Wow. It's been ages since posting on this cobweb covered blog. It's for no reason other than life picked up the pace and I LEARNED to let go of many things, blogging being one of them. But I've felt drawn to it, for the moment at least, and we'll see where it goes.
I want to briefly post that L.I.F.E. (meaning- Love, Intrigue, Fun, Enjoy) have been some of the words I've tried to put more into each day during my time away from this blog. I've learned some great lessons. Days seems to get more crowded and chaotic as the kids have gotten older but thankfully as I've applied showing/giving love and service, being intrigued and interested in my husband, children and the world around me, finding fun in each day and enjoyment in an endless list of things (shortly listed as: service, moments of quiet, personal revelation from God, introspective runs at sunrise...etc) that I've had a new appreciation for the blessings I have been given from Heavenly Father. Anyway, in summary of my brief return - wow! Life is good! It's busy and always changing but I am enjoying the journey!
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Malorie has been excited about being all grown-up and being at school all day, just like Kaylee. But then... the first day of school happened. She came home saying it was 'SOOOOO LONG' and she missed being at home with me. To push her right off the edge, I wanted her to learn how to get hot lunch but that was just too much for her. So the boys and I went and had lunch with her the first time she got hot lunch (which thankfully wasn't til about day 3). I realized what was stressing her out about lunch- it is complete chaos in the lunchroom! Noisy, lines, (and which one should she be in?), too many choices for a deliberating little girl and a number to remember besides. So she had hot lunch twice and has been content with homemade peanut butter sandwiches ever since. She still comes home saying that school is too long and she misses home and Friday she starts worrying about having to go back to school on Monday. But with all her frustrations about a long day, she loves her teacher and has some great friends...still, her favorite times of the day are recess and when school is over. I love my tender little home-body Mal.
Kaylee was anxious to get back to school; she has been so excited about learning cursive and times tables. After shopping for school clothes she could hardly wait to wear her 'power outifit'... I didn't think purple was her thing but this shirt is her absolute favorite (well and of course the matching purple shoes!) Kaylee is enjoying her teacher Mrs. Reff and all her friends. I don't ever have to keep her on task to get her homework done- she always does it. She loves to read still and always has a book in her hands when she's home. She's ready to conquer all her teacher has for her.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Sunday, March 11, 2012
It's a true story, I swear!!
As I begin writing this I don't know that anyone will believe this story to be true so I'm telling you- IT IS TRUE- although it seems like it belongs in an intense fictional book instead of actually occuring in my life.
It begins with a runny nose and two boys. Carson and Lincoln had colds, no big deal. Then after two weeks of being grumpy they go to the doctor and it's a sinus infection for both of them. Steve joins the sick party after having a tooth extraction requiring a cadaver bone implant and antibiotics... now it's three miserable boys in our house. Another week goes by and Steve now has the same sinus infection as the boys and the boys are not better. Keeping the multiple bottles of antibiotics on schedule is becoming a bigger job to keep track of and my sink seems to always have a handful of little medicine cups or syringes in it. Next is Lincoln's ear infection and Steve is throwing up. At this point I'm sick of sick people but I know it can't last much longer.
Well, Steve throws up non-stop for 5 days, let me stress the NON-STOP part. So finally he goes to the Instacare on a Saturday afternoon. They run some tests and say they'll have answers for him on Monday morning, meanwhile he's to stop taking the antibiotics for the sinus infection he still has that also has a terrible cough along with it. Monday morning comes and I call the Instacare and I'm told the results aren't ready yet but maybe by 5 pm that day. So while Steve continues throwing up and now has a permanent bed at the side of the toilet, I wait til 5 pm and then call the Instacare again. I'm told the results are still being processed and that "this stuff just takes time but it should be ready in the morning." So we survive another night of him throwing up and Carson and Lincoln taking turns waking up because the stubborn infections they have are still lingering. We made it to Tuesday! Steve has now lost about 10 pounds and doesn't get out of bed, doesn't glance at his phone or ipad (which is a big deal for him), has missed days of work and just lays there half asleep most of the time. Again I call for the results that the Instacare 'had to have' before knowing how to proceed treating him. I shouldn't have been shocked when they say they don't have them yet.
