Thursday, June 09, 2011

5 Months Today!

At five months Isolde...

- is a very happy and talkative baby. She continues with her "shrieks of joy" to mum's delight...ehum, not! Okay, it's a little fun. She also inhales with a high-pitched sound, like she's going to choke, if that makes sense. She has also added blowing bubbles and making fart sounds to her repertoire. She's doing lots of things with her tongue, sticking it out, twisting it around, exploring it and doing exercises for talking I guess. She "discovered" her lips and tongue at four months and did a lot of funny facial expressions for a while but then "forgot" (or it wasn't fun anymore) until more recently when she started doing new things such as "blurbing" (not sure what else to call it) and twisting her tongue.

- still doesn't like pacifiers and sucks on all fingers instead, sometimes one at a time, sometimes all of them at the same time. The thumb is starting to become a favourite but her index finger is close behind (Peter used to suck on his index finger so maybe that will be her thing too?).

- used to sleep at least 5 hours at night and often 6-7 hours and once in a while 8 or 9 hours but lately she hasn't been sleeping as well, as you know. A typical night she would fall asleep around 22:00 and then sleep until at least 4 or 5 am. Then I'd bring her to our bed and breastfeed in bed and we'd both fall asleep again until the next feed 1-2 hours later. When she was little (or littler, she's still very little!) it was very easy to make her fall asleep again and again until 9 or 10 am when I was ready to get up but these days she's pretty awake by 7ish. So sometimes we get up, have breakfast and play, and then go back to sleep again between 9 and 10, but it depends what our plans are for the rest of the day. Sometimes the mum doesn't get anymore sleep, as she needs to beautify herself ;) but baby sleeps. In terms of the night routine, since she was 3-3½ months old we have tried to get a routine going with a bath (or just a wash, no need for a bath every night) and pajama on, a story or a few songs, feed and then bed. She's meant to fall asleep by herself and not in our arms but it's probably 50-50, which is okay I think. In terms of the recent "bad" sleeping, it varies from night to night. Sometimes she wakes up every two-three hours all night and sometimes she sleeps 5-6 hours to start with and then shorter periods. Peter has been letting me sleep in the mornings, as I take the night shift (and will continue to do so as long as I breastfeed and I'm not the one who goes to work), which I'm really grateful for (and for that I forgive that he forgot Mother's Day...).

- thinks her hands and various toys are fun but her feet even more so (though seems to be losing some of its novelty). Socks don't stay on for too long. She hasn't sucked on her own toes yet though :)

- can sit really well now. It started around four months and two weeks. She wanted to sit up when she was sitting on my lap and I let her practice both on my lap and on the floor. In the beginning she'd sit for 30-45 seconds and then falling more and more forwards but now she can sit for long periods (five minutes or so) and sometimes when she starts to fall she'll put down a hand and stops the fall.

- turns and rolls over. She used to do it sporadically about once or twice a week since she was 3½ months but now it's constantly, also when I put her on her back just after she's been fed and thinks she should stay on her back. Two nights ago she had rolled over in her bed for the first time - we found her sleeping om her tummy, so cute. When she's on her tummy she does push-ups - that's pretty new since a week or two - and has also started always holding herself up on her hands rather than her elbows.

- is really mobile, wants to go forward but can't obviously. She moves around on her play blanket and gets to her toys eventually even if she can't reach them at first. She gets frustrated sometimes if she can't reach.

- has a few favourite games: her mirror buddy of course, the babygym in general and playing peekaboo with herself. The latter is really cute, which means she puts a blankey on her face, removes it, laughs, and over and over again.

- lied on her tummy in the pram today so she could see a bit better (or at least from a new angle). I bet she will only want to do that now...

- has been trying porridge (oat cereal) for a few weeks now but it's not a hit. We just started her on potatoes and carrots and the like too but so far not a hit either. Will use some of the tips I received below - thanks!

- weighed 6,220 gr and was 61 cm tall last time we checked which was about three weeks ago. Tomorrow is our next appointment, including her second vaccination.

- has started wanting to cuddle more but still hasn't really understood what it is about except for when's hungry or upset, when she wants to be close of course.

- likes water so much that at the baby swim lessons she doesn't want to close her mouth when water is poured her and thus was not allowed to dive (it's more like a quick peek under water at this stage) at last week's lesson. She'd rather taste the water :) But this week she got to try it once and she did great!

- likes being read and sung too. It's fun to see how she recognises and favours some rhymes and jingles. In terms of books I'm not sure she has any favourites yet as we're always reading the same two books to her (the others have been packed), but she likes those two at least!

