While Match is distracting La with a foot massage, I was able to sneak away to upload this final Disney Invasion bonus. Luckily, Daniel Wickie managed to rescue Jane just in time to close out the Disney girls with style. Enjoy everyone!!

(Ok, these caps are a combination of shots from the Tarzan movie and animated series. Once again I have to give a Mega-Sized thank you to Match25 (the Legendary Master of Sole Shots) not just for capping the movie and finding these episode scenes but also for all his help throughout this entire set of posts. This invasion would not have been possible without him. ^_^)
So what's so special about Jane? Well besides the fact that she's pretty, remarkably intelligent, and has an adorable British accent and great personality (I love her dry sense of humor)...there's the sheer volume of foot scenes available for her. Between losing her footwear midway through the Tarzan movie and a ton of barefoot appearances throughout the Tarzan series, Jane has more barefoot scenes then other Disney girl to date. Also because her movie came late in the disney lineup, her feet are remarkably detailed too. *Takes a moment to daydream about them* Ah such a great character.
Alright everybody after travelling from the Great wall of China to the forests of North America, the deserts of Agrabah, to the streets of Paris, exploring the Jungles of India and Africa and touching the ocean floor itself; After spanning over 5 decades of Cartoon animation and worshiping the feet of heroines, villainesses, princesses and everyday girls alike...it's time to finally bring these Disney bonuses to a close. Hopefully I managed to bring back at least one childhood memory to make you guys smile.
Ok...Just because the Disney Invasion is over doesn't mean you've seen the last of these girls. In its 80 year history, Disney has created some remarkable films and a rich set of characters and as the comments to some of these posts will attest, there's definitely more to post for them. Don't be too surprised if they reappear here in the future. Speaking of the future...more to come soon everyone.