So we head to the Emergency Room- I wheel him in in a wheelchair and it's amazing how the threat of throw up got him a room in a 'completely full' hospital really fast. They got him hydrated, stopped the nausea and gave him morphine for his intense abdominal pain and started running tests. The ER doctor checked the computer for the tests that were done at the Instacare- it showed that all our waiting had been for nothing... the tests we needed had not even been ordered! I thought I was going to boil over!! So we put our trust in the ER, hoping they would be timely about getting the tests done. So when results came back within a couple hours stating that 'all looked just fine' they sent us home with some anti-nausea and pain meds- I was skeptical that he could keep the pills in his stomach long enough for them to work.
I got Steve home and ran to the pharmacy to pick up his prescriptions- it was a long line at the drive thru but I was too tired to go in so I waited and waited instead (dumb philosophy I know). It was finally my turn to pull up after a solid 15 minute wait. As I am driving forward, the car behind me zooms in front of me and takes my spot! I honked my horn and rolled down my window and loudly stated that it was my turn and they needed to move- she said 'sorry'. I again said that I had been waiting a long time and she had cut me off, her reply was 'sorry'. I haven't felt so out of control in a long time! I was tired, out of options to help Steve, in a hurry to pick up the kids and now this was the last straw! I really wanted to rear-end that stupid lady's car but instead I zoomed off and went inside the pharmacy... I did come up with 10 great options for revenge- I really had had it!
Well it was time for parent/teacher conferences so I left a drugged up husband with Carson and Lincoln and took the girls to their appointments. When we got home there was a police car in front of our house and the officer was ringing the doorbell. I hurried over to him to explain my husband was home but not able to get to the door because he was so sick. The officer said he was responding to a 911 call and when the dispatch had called our number back the little voice on the phone said "Lincoln is eating two apples and he's not supposed to eat apples." I stood there trying to figure out how on earth he had called 911. The officer broke my trance when he asked to get inside the house and make sure everything was ok. Oh duh! Of course I should be running in the house to see that they are alive... but how the heck did they call 911? So I ran in, let the officer in and I found Steve and the boys all watching a movie together and sure enough, Lincoln has two half-eaten apples in his hands (hence the reason they never get a whole apple, I always cut them up.) I apologized to the officer who was kind enough not to make me feel like a complete idiot but because we had left in such a hurry for the girls' appointments we had left the side gate open- displaying a mess of old leaves and Steve's old beater Jeep. The front porch and driveway was covered with blankets, shoes, toys, piles of sand and a host of other odd things that portrayed that we were a bunch of hillbillies that let our kids run wild and who's kids would have to call 911 to tattle.
When I asked Carson what happened he said that Kaylee taught him to call 911 before we left and that dad was asleep when Lincoln was getting the apples out. I didn't know who to be mad at Kaylee or Carson... in the end it was funny and Carson is prepared for a real disaster.
We made it through that night although I consumed way too much chocolate but Steve at least didn't throw up and the meds made him sleepy so it was a calmer night. I called the Instacare again in the morning, we still needed to see if there was anything different from their tests versus the emergency room. They told me the same "it's still pending story" and after I explained how stupid that sounds and that it can't possibly be true they say "sorry". (I'm sick of that word used so falsely!) Then a while later the Instacare calls back and says they've had the results since the very first day I called and everything looks completely normal.
As a side note here-- I like to think I'm a hard person to upset but I wasn't at all pacified that the results were 'competely normal' or that the Instacare had the results just like they said they would-- I was so upset that I had been strung along for what felt like years without options to proceed because someone couldn't figure out Steve's tests. It was a true test to not lash out at the incompetent person I was talking to and to not strangle the phone in my hands hoping it would somehow reach them.
