So I hit the 38 week mark this week. My last day of work will be next Friday, 1/29. Then, if I haven't gone into labor yet, I'll go to the hospital on the morning of 2/2 to be induced! Yes, my due date isn't until the fourth, but the doctor said I could have her whenever I wanted to. February 2nd is my dad's birthday AND Groundhog Day AND the premiere of the final season of LOST. I want her to be born on 2/2, so given the choice, that's what we're planning on. Now that I have my heart set on it she's going to come early, but at least I have my "end date" to look forward to.
I've been horrible at having Jeff take pictures of me during this pregnancy. For those of you who have been asking - here are the few pregnant pictures that I have. Enjoy?
29 weeks:
35 weeks:
37 weeks: