July 31, 2009

Potty Training: The Set Backs

Day Three and Four: One minor pee-pee accident each day, but now the Boy poops in his underwear - which he did at a Radiology Department picnic last night.

Today: The big potty is no longer novel. It is easier to pee in your underwear. So why not do it three times in one hour? And then tell mom that you want to go back to diapers... Oh boy.

Anyone else feel like they are on their own in this?

July 28, 2009

Potty Training: Day 2

After giving up on Pull-Ups early yesterday (too much like diapers to be compatible with potty training) and enduring three accidents, we had some success yesterday afternoon when I caught him amidst accident number four and yelled, "STOP!", which he abruptly did. He was dry the rest of the day and initiating potty breaks.

Today he was dry all morning long. Sure enough, I get on the phone after his nap and he has an accident. Luckily he stopped himself half way through. The only thing I cannot get him to do is #2. He keeps doing it immediately after I put him down to sleep or when he wakes up. The good news is, he no longer likes how it feels and he takes his diaper off right afterwards. Ok that's not good from a clean up stand point, but it's progress.

July 27, 2009

First Attempt at Potty Training

Day 1: Not promising. I have learned two things: 1) I went about this the wrong way loading him up with liquids this morning to the point where he got sick of going on the potty and 2) I do not own enough big boy underwear.

July 19, 2009

Quotes from the Boy

While I was singing the Boy his lullabies at bed tonight, he rolls over, faces me and says, "I'm hot like a beast."

Last week while we were riding our bikes, The Man said to the Boy, "Mommy is fast like a mongoose." The Boy agrees, "Mommy is fast like a momgoose." And then asks, "Daddy are you fast like a dadgoose?"

Weeks ago I tell the dog she stinks. The Boy repeats after me. So I say to him, "Does Roxy stink?" He replies, "No, she STANKS!"

July 6, 2009

Fourth of July!

The Boy and I started off the day cheering on our friends Amy, Darren, and Brandon at the Town 5K. I was a little sad not to be running it this year. But the Boy got to hang out in a police car for a little bit. How cool is that for a two-year old?

All of us took a nice bike ride around the park and then headed off to the Pulley's. We are serious sissies and decided it was just a tad too chilly to swim, but the Boy enjoyed the trampoline as always...

...and the food. And the homemade ice cream. And playing in the mud with Jack's digger. Just look at that tongue.

The little guy probably would have made it to the fireworks, but his tired old parents just couldn't. Maybe next year, buddy. Thanks, Pulleys!