I know I've become insane at this point- so Steve's mom took the kids for a while as did my mom so that I could escape the germ and filth infestation at our house. I went shopping and retail therapy cured me. I bought some cute Easter decorations- one of which is a big, cuddly looking ceramic bunny... I knew the kids would love it's big eyes and cute face. Ahhhh... shopping is good for stress especially since I've been too worn out to run off my stress or get ready for our half marathon that's in 2 weeks, yes I said TWO WEEKS.
Days passed- Steve didn't throw up but barely ate anything- another 5 pounds of weight loss. All and all the doctors passed this all off as a bad virus that he just needs to get through on his own. He's starting to heal, eat and get out of bed and through it all he still has a terrible cough to get rid of. Lincoln is doing better- well enough that he climbed on the table where my new bunny was and tried to hold it. It became a shattered mess on the floor... juuuust great. Well, add it to the mess already on the floor that needs to be cleaned up. What's retail therapy anyway?
Just as Steve is getting better, the boys finished their second round of antibiotics for the sinus infections/new ear infections but Carson didn't seem better at all, in fact he now had a fever plus a cough that kept him up all night and made him throw up (I'm more than a little sick of throw up and cleaning the associated bathrooms). So another trip to the doctor shows that he now has pneumonia and he is now on a breathing treatment 3 times a day.
I again needed to escape, so I went to the temple to plead for heavens help. My running pal Jamie and I were doing baptisms and it was Jamie's turn to go into the font. While I waited the little grandma that was helping asked if I wanted to hand Jamie her towel when she got out... sure, why not, I thought...but then the old grandma said "it's a motherly kind of thing to do." Well that was a weird thing to say right? Oh well, she's old. But then Jamie stood there freezing, wrapped in the towel I gave her, while I had my turn. The old grandma told Jamie she could stand there and watch "while her mom had a turn". WHAT!?! I am old enough to be my friends mom?! and she's young enough to be my daughter?! It was a downer for my 'comfortable in my 30's self-image' but it was just an OLD grandma right? I'll get over it.
Whew, it's now Sunday March 11, 2012 and we are all still alive and hopefully headed in a healthy direction. Steve got a phone call for a meeting with the bishop at 8:20 am - he knew that he really needed to go to it but we forgot that it's daylight savings so he had to be out of bed and at an appointment at 7:20 am when he's barely left the house for 2 weeks. He made it to the appointment and found out he was being released as the ward mission leader and wasn't as of yet given a calling. The girls were happy to hear that dad wouldn't have so many meetings anymore. Amazingly enough, a couple hours passed and the Stake executive secretary called to have Steve and I come in for a meeting with a member of the Stake presidency... haha! so much for a break in callings! but he's excited for a new assignment. So... saying yes to a new calling will bring blessings for sure right? ...any that might ensure good health?
It begins with a runny nose and two boys. Carson and Lincoln had colds, no big deal. Then after two weeks of being grumpy they go to the doctor and it's a sinus infection for both of them. Steve joins the sick party after having a tooth extraction requiring a cadaver bone implant and antibiotics... now it's three miserable boys in our house. Another week goes by and Steve now has the same sinus infection as the boys and the boys are not better. Keeping the multiple bottles of antibiotics on schedule is becoming a bigger job to keep track of and my sink seems to always have a handful of little medicine cups or syringes in it. Next is Lincoln's ear infection and Steve is throwing up. At this point I'm sick of sick people but I know it can't last much longer.