- takes at least two one- or two-hour naps daily and a couple of power naps sometimes but when we went to Peter's family's summer house over the Ascension and National Day weekend she slept much longer (and also a bit better at night). But since there were four - and when Peter's sister and her husband arrived, six - people entertaining her; I can understand it was pretty exhausting :)

These are things all babies do of course but it's very special when it's your own baby doing it - and most important, you are experiencing it all with her - and you feel like she such a cute, clever and amazing child! :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

What's Cooking

Isolde tried potato for the first time today. Not a hit... She's been trying porridge (simple oat based kind) for a week or two and it started well - she opened her mouth wide and even swallowed - but now it's like she's decided it's faul. A bit frustrating but at the same time I know she will eat solids eventually. We have a bit of deadline though. We're attending a wedding in a month's time and it would be good if she had learnt to appreciate porridge by then, for the babysitter's sake, especially since she's not keen on drinking from a bottle (either).

I have also prepared pureed carrot that has also gone into the freezer.

Via Anna's iPhone

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sitting Girl

Isolde has been practising sitting a LOT - she doesn't want to do much else - over the last couple of weeks and she's pretty good at it now. After a while she's almost bent double as she's also very interested in her feet right now but then she pulls herself up. She has two very proud parents!

Via Anna's iPhone

Friday, June 03, 2011


First swim of the year for Peter. Isolde and I stay dry.

Via Anna's iPhone

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

New Car!

Today's highlight: we picked up our new car, a Passat TDI 140. The BMW 5 Touring we inherited when Peter's parents bought a new one has been great - engine power, comfort and security - but in the last one-two years we had to replace the generator and the engine and fix a few other things and by the time we sold it the battery was acting up too, so good riddance really!

I have also wanted a much more environmentally friendly car (and wouldn't have bought a BMW myself). The Passat has a pretty strong engine and runs on diesel - satisfying Peter's driving experience wants - but emits under 120 mg (on average, not always in city traffic though), and so falls under the green car definition.

We chose between Passat and Volvo V50 but realised the bigger Passat was much better for a growing family with car seats and prams and all other stuff children "need". I will miss the space for the handbag that the V50 has though (I know that such a girly thing to say but usually car designers don't think about these things so it's worth pointing out!)!

Via Anna's iPhone

Sleep 2

Just because (or thanks to) I wrote that post yesterday, Isolde slept a bit better last night, six hours between 21 and 03 (and after that until 7AM with two more feeds). She was awake for a while around 01 but suck her thumb (loudly) for a while and fell asleep again. But did her mother sleep?! Nooo! I laid there for two hours thinking "I bet she'll wake up soon!". My legs also hurt from walking in high heals at a work reception I attended yesterday afternoon/evening. Even if she's not disturbed by us I'm certainly disturbed by the sounds she makes so separate rooms as soon as possible are probably best.

Regarding the bed routine I forgot to mention yesterday that since she was 3-3 1/2 months old we've been trying to get her to fall asleep by herself instead of in our arms in the evening. It has been semi-successful; it can take everything from 15 minutes to two hours (difficult to "catch" her tiredness right). But since that's not new it shouldn't have caused her recent sleeping problems. So we continue with the evening routine: bath (a few times a week), pajamas on, feed (recently porridge followed by breastmilk), story or singing or both, a last feed and then off to bed. If she happens to fall asleep when I feed her we don't wake her of course but put her down anyway.

From the beginning she's been sleeping in her cot for the first part of the night and then in our bed, and that continues. Sometimes at 3, 4 or 5AM, whenever it is she wakes up, I put her back in her cot after nursing, unless I fall asleep too. But if it's 6AM or later, or the second time she wakes up, she usually stays in our bed. Before she was born I was really against having her in our bed. I was afraid we'd roll on her, and even though other parents said "you won't, and you'll change your mind when the baby is here" I didn't believe them. They were right of course. That said, we all sleep much better in separate beds. This past week I have tried having her sleep more with us but that hasn't helped, she has still woken up every or every other hour, so that isn't it.

Thanks for all your comments below, replies coming!

