodox as a reward for the correctness of our Doctrine. Holy Saturday comes out, declaring the victory of Christ over the darkness of hell and sin. It unites us and gives us a perspective of Hope and Salvation. What more beautiful thing?

Miracle or something else?

"I personally believe in miracles. I have experienced some. Our life is a miracle. So why not believe in the Holy Light?

With this proposal, Ms. Demosthenous attempts to deconstruct theories and claims to the contrary. For an issue that, as has been said, is constantly and intensely divisive.

She recounts that "twice when I went to the ceremony of the Holy Light, the flame did not burn for 45 minutes. I lit candles that I got from Cyprus because someone said that they put a substance in the candles they sell there, which makes the flame of the candles not burn ".

He also notes that the Great Church of the Resurrection until the end of the British occupation was wooden. "With such diffusion of Light that takes place at the touch of the Holy Light, if it were natural light, the Temple would be burned several times. And yet it was never burned. "

It also refers to an incident in 1101. Then, according to Mrs. Demosthenes, Franciscan monks performed liturgies but the Light did not come out. "They called the Orthodox and he came out with three processions," he says characteristically.

Wanting to further strengthen her claims, she referred to another event of 1549 AD. He states that "according to historical records, the Armenians bribed Sultan Murad to give them permission to enter the Temple of the Resurrection and to take the Holy Light out of the Holy Sepulcher. Indeed, the sultan gave them permission and the Armenians entered the Temple and locked it. Full of despair, the Orthodox Patriarch, when he saw the Armenians inside the Holy Sepulcher, knelt outside at the entrance of the Temple near one of the pillars. Suddenly the pillar tore and the Holy Light came out, lighting the candles of the Patriarch. This column and slit are clearly visible to this day. It is the pillar on our left as we enter the Temple. Agarinos Emir was watching the events from the minaret of the mosque that was opposite the Temple. He then exclaimed: "Christianity is the true religion."

While at the same time as Mrs. Demosthenous notes, during the touching ceremony there is an Armenian Bishop observer. "If there was any computerization, he would say so immediately."

The roots of the controversy

According to Ms. Demosthenes, the controversy finds its roots in the 20th century. And this is found for two reasons.

He characteristically states, "first to increased atheism and second to a substantive cause. If God is Light then it is not love and peace. People prefer God to be love, in this way we get easier forgiveness for the many transgressions and sins we commit. But if God is Light, things get difficult. The light shines and shows shortcomings and vices ".

"Faith is based on experience"

"Faith is based on experience", said my late father, the elder Emilianos in Kellaki. It is not only theory and teaching, notes Ms. Demosthenous regarding the power of faith.

It also sends the message of humility on the part of Christians during these Holy Days. "Let us be humble to ourselves and forgiving to others. Let us forgive and accept the Light of the Resurrection of the Godman in our lives. Only in this way will the world become a war of Peace, of conflict Reconciliation, of misunderstanding Understanding, of hell Paradise " 

Κυριακή 24 Απριλίου 2022


The Bible warns us 1 John 4: 1 "Dear friends, do not believe in any spirit, but try the spirits to see if it is from God, because many false prophets have come into the world.

Very often we forget that we live in a spiritual battle zone. Eph 6:12 "For our struggle we are not against blood and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the forces of this dark world, and against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavens.

The devil will try to deceive you and show you the truth. 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15 "And it is no wonder Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light. It is no wonder, therefore, if the servants of Satan are transformed into servants of righteousness.

But remember that cheating is just his weapon. This is the father of the false and he has no good intentions on your behalf. John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and want to fulfill your father's desire." He was a brain from the beginning, he does not hold the truth, because there is no truth in him, because he is the loser and the father of the false.

There is no doubt that the apostle John encourages us to test the spirits. The framework of his warning was false. Jesus warned us against those who, as well! Matt 7: 15-16 "Beware of pseudo-prophets Come to you with sheep's clothing, but from within are wild wolves." If you believe in a non-biblical prophet, please put that prophet to test.

However, the test of spirits is not limited to prophets, but to something spiritual.

How can you try them out? Here are some tests that will guarantee whether these spirits are from God or not.

The first test is given by the apostle John himself in the context of the testing of the spirits.

1. Test 1 John 4: 2-3 2 "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that recognizes that Jesus Christ has come with the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not recognize Jesus it is not from God This is the spirit of the antichrist you have heard is coming even now it is already in the world.

The first test is to make sure the spirit recognizes that Jesus Christ has come with the flesh. These verses are better understood in the light of Gnostics, such as the errors that have existed since the time of John. He had denied that Jesus really came into the flesh. 2 John 7 "Many deceivers, who do not recognize Jesus Christ as coming into the flesh, have come into the world. Every such person is the plan and the antichrist." and by their action in fact denied that Jesus is the Messiah.