Well, Steve throws up non-stop for 5 days, let me stress the NON-STOP part. So finally he goes to the Instacare on a Saturday afternoon. They run some tests and say they'll have answers for him on Monday morning, meanwhile he's to stop taking the antibiotics for the sinus infection he still has that also has a terrible cough along with it. Monday morning comes and I call the Instacare and I'm told the results aren't ready yet but maybe by 5 pm that day. So while Steve continues throwing up and now has a permanent bed at the side of the toilet, I wait til 5 pm and then call the Instacare again. I'm told the results are still being processed and that "this stuff just takes time but it should be ready in the morning." So we survive another night of him throwing up and Carson and Lincoln taking turns waking up because the stubborn infections they have are still lingering. We made it to Tuesday! Steve has now lost about 10 pounds and doesn't get out of bed, doesn't glance at his phone or ipad (which is a big deal for him), has missed days of work and just lays there half asleep most of the time. Again I call for the results that the Instacare 'had to have' before knowing how to proceed treating him. I shouldn't have been shocked when they say they don't have them yet.
So we head to the Emergency Room- I wheel him in in a wheelchair and it's amazing how the threat of throw up got him a room in a 'completely full' hospital really fast. They got him hydrated, stopped the nausea and gave him morphine for his intense abdominal pain and started running tests. The ER doctor checked the computer for the tests that were done at the Instacare- it showed that all our waiting had been for nothing... the tests we needed had not even been ordered! I thought I was going to boil over!! So we put our trust in the ER, hoping they would be timely about getting the tests done. So when results came back within a couple hours stating that 'all looked just fine' they sent us home with some anti-nausea and pain meds- I was skeptical that he could keep the pills in his stomach long enough for them to work.
I got Steve home and ran to the pharmacy to pick up his prescriptions- it was a long line at the drive thru but I was too tired to go in so I waited and waited instead (dumb philosophy I know). It was finally my turn to pull up after a solid 15 minute wait. As I am driving forward, the car behind me zooms in front of me and takes my spot! I honked my horn and rolled down my window and loudly stated that it was my turn and they needed to move- she said 'sorry'. I again said that I had been waiting a long time and she had cut me off, her reply was 'sorry'. I haven't felt so out of control in a long time! I was tired, out of options to help Steve, in a hurry to pick up the kids and now this was the last straw! I really wanted to rear-end that stupid lady's car but instead I zoomed off and went inside the pharmacy... I did come up with 10 great options for revenge- I really had had it!
Well it was time for parent/teacher conferences so I left a drugged up husband with Carson and Lincoln and took the girls to their appointments. When we got home there was a police car in front of our house and the officer was ringing the doorbell. I hurried over to him to explain my husband was home but not able to get to the door because he was so sick. The officer said he was responding to a 911 call and when the dispatch had called our number back the little voice on the phone said "Lincoln is eating two apples and he's not supposed to eat apples." I stood there trying to figure out how on earth he had called 911. The officer broke my trance when he asked to get inside the house and make sure everything was ok. Oh duh! Of course I should be running in the house to see that they are alive... but how the heck did they call 911? So I ran in, let the officer in and I found Steve and the boys all watching a movie together and sure enough, Lincoln has two half-eaten apples in his hands (hence the reason they never get a whole apple, I always cut them up.) I apologized to the officer who was kind enough not to make me feel like a complete idiot but because we had left in such a hurry for the girls' appointments we had left the side gate open- displaying a mess of old leaves and Steve's old beater Jeep. The front porch and driveway was covered with blankets, shoes, toys, piles of sand and a host of other odd things that portrayed that we were a bunch of hillbillies that let our kids run wild and who's kids would have to call 911 to tattle.
When I asked Carson what happened he said that Kaylee taught him to call 911 before we left and that dad was asleep when Lincoln was getting the apples out. I didn't know who to be mad at Kaylee or Carson... in the end it was funny and Carson is prepared for a real disaster.
We made it through that night although I consumed way too much chocolate but Steve at least didn't throw up and the meds made him sleepy so it was a calmer night. I called the Instacare again in the morning, we still needed to see if there was anything different from their tests versus the emergency room. They told me the same "it's still pending story" and after I explained how stupid that sounds and that it can't possibly be true they say "sorry". (I'm sick of that word used so falsely!) Then a while later the Instacare calls back and says they've had the results since the very first day I called and everything looks completely normal.