Via Anna's iPhone

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


From being a pretty good sleeper (in the parent definition) Isolde has started waking up several times a night. Since she was two and a half months old (she's now four and a half) she's been sleeping at least five hours straight and on average six-seven hours (sometimes eight-nine hours but that's pretty rare). On a typical night she'd fall asleep at nine or ten o'clock and sleep until four or five in the morning. But for the past week she has gone to bed at nine or ten as usual but then woken up around midnight and then every hour or every other hour for the rest of the night (last night she slept six consecutive hours but that's because she fell asleep at 18:15; she still woke at midnight). A few nights she's been wide awake for two hours in the middle of the night. For the first couple of months of her life it was easy to make her fall asleep again at 6 or 7AM but now she's awake and want to play. That's fine though. We often get up, play for a while, eat breakfast, and then we go back to bed between let's say 8 and 9 or 10 am. Normally that's not a problem (I get enough sleep) but now, with me getting such interrupted sleep (and sometimes being awake for two hours), we have slept even longer in the morning. At the same time or as a result, she's taken longer naps during the day, and now I fear that her daily rhythm is off. I don't know whether to wake her though. Feels like she's still too young for me to try to steer her sleeping except for the evening bedtime but maybe it's time?

I asked our nurse B if the move has upset Isolde but she didn't think so. She said babies are not that sensitive to their environment, not as long as they are still with people (and stuff) they recognise. Isolde did sleep fine for the first three or four days in the new flat though, but maybe it took her a few days to notice new sounds and smells? B thought instead that I'd been stressed (over the move) and had less milk as a result (I have noticed that myself actually but I thought it was my breasts finally being balanced so-to-speak) and that Isolde wakes up at night simply because she's hungry. She ordered me to drink more water (which I have been forgetting lately) and also try to feed her more in the evening. I have followed her advice and my breasts have now re-filled but Isolde is still not sleeping properly... We have started giving her porridge, which I hope will fill her up in the evening... as soon as she gets that she supposed to swallow (so far she's been eating 5 ml/ a table spoon at the most).

My other theory is that she's disturbed by us. We have gone to bed at 11 pm or midnight and soon (up to an hour) after that she wakes up. She's not that sensitive to noise otherwise in the evening (the hoover going or cardboard boxes being dismantled) and we don't turn on lights or make much noise when we go to bed, and it was never a problem at the old flat, but maybe she's disturbed by us turning in bed, snoring (?) or whispering? We still don't have a bed and no blinds in our bedroom so we're sleeping in Isolde's room. Maybe letting her sleep alone would make her sleep better?

All you mothers out there, any advice?! I want this sleeping beauty back!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fina fisken

On my way home after a nice dinner with Åsa at Pontus' new Seafood bar. It's not that often I'm baby-free - and I've mostly been away during the day so far - so I've been enjoying myself. But we laughed about the fact that we talked quite a lot about our children :)

The food was very good as always. I had a Norwegian fish with a strange-sounding name I can't remember (it starts with u..?).

Via Anna's iPhone

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Morning

Isolde is sleeping soundly in the pram after her swimming lesson and I'm relaxing in the sun and writing in Isolde's journal (a bit behind on entries as always).

Via Anna's iPhone

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

To Keep or Not to Keep...

I have a complete set of encyclopaedia (including atlas, three dictionaries and yearbooks from the 1990s) from Bra böcker that I don't know what to do with*. With the Internet and all the sources (reliable as well as as unreliable of course) it holds, I don't really need an encyclopaedia anymore and I would really only keep the set because it "looks good" on the shelf and for the odd-chance it would be worth money in the future (unlikely). The risk of Internet disappearing in the future is virtually non-existent though and even if we for some reason wouldn't live in an information society I could probably buy a set again or go to the library. On the other hand, it could be fun for Isolde to browse through when she's a bit older. I will definitely keep the atlas for that reason.

So what to do?! I need advice, people!

* We did move them to the new flat but they are still in boxes.

Feet & Coffee

An update is in order. The flat is still in a state but we're getting there, albeit slowly. Isolde doesn't let me do much during the day (her four-hours naps are gone; now it's two hours at the most) so most of the unpacking and organising is being done in the evening. The weather has been pretty good so we haven't felt like being inside all day anyway (she sleeps best if we go for a walk at least once a day). At the moment Isolde wants to practice sitting all the time so the babygym and the bouncy chair are not popular right now. I have
bought a bumbo seat so she can sit up while I sit next to her on the floor organising a drawer or similar. She can't (and shouldn't of course) be left alone in the seat though because she stretches her legs and tries to get out of it, clever girl!

The babygym might be back in favour soon though as she has discovered her feet and likes kicking on the danglies when she's not busy trying to take her socks off or holding her toes.

I will post some photos of the flat soon. The balcony is ready and the living room and kitchen are getting there. When I say "get there" I mean it's furnished and most of the clutter is unpacked and put away. We're going to decorate too but we're taking our time choosing wallpaper and paints (and the plan is to completely redo the kitchen later in the year). The bedrooms are a bit empty and we're sleeping on two mattrasses on the floor (need to get to Ikea to buy a new bed!). Our walk-in closets are done too - you can see where my priorities lie! - will take a picture of those too!

