Metropolitan of Morphou: They send me e-mails from all over the world, some have sick people, and they want prayer, and supplications, some have problems with divorce, some have been demonized, they want exorcism wishes, others want us to tell them where to go to confession. We do what we can. I also see the e-mail it says "a short thank you message from a Turkish orthodox Christian" "Lord have mercy, I say, the Turks attacked us" (laughter) "What happens now?" And he wrote me the following, listen to what our future is:
"Blessings Your Reverence I am Andreas (another name he says, Christian) Turkish Orthodox Christian. I was baptized about 2 years ago. I wanted to thank you for all the talks you gave and the experiences of the Saints you shared with us. I watched your speeches as much as I could because my Greek is not so good I could not understand them in the original language at that time. So I only watched the ones with subtitles, they were a great source of education and comfort for me throughout my indoctrination and beyond. I was moved when you said in your recent interview that "a Turkish Orthodox Christian is your brother". Metropolitan Morphou: It was then that I gave an interview to the Russians and some of our people took over the channels, the journalists: "Morphou said he is praying for Putin." As if it is a sin and why should he pray? And I also said "But not only a Russian, as long as he is baptized and smelled Orthodox, is my brother, but also a Turk. Who nationally is my enemy, but spiritually if he is baptized and scented he is my brother. After we got out of the same pool. So I said then a Turkish Orthodox Christian is my brother. How could I have known that when I said this beautiful word in Evrichou, it would reach Ankara? Today's Andreas would see him and send me this letter. "I was moved when you said in your recent interview that a Turkish Orthodox Christian is your brother. I wanted to send you a message before this, but I never got around to it." Metropolitan Morpheus: Well, this brother wanted to send this message. "I hope to meet you in person one day and maybe we will. I plan to go to Mount Athos this year to become a monk. I went to Mount Athos last year and stayed there for two weeks. Please pray for us Turkish Orthodox Christians, despite how few we are and despite the difficulties we face those of us who struggle still hold on. Thank you for mentioning us in your interview, may God grant more Turkish Orthodox Christians to find Christ and find Salvation. Thank you and may God help you in your "Endeavors." (Note that "endeavors" is the correct spelling of the word.)"Endeavors." (Note that "endeavors" Postscript: I am attaching my baptismal certificate below." Metropolitan of Morphou: And he even sent me the certificate that is not just a letter, but I also have proof that I am a Christian. For these people to be baptized in Ankara, Constantinople, and Smyrna, the Patriarchate ordered and very wisely did, before they were baptized, to go to their town hall to declare that: "I will stop being a Muslim and I want to become an Orthodox Christian and I take my responsibility personally". So, another one, Suleiman (who came from Antalya and saw me) told me, that as soon as something happens with Islamic fanatics, they know how many we are and who we are, and where we live. The first ones they will kill are us, he tells me. I asked him "Hey, what are you thinking, do you have a family, do you have children?". "I have, he tells me, but we talked about it with my wife." "And what did you say?" "We said what a great honor to be slaughtered for Christ and to be with Ai George!" OYAOY!!! In fact... listen to these so that we Orthodox can measure the vinegar and oil... do you understand? If it is worth it to eat and when to eat. Above all is this Lust. Faith and Lust! "When, my Christ, will I be united with you? When, my Christ, may I gain Eternal Life, when, my Christ, may I have forgiveness of sins without guilt". When we have this whether Turkish, Greek, Persian, or German, we have Eternal Life, we have Christ, we have a Future, and as it says "I believe" "and Life of the Future Age." AMEN". I wish it for you, that you also wish it for us.Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
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