As a side note here-- I like to think I'm a hard person to upset but I wasn't at all pacified that the results were 'competely normal' or that the Instacare had the results just like they said they would-- I was so upset that I had been strung along for what felt like years without options to proceed because someone couldn't figure out Steve's tests. It was a true test to not lash out at the incompetent person I was talking to and to not strangle the phone in my hands hoping it would somehow reach them.
I know I've become insane at this point- so Steve's mom took the kids for a while as did my mom so that I could escape the germ and filth infestation at our house. I went shopping and retail therapy cured me. I bought some cute Easter decorations- one of which is a big, cuddly looking ceramic bunny... I knew the kids would love it's big eyes and cute face. Ahhhh... shopping is good for stress especially since I've been too worn out to run off my stress or get ready for our half marathon that's in 2 weeks, yes I said TWO WEEKS.
Days passed- Steve didn't throw up but barely ate anything- another 5 pounds of weight loss. All and all the doctors passed this all off as a bad virus that he just needs to get through on his own. He's starting to heal, eat and get out of bed and through it all he still has a terrible cough to get rid of. Lincoln is doing better- well enough that he climbed on the table where my new bunny was and tried to hold it. It became a shattered mess on the floor... juuuust great. Well, add it to the mess already on the floor that needs to be cleaned up. What's retail therapy anyway?
Just as Steve is getting better, the boys finished their second round of antibiotics for the sinus infections/new ear infections but Carson didn't seem better at all, in fact he now had a fever plus a cough that kept him up all night and made him throw up (I'm more than a little sick of throw up and cleaning the associated bathrooms). So another trip to the doctor shows that he now has pneumonia and he is now on a breathing treatment 3 times a day.
I again needed to escape, so I went to the temple to plead for heavens help. My running pal Jamie and I were doing baptisms and it was Jamie's turn to go into the font. While I waited the little grandma that was helping asked if I wanted to hand Jamie her towel when she got out... sure, why not, I thought...but then the old grandma said "it's a motherly kind of thing to do." Well that was a weird thing to say right? Oh well, she's old. But then Jamie stood there freezing, wrapped in the towel I gave her, while I had my turn. The old grandma told Jamie she could stand there and watch "while her mom had a turn". WHAT!?! I am old enough to be my friends mom?! and she's young enough to be my daughter?! It was a downer for my 'comfortable in my 30's self-image' but it was just an OLD grandma right? I'll get over it.
Whew, it's now Sunday March 11, 2012 and we are all still alive and hopefully headed in a healthy direction. Steve got a phone call for a meeting with the bishop at 8:20 am - he knew that he really needed to go to it but we forgot that it's daylight savings so he had to be out of bed and at an appointment at 7:20 am when he's barely left the house for 2 weeks. He made it to the appointment and found out he was being released as the ward mission leader and wasn't as of yet given a calling. The girls were happy to hear that dad wouldn't have so many meetings anymore. Amazingly enough, a couple hours passed and the Stake executive secretary called to have Steve and I come in for a meeting with a member of the Stake presidency... haha! so much for a break in callings! but he's excited for a new assignment. So... saying yes to a new calling will bring blessings for sure right? ...any that might ensure good health?
Sunday, February 26, 2012
A Miraculous Christmas
Where do I begin in summing up the unique Christmas season we've had? It was simple, tender, busy, loving and overflowing with miracles. We had Angie, and her boys- Colby (9), Bradley (6) and Tyler (4) live with us at Christmastime and through the next several weeks. Angie had hip surgery that required someone to help her with physical therapy 3 to 4 times a day and it limited her mobility; so her and the boys came to live with us while she recovered. They moved into the basement and set up home. It was so fun to have the seven kiddos all together for Christmas break. We played with snow at the table, decorated shirts for Christmas Eve, built lots of erupting volcanoes, played with nerf guns and balls in the archery range (so they could run and scream all they wanted with out having to drive the adults crazy). Meals were a busy time of day-for example- breakfast was 18 eggs, a loaf of bread for toast, a ton of apples and oranges and nearly a gallon of milk It was amazing how much food cycled through our fridge. Most days we had cereal for breakfast though so it wasn't always a busy morning.