Just had some sushi for lunch and now it's time for coffee! Isoldjuls napping so I'd better use the time for something useful (as opposed to blogging :) Speaking of coffee, every day since we moved in I have smelt "kokkaffe", i.e. coffee made on the stove (boil coffee) the way many older people make it, in the stairway. Smells like my grandfather's place somehow even though he doesn't make that way anymore as far as I know. Gives a homely feeling though.

Via Anna's iPhone

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Grattis mormor!

Trying to get Isolde to pose for her grandmother on her birthday is not an easy task!

Via Anna's iPhone

Friday, May 20, 2011


I forgot to bring Isolde's sunhat today so her blanket had to step in to do the job. Meet our little nun.

Via Anna's iPhone


We're in, barely. We have so much stuff! Where did it all come from?! Even the walk-in closets are not walkable at the moment. The only functioning room is the balcony but I forgot to take a picture and now it's dark.

And Isolde has had her first injury. Not move related and not serious, and self-inflicted by her sharp nails. She scratched herself inside the ear so that I had to put some tissue there for a while. She didn't seem to mind though. She didn't even seem to notice when her ear was full of blood earlier. Easy-going that one.

Via Anna's iPhone

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


"What did you say, mummy, I'm supposed to stay ON the blanket?"

Via Anna's iPhone

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Package galore! From my secret book friend (still trying to figure who she is but I'm guessing Bea?!) on Sunday and from Västmanländskan today - won her blog draw!

My book friend sent short stories (indeed something appropriate for a new mother) by Jonas Karlsson, delicious raspberry chocolate and matches-with-message (for the fireplace in our new flat!), and her son passed on one of his favourite (and well-read) books to Isolde!

Västmanländskan's secret package contained a book (of course, the sender being an avid reader!), a film, lingonberry chocs, lip gloss and fish taco spices. All of the above is untried/read/seen so lots of new things to try in different ways. Better not lose anything in the move! :)

Via Anna's iPhone

Monday, May 16, 2011

Precious Cargo

Via Anna's iPhone

It Has Begun...

The packing that is. Thursday is the big day!

We've sold our bedroom wardrobe so my clothes are temporarily homeless (btw, we're selling a double bed and another wardrobe if anyone is interested).

But now a break to bake a pineapple cake - trying to use up some of the cans and jars we've had for a while.

Via Anna's iPhone

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Under Reconstruction

Even though I liked my previous template a lot, especially the flower, it was getting a bit old. Time for a change. Not sure about this one though. Need to shrink the image above to start with. Work in progress...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Show & Tell: Balconies and Grills

I missed two Show & Tell themes in April: Your garden/balcony and On the grill. Before I tackle Désirée's May themes (which I'm also late with...) I thought I'd tell you about our new balcony and why the grill had to move out.

One of the best things about our current flat - our home for the last 4½ years - is the balcony. It's 8 sqm which is pretty big for balconies.

This photo is a winter one (only have access to the photos from the real estate ad right now) so the balcony looks a bit miserable but I think it shows its size. We have rearranged the furniture from time to time but we've always had a "table corner" and one " cosy corner".

The summer look. I really likes the little buxbom trees we had for a couple of years until last year when they didn't survive the winter (well, we had them during the summer but they never recovered so we had to throw them out) and we have always had some pots with different kinds of plants as well.

Another winter look. And this is where the grill comes in. It can't be seen here because it's hidden in the little space of the balcony just around the corner. You can't fit much there but a Weber grill (the smallest but one) fits.

We've had so many nice moments on the balcony. Afternoon teas, dinners (many prepared on the grill), tanning, sipping a home-made iced latte, New Year toasts, etc., etc. In the summer the sun comes around the building after lunch and then stays until 6 or 6:30 pm before it disappears behind the building in from (the one we're moving into). On warm summer evenings it doesn't matter that there's no evening sun and if it's been a cool evening we have turned on the infra heater.

But now it's goodbye to this balcony and hello to another one. First we thought the new balcony was much smaller but when we saw the flat again two weeks ago (when it became officially ours) we realised that while it's smaller, it's not that much smaller. The grill had to go though (it now lives at the summer house where it's replacing a standard charcoal grill) as the new balcony is more built-in and doesn't provide that much airy space around the grill that we think is required. Gas grills don't let out smoke the way like charcoal ones do but still food smell (how much depends on how clean the grid is). So we figure we'll spare the neighbours of that.

Since it's built-in, the new balcony will provide a bit more shelter. Our old one, and maybe extra so because we lived on the corner of the building, was quite windy. So I'm looking forward to much warmer evenings here than in the old one. And if it gets too hot during the day there's a awning for some shade.

