I never want to forget this stage of Cal's life. He is an absolute crack up! He gives me the privilege of experiencing every single emotion I could possibly experience every single day, but it's totally worth it getting to be his mom! Cal loves to look handsome, dress like his dad for church, and look like a missionary. I love when we'll be walking down to the primary room on Sunday and Cal asks, "Do I look handsome mom?" or sometimes more specifically - "Does my hair look handsome?"
He is a very particular little boy - everything has to be done a certain way. He doesn't eat much for breakfast in the mornings, but then likes a morning snack after the girls have left for school - usually something like carrots with ranch, apple slices, pretzels and cheese. I set his plate of snacks out on a blanket in front of the tv for him to watch one episode (which usually becomes 2 or 3 episodes) of Dinosaur Train while I shower and get ready for the day.
Most mornings we're on the go, but thankfully he's super fun to take on errands - I actually prefer having him with me at places like Costco. Cal gets cold in the "cold room" (freezer section) and gives me hugs while shopping to stay warm. He's a great eater and loves to try out all the samples. I love hearing his opinion on all the samples. He'll dramatize everything and make a huge deal when it's something good... "Oh, this is SOOOOO good mom!! Mmmmm, oh Yum!!!"
Every Friday we have a big park date at Pitts Ranch Park. There's a big ol' group of boys just his age and they all like to ride their bikes together - it's super cute to watch!
Tough guy pose:
(L-R: James, Jackson, Dane, Cal, Drew) about 3 or 4 of the other boys were missing this particular day.
Cal has such blast every week at park day that I thought it would be fun to have a birthday party for him on the Friday before his birthday. With my mom, dad, Karlee, and Jeremy, all in town I figured it would be super easy. Even Madi had the day off school, and Spencer took the morning off work to join the fun. Sadly, the party did NOT go as I had planned and Calvin became all shy and crazy about the attention he was getting. One small little incident of me pinching his neck while taking off his helmet and he was hysterical for most of the party. I was so annoyed and super frustrated, but gave it everything in me to remain cool, clam, and collected. I don't remember much of the party except trying to console by crying son. He wouldn't eat any of the lunch I had planned for everybody - I thought for sure he'd love the uncrustables, juice boxes, applesauce GOgurts. veggie tray, etc. Nope!! He was being such a punk about it all.
The piƱata was a hit except for when other people got up for a turn. He loose it all over again, telling me how they were going to break it and he wouldn't get another turn to hit. I seriously had MAJOR party regret afterwards and wanted to take it all back. It took me several hours after we got home to calm down about how it all went down.
After cupcakes Cal opened presents but his smiles were so sad and forced.
I mean, come on . . . it was killing me!!
Some friends had to leave early before opening presents so I saved a few presents for Cal to open another day when he wasn't so cranky.
He opened a cute Puppy Paw lunchbox with treats in it from cousin Leila the next morning before she had to leave for San Diego for a wedding.
Presents from Gram Rox and Houston arrived in the mail.
Sunday morning (the 27th - along with Easter and James' blessing) was Cal's actual birthday.
He got a donut for breakfast, sung to in primary, and then a big Easter dinner/ birthday celebration at Boppi and Grandpa Al's house that evening. It was quite the party with both sets of grandparents, aunt and uncles (Bobby and Amy were in town too). Thankfully Cal was in good spirits with the smaller crowd and was adorable while he opened his presents. He was excited about everything!
A few other things about Cal at 4 years:
* He just started drawing people a few weeks ago! I absolutely LOVE these first pictures when the arms and legs come out of the head!
* Cal doesn't like to be without me. He's very uncomfortable about me leaving him. A favorite moment was when I was working out on my elliptical in the garage and Cal came looking for me. He hung out and talked to me for awhile, and then before going in, he blew me a kiss, and told me, "I love you mom". He turned around several more times to blow more kisses before he walked in.