We had so much thoughtful service given to us and our visitors. Before Angie and the boys arrived, we were trying to find a way to have Scout, our 2 year old lab, be somewhere else for the 6 weeks we'd have them living with us... amazing how that's a hard thing to find- a dog sitter for 6 weeks? who does that right? Some ward members heard about our efforts and offered without any hesitation- I was dumbfounded! Scout was in heaven at their house playing with their two labs and we were close enough to go visit her. (I'm sure you're wondering why it was so necessary to have Scout elsewhere? It was simply because I am aware of my limitations and 7 kids and managing the rehab of an adult is manageable but that PLUS an overly active puppy is NOT manageable for my own limits... so to keep the caregiver sane it was a necessity.) It was such a relief knowing Scout was happy and in good hands- the sweet couple that took her in were simply angels.
Then one day I was lucky enough to go to the mailbox alone and get the mail- there was an envelope in there that simply said: "Help for your extras" and when I opened it I was shocked, a generous person had left an envelope with money in it! I felt so humbled and grateful. There were also Christmas gifts dropped off to help with giving Christmas to our 'extras' and other gifts dropped off for all SEVEN kids! and another envelope of cash! We had planned to keep Christmas simple knowing it would add up quickly to provide for everyone but with the inspired giving of others our Christmas was a miraculous day- we felt so loved by others and through them felt the love of our Father in Heaven.
Each day was busy and long and yet the kids were kind to each other, rarely argued, my patience endured and my energy didn't give out (but neither did the kids energy). The spirit was abundant and sustained us all (especially us adults as there were a couple weeks of sick kids). One of my favorite parts of the day was our nightly family prayer and family hug. (Prayer was said on our knees in a circle, afterward the kids stood up, we put our arms around each other and then the kids took one step in- making a super tight circle that usually caused us all to topple over. The kids loved getting squished in the middle of everyone). As they were leaving our home and giving hugs to everyone- Colby told Lincoln goodbye and Lincoln asked he was going. Colby explained they were going home and Linc's sincere response was "but you are home." Oh how we love our "extras", we call them our own and miss them when they're gone.
We had so much thoughtful service given to us and our visitors. Before Angie and the boys arrived, we were trying to find a way to have Scout, our 2 year old lab, be somewhere else for the 6 weeks we'd have them living with us... amazing how that's a hard thing to find- a dog sitter for 6 weeks? who does that right? Some ward members heard about our efforts and offered without any hesitation- I was dumbfounded! Scout was in heaven at their house playing with their two labs and we were close enough to go visit her. (I'm sure you're wondering why it was so necessary to have Scout elsewhere? It was simply because I am aware of my limitations and 7 kids and managing the rehab of an adult is manageable but that PLUS an overly active puppy is NOT manageable for my own limits... so to keep the caregiver sane it was a necessity.) It was such a relief knowing Scout was happy and in good hands- the sweet couple that took her in were simply angels.
Then one day I was lucky enough to go to the mailbox alone and get the mail- there was an envelope in there that simply said: "Help for your extras" and when I opened it I was shocked, a generous person had left an envelope with money in it! I felt so humbled and grateful. There were also Christmas gifts dropped off to help with giving Christmas to our 'extras' and other gifts dropped off for all SEVEN kids! and another envelope of cash! We had planned to keep Christmas simple knowing it would add up quickly to provide for everyone but with the inspired giving of others our Christmas was a miraculous day- we felt so loved by others and through them felt the love of our Father in Heaven.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
ALL DAY school?!?