Note that this is the former owner's stuff - we haven't done it up as we haven't moved yet.

Another thing I really like with the new balcony is that it's located by the living room and not the bedroom and that the doors are much wider. It's like the living room extends to the outdoors.

One of my favourite dishes on the grill is tuna with "my" Japanese sauce. But it tasted pretty good tonight too - fried in a regular pan on the cooker! Otherwise we have put many a hamburger on it and also turned out very delicious beef and pork fillets, one in a chocolate and chili coating.

Apologies for the formatting - can't get the spacing to work right now. Argh!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Little Swimmer

Yay, Blogger is back in action! Looks like my last post that looked lost is back, however the comments may be gone (?). I have a few Show & Tell posts on the way (have been slagging lately), but in the meantime, here are some photos and a video from Isolde's first swimming "lesson".

She likes when we bathe her at home and the pool was no different, well, even better of course. At this rate she'll be an Olympic swimmer next year some time! :) Almost all the other babies were crying at some point (and the changing room afterwards was a cacophony...) except Isolde who was just enjoying herself (and watching the screamers with big eyes when we were showering). All three of us are really looking forward to next week (well, Peter can't come along then unfortunately as it's our moving day!).

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Isolde's Yoda look is back! Last time we saw it she was only a few days or a week old. She's been doing this all day:

Not sure if she has a tooth on the way (don't think so, would be a bit early) or if it means she's ready to try to eat food (lately she's been studying us when we put something into our mouths and chew) or if it's part of her language development (she's been "talking" a lot today).

Monday, May 09, 2011

4 Months!

Our little girl is four months already! Where did the time go?!

Photo taken today

Isolde's new thing as of a few weeks ago is that she tests her voice. That is, she screams, or shrieks. For real! Not because she's crying or upset but because she's happy (well, most of the time). It's very difficult to get this on video though, since every time I or Peter start filming she stops and just looks at the camera/phone. None of these videos are very good - either in quality or because Isolde doesn't want to "cooperate" - but I'd thought I'd post them anyway. It's much louder in reality than it sounds (I need head muffs) and she can go on for a long time (not just on tape).

Friday, May 06, 2011


A bit later...

* Though I cringe at the word...

Via Anna's iPhone

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Words of Wisdom

Watching Oprah (as you do when you're on maternity leave) who heard a quote I wanted to pass on.

Forgiveness is giving up

the hope that the past

could have been any different

A variation of this is: Forgiveness is giving up all hope for a better past

For My Secret Book Friend

Lately I haven't read as much as I used to do (I blame it on lots of good TV series and my blog addiction) but I still love reading and want to pick it up again.

Here are three posts listing what I have read over the last few years:
And all my book related posts

I like "spinned" books with subtle or sly humour, for example I really envoyed Hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann. I also like non-fiction such as Bill Bryson's books and The Story of the Oxford English Dictionary by Simon Winchester. I also read chick lit but I prefer books with "more", so-to-speak. I'm not keen on fantasy or science fiction but I like e.g. Jasper Fforde's books about Thursday Next. I like crime novels but I'm tired of historic or classic novels and romance.

I welcome books both in Swedish and English!

In terms of "extras", please don't send any scented candles or similar as certain smells give me a migraine.

Hope this helps but don't worry too much about my preferences! I'm just excited about participating in Pocket & Prassel for the first time and see what someone chooses just for me!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Today's excursion (luckily an indoor one as it was a whopping 4 degrees accompanied by snow and rain): the Beatrix Potter exhibition at Millesgården together with lovely Tora and little Ester. The exhibition was a bit disappointing. It was very small; the shop was more exciting. If our children had been older though we'd have appreciated it more, since it was really more of a Beatrix Potter playroom.

Isolde slept through most of it (as usual) but woke up for a feed while mum watched a film about the author (which made the overall rating of the exhibition higher).

Peter Rabbit aka Pelle Kanin didn't come home with us but a pack of baby grip friendly crayons and some licorice fudge did.

After the museum we had a delicious soup with locally produced ingredients including spicy sausage at Millesgården's café. Pretty good despite miserable May weather!

Via Anna's iPhone

Monday, May 02, 2011

Bin Laughing

Best Twitter right now: GhostOsama. Some highlights:

- Was just granted my 72 virgins, YES! Did I mention that I have 72 virgins? 70 virgins left. I need a cigarette and a nap.

- I retired as the world champion of hide and seek.

- LMAO @NapoleonBonaparte you are short little dude, but I like your style

- @KimJongil you are my go to guy in real life now

- My life secrets I love @SarahPalin she got huge boobs and likes guns