Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Total reliance.

Penang, March 2022


I still remembered vividly the day, last week, where I REALLY want to eat pasta. 

Specifically, aglio olio pasta.

To be more particular, spicy aglio olio. Or anything that resembled spicy creamy thai pasta. I know, I sounded very entitled and privileged there T.T and mind you, I am not a pasta person XD Definitely not a "mac n cheese" person too! So for me to suddenly craving for a pasta is very out of the blue moon! 

My parents were not at home at that time, so I dragged my lil bro to eat for dinner. Specifically at Naili's Ampang. Eventhough it was first Saturday of the month - and school holiday has started; we can definitely expect the crowd there. But the urge to get there was everything.

Lets' just embraced that I really wanted to eat that.

Then we get to Ampang. It was near 8:40pm and it was slightly raining that time. As I drove around the Naili's, obviously packed with cars. And not to mention, people. 

Then I drove again for second round, with the high hope, and I really pray to Allah, accompanied with doa makan recitations, suddenly a car that parked exactly in front of Naili's showed reverse sign.

Then Ariff said, "Alhamdulillah rezeki". I was soooo happy! But let's not be just happy as yet. I asked Ariff to go inside and eyeing if there is any spot available for both of us.

And alhamdulillah - again - Allah swt granted my wish :')

Then Ariff showed some "Come" signal then I happily turned off my car and went into the restaurant.

Kinda relatable isn't it? :)

My very point is not that I want pasta and I got that. Nope.

But we really remember Him when we are in need of something :(

I just want to put it here so that I could remember that He hears my wishessss everytime. 

It is me that probably neglected. Ignored and even overlooked every little signs of Him.

When we are in need, we could do everything. Even recite everything just to make sure our du'a is granted. 

Sometimes, the objective of the du'a itself is questionable. Hmm

Whatever it is, the hope is there. We can do better everytime, as long as we are breathing. 


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