Malorie has been excited about being all grown-up and being at school all day, just like Kaylee. But then... the first day of school happened. She came home saying it was 'SOOOOO LONG' and she missed being at home with me. To push her right off the edge, I wanted her to learn how to get hot lunch but that was just too much for her. So the boys and I went and had lunch with her the first time she got hot lunch (which thankfully wasn't til about day 3). I realized what was stressing her out about lunch- it is complete chaos in the lunchroom! Noisy, lines, (and which one should she be in?), too many choices for a deliberating little girl and a number to remember besides. So she had hot lunch twice and has been content with homemade peanut butter sandwiches ever since. She still comes home saying that school is too long and she misses home and Friday she starts worrying about having to go back to school on Monday. But with all her frustrations about a long day, she loves her teacher and has some great friends...still, her favorite times of the day are recess and when school is over. I love my tender little home-body Mal.
A confident 3rd grader
Kaylee was anxious to get back to school; she has been so excited about learning cursive and times tables. After shopping for school clothes she could hardly wait to wear her 'power outifit'... I didn't think purple was her thing but this shirt is her absolute favorite (well and of course the matching purple shoes!) Kaylee is enjoying her teacher Mrs. Reff and all her friends. I don't ever have to keep her on task to get her homework done- she always does it. She loves to read still and always has a book in her hands when she's home. She's ready to conquer all her teacher has for her.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
I remember going fishing when I was growing up. It was fun to be with Dad and anticipate the perfect catch but I always felt bad for the worm that had to die so I could catch a fish- that would also die. Plus, it took forever, smelled gross and usually involved disappointment. I was taught how to bait my own hook, cast the line, wait somewhat patiently (till the lines tangled and they were always tangled!) then reel it in and yep I even gutted my own fish- but I have absolutely NO desire to do that anymore. So when Steve said he wanted to take our family fishing I thought "really? isn't there something better to do with our time?" All I could picture was little impatient kids hoping for a big fish on their line but getting a hook in their hand instead- didn't sound like a calm, fun environment to me.
BUT... I've changed my mind!! All those awful things still do relate to fishing but how about this: a perfectly mowed lawn with a huge rock-lined pond filled with fish that are caught by simply putting fish food in the water and lowering a bare hook into the water at the same time- and then you're sure to catch a fish 30 seconds later! Put it in a big bucket of water and carry it to the kind people who do the dirty work for you. Just whip out your wallet and pay for your wonderfully filleted fish and your done! Whew, that is the way to fish! So, yes I still like fishing and I'm a "great mom for letting kids have the experience of my childhood" but just condensed down to a peaceful, disappointment free day!
BUT... I've changed my mind!! All those awful things still do relate to fishing but how about this: a perfectly mowed lawn with a huge rock-lined pond filled with fish that are caught by simply putting fish food in the water and lowering a bare hook into the water at the same time- and then you're sure to catch a fish 30 seconds later! Put it in a big bucket of water and carry it to the kind people who do the dirty work for you. Just whip out your wallet and pay for your wonderfully filleted fish and your done! Whew, that is the way to fish! So, yes I still like fishing and I'm a "great mom for letting kids have the experience of my childhood" but just condensed down to a peaceful, disappointment free day!
BEST days of Summer
I can say without any doubt that the funnest days the kids had all summer long were the days spent with Colby, Bradley and Tyler. They were at our home all summer long and even lived with us for the better part of a week while their mom was really sick and lived with us too. I enjoyed watching their imaginative play, since no television was allowed and only a movie or two all summer was watched. They played outside every minute of the day and by some miracle they rarely had a hard time getting along. I can also say that it was my favorite part of summer... what?! Seven kids running around is fun? Yep it was great! I didn't get a single project done and my house was a mess but there were 7 of the happiest kids on the planet at my house and it felt like heaven.