Be careful if we know that the devil and his agents recognize the historical incarnation, but they do not confess Jesus as Lord. See how evil spirits had recognized Jesus during his ministry on earth:

Mark 1: 23-24 "Exactly then a man in their synagogue, who had understood from a bad spirit, cried," What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to ruin us? I know who you are, the saint of God! ""


Mark 5: 7-8 "He cried at the height of his voice," What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I swear to God that I will not tangle! "

As you can see, evil spirits recognize Jesus as the Son of God and recognize the ministry.

The Bible also says: James 2:19 "Think there is a Good God Even the demons believe that - and I shudder!"

The big difference is that the evil shutter when the name of Jesus is mentioned and no one will recognize as Lord and Messiah. Make sure the spirit that is in contact with him recognizes Jesus as Lord and Messiah. No evil spirit we will preach for Jesus is our Lord and be our Messiah. No evil spirit will invite people to accept Jesus in their lives. They take away the name of Jesus!

Every spirit that is sent by God will glorify God and the worship of God. The Angels of God do not receive worship for themselves!

Ref. 19:10 "In this he fell on his feet to worship it, but he said to me," Do not do it! I am a co-worker with you and your brothers holding the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ""

Jesus gives us the second test.

Test 2: Mat 7: 16-20 "from their wrist will recognize them People take pear from the thorns, or the teasers from the bristles. Likewise, every good tree makes good fruits, but a bad tree brings fruit bad A good tree can not bear bad fruits, and a bad tree can not bear good fruit.

Σάββατο 16 Απριλίου 2022

Βασικές αρχές στον Βουδισμό-Κάρμα στον Βουδισμό


Και η ορθόδοξη προοπτική αυτής της ανοησίας του κάρμα έρχεται και έρχεται ξανά Μόνο η ποιότητα, δηλαδή ο κοινωνικός περίγυρος, η φυσική εμφάνιση και οι διανοητικές ικανότητες ενός ατόμου καθορίζονται από τις πράξεις των προηγούμενων υπάρξεών του αλλά σε καμία περίπτωση τις πράξεις του. Αν δείτε ότι άλλοι άνθρωποι υποφέρουν και είστε σε θέση να βοηθήσετε, δεν επικεντρώνεστε στο καρμικό παρελθόν τους αλλά στην καρμική σας ευκαιρία στο παρόν: Κάποια μέρα μπορεί να βρεθείτε στην ίδια δύσκολη θέση που βρίσκονται τώρα. , οπότε ορίστε η ευκαιρία σας να ενεργήσετε με τον τρόπο που θα θέλατε να συμπεριφέρονται απέναντί ​​σας όταν έρθει εκείνη η μέρα. Δεν πρόκειται για μοιρολατρία Στον Βουδισμό, η αναγέννηση είναι μέρος της συνεχούς διαδικασίας αλλαγής. Στην πραγματικότητα, δεν αναγεννιόμαστε μόνο την ώρα του θανάτου, γεννιόμαστε και ξαναγεννιόμαστε κάθε στιγμή. Ωστόσο, η Βίβλος δεν μιλούσε για το κάρμα αλλά για την κρίση του Θεού. Ο Θεός δεν χλεύασε· γιατί ό,τι σπείρει ο άνθρωπος, αυτό και θα θερίσει. – Γαλάτες 6:7.) Η έννοια του κάρμα δεν είναι τίποτα άλλο από μια πονηρή προσπάθεια να μπλέξει την Ψυχή στους νόμους της φυσικής και έτσι να κάνει τους οπαδούς να πιστέψουν ότι εξαρτώνται από τον γκουρού για την απελευθέρωσή τους. Στους New Agers αρέσει να αναφέρουν το κάρμα ως τον νόμο της προσωπικής ευθύνης, ενώ στην πραγματικότητα είναι το αντίθετο, ένας μηχανισμός που επιτρέπει σε κάποιον να συμπεριφέρεται όπως θέλει, έχοντας πλήρη επίγνωση ότι σε κάποια μελλοντική ημερομηνία όλα θα εξισορροπηθούν και δεν υπάρχει θεμελιώδης βλάβη έχει γίνει. Εφόσον οι New Ager πιστεύουν ότι ο νόμος του κάρμα δεν θα μπορούσε να λειτουργήσει πλήρως κατά τη διάρκεια μιας και μόνο ζωής, προτείνουν μια μακρά σειρά ζωών κατά την οποία ωριμάζει η Ψυχή και λειτουργεί το κακό της κάρμα. Το τελικό αποτέλεσμα, υποτίθεται, αυτής της μακράς εξελικτικής διαδικασίας είναι η Θεογνωσία, ο μεγάλος φωτισμός στον οποίο η Ψυχή γίνεται τελικά θεός. Η μετενσάρκωση λοιπόν διατίθεται στο εμπόριο ως ένας άψογος μηχανισμός αυτοτελειοποίησης, με τον οποίο οι ανωριμότητες και τα ελαττώματα σε ένα άτομο σταδιακά εκλεπτύνονται και εξαλείφονται. Αυτή η σαγηνευτική φιλοσοφία έχει σχεδιαστεί για να διασφαλίσει ότι κανείς δεν κάνει σοβαρή προσπάθεια για την προσωπική του σωτηρία αφού, όπως υποστηρίζουν οι New Agers, όλοι σώζονται από την αρχή, άρα ποιος χρειάζεται έναν Σωτήρα; Και πάλι, ο Lucifer πετυχαίνει έναν σημαντικό στόχο όταν κάνει κάποιον να αποδεχτεί αυτήν την απαίσια φιλοσοφία. Το κίνημα της Νέας Εποχής έχει δοκιμάσει διάφορους τρόπους για να προωθήσει τη μετενσάρκωση μεταξύ των Χριστιανών. Κυριότερο από αυτά είναι η υπνωτική παλινδρόμηση, όπου το υποκείμενο τοποθετείται σε κατάσταση έκστασης και προκαλείται να θυμάται επεισόδια από τις «προηγούμενες ζωές» του. Αυτό είναι ένα εξαιρετικά έξυπνο τέχνασμα, καθώς η ύπνωση, από τη φύση της, εκθέτει το υποκείμενο σε δαιμονικές επιρροές. Η εμφύτευση «αναμνήσεων» είναι επομένως εύκολο να επιτευχθεί. Στους New Agers αρέσει επίσης να αναφέρουν περιπτώσεις παιδιών που θυμούνται τις προηγούμενες ζωές τους. Αυτό είναι άκρως ανειλικρινές, καθώς τα παιδιά είναι πολύ υποβλητικά και πιθανό να αποδεχτούν κάθε είδους μύθους και ιστορίες ως μέρος της προσωπικής τους πραγματικότητας. Εάν είναι μέλη μιας οικογένειας που κλίνει προς τον αποκρυφισμό, το παιδί μπορεί επίσης να εκτεθεί σε ακάθαρτα πνεύματα και να εμφυτευτεί με «αναμνήσεις» που βασίζονται σε επαληθεύσιμα γεγονότα. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι η μεγάλη αρχιτέκτονας πίσω από τις περισσότερες φιλοσοφίες της Νέας Εποχής, η Μαντάμ Μπλαβάτσκυ, δεν υποστήριξε η ίδια την αρχή της μετενσάρκωσης στο πρώτο της σημαντικό έργο, το Isis Unveiled. Εάν το γεγονός της μετενσάρκωσης είναι ένα τόσο κεντρικό δόγμα της σκέψης της Νέας Εποχής, τότε γιατί δεν αναφέρθηκε ούτε μία φορά σε αυτόν τον μνημειώδη μνημείο (πάνω από 1470 σελίδες); Ο λόγος είναι απλός – δεν είχε ακόμη αναγνωριστεί (το 1877) ως σημαντικός παράγοντας για την τοξική παρασκευή που ο Εωσφόρος ετοίμαζε για την απρόσεκτη. να σημειώσουμε ότι το όνομα που έδωσε στο θεοσοφικό περιοδικό της ήταν Lucifer και ότι ο εκδοτικός οίκος που ίδρυσαν οι μαθητές της για να διαδώσουν τα έργα της ονομαζόταν αρχικά Lucifer Publishing Company (αργότερα άλλαξε σε Lucis Trust). Τα βιβλία της, Isis Unveiled και The Secret Doctrine είναι γεμάτα με την Λουσιφεριανή φιλοσοφία. Μην αφαιρείτε το αρχαίο ορόσημο, που έχουν θέσει οι πατέρες σας. Οι άνθρωποι πιστεύουν ανόητα ότι μπορούν να αντλήσουν τροφή από ορισμένες πεποιθήσεις της Νέας Εποχής, σε συνδυασμό με τη χριστιανική τους πίστη, αλλά αυτό δεν είναι δυνατό. Όπως λέει η Βίβλος, «Μήπως μια πηγή βγάζει στο ίδιο μέρος γλυκό νερό και πικρό;» (Ιακώβου 3:11). Εάν ένα κίνημα είναι Εωσφορικό σε κάποιο συγκεκριμένο, είναι Εωσφορικό σε όλη τη διαδρομή.


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