For fun we went hiking and more hiking, for long walks, swimming -only once when taking 7 kids and only 2 adults, had picnics, went to the park, run through the sprinklers, made sidewalk chalk creations the length of 3 houses, had sleepovers and plenty of swinging in the backyard.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Bear Lake 2011
One of the highlights of summer each year is the days spent at beautiful Bear Lake. This year the girls officially learned to swim. Malorie is quite the little fish and Kaylee wants to be but isn't as fearless as Malorie which frustrates Kaylee-- as the first born she believes she must be the first and the best at everything...(yes, I know how she feels) but it makes me happy for Mal because she's become a pro and has something that she can do that Kaylee cannot. The boys on the other hand are content sitting on the steps of the pool just watching all the action. They are so fun to watch together- they are such cute little pals. It's also nice to not have to manage 4 kids in the pool, with the girls enjoying their independence, I'm enjoying a little less panic in the pool worrying that four kids are going to drown.
Another freedom the kids enjoy at Bear Lake is to ride their bikes all they want and Carson especially liked that. He loved that I didn't have to be by his side every moment but could go explore with the girls. All the kids wanted to go to the playground too- they wanted to spin on that 'make your stomach sick' ride- yuck- but they of course never got tired of it and never got a stomach ache either. (I did though, just from watching that thing spin in circles!)
And finally, boating! The girls had their first experience of falling out of the tube... thankfully (for my own nerves sake) I was with them in the tube when it happened. I've dreaded the day they'd have the first time falling out but it was the perfect learning experience for them. The tube filled competely with water and Malorie was buried under the waterfall coming in the tube and was sliding out the front and Kaylee went out the back. (Aunt Mindy so kindly accompanied Kaylee out and calmed her nerves) and Malorie was a cute half-drowned mouse who survived as well. To top it off, Lincoln was in my arms the whole time this was all happening and was just fine as he was completely drenched and wide eyed with the excitement. All in all the girls did great and still wanted to tube some more- so I'd say tubing was a success. Lincoln had a super long nap in the boat on top of a pile of towels and life jackets- all the kids have had a nap in the same spot when they were his age. Carson even got out on the tube with Dad as his buddy, they didn't go fast but he tried it atleast... I was proud of him and took a ton of pictures of his little nervous face.
Another freedom the kids enjoy at Bear Lake is to ride their bikes all they want and Carson especially liked that. He loved that I didn't have to be by his side every moment but could go explore with the girls. All the kids wanted to go to the playground too- they wanted to spin on that 'make your stomach sick' ride- yuck- but they of course never got tired of it and never got a stomach ache either. (I did though, just from watching that thing spin in circles!)
And finally, boating! The girls had their first experience of falling out of the tube... thankfully (for my own nerves sake) I was with them in the tube when it happened. I've dreaded the day they'd have the first time falling out but it was the perfect learning experience for them. The tube filled competely with water and Malorie was buried under the waterfall coming in the tube and was sliding out the front and Kaylee went out the back. (Aunt Mindy so kindly accompanied Kaylee out and calmed her nerves) and Malorie was a cute half-drowned mouse who survived as well. To top it off, Lincoln was in my arms the whole time this was all happening and was just fine as he was completely drenched and wide eyed with the excitement. All in all the girls did great and still wanted to tube some more- so I'd say tubing was a success. Lincoln had a super long nap in the boat on top of a pile of towels and life jackets- all the kids have had a nap in the same spot when they were his age. Carson even got out on the tube with Dad as his buddy, they didn't go fast but he tried it atleast... I was proud of him and took a ton of pictures of his little nervous face.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Malorie is 6, going on 16
This little diva had her birthday planned for months! She wanted to go shopping at the mall AND get a new bike. After we told her that doing both wasn't an option she came up with the perfect compromise... "Let's paint Kaylee's old bike and then I can still go shopping!" Isn't she smart? So she picked out the pink paint and it was dad's job to remake the bike into a new beauty- well the quick little paint job turned into a whole weekend project (cheaper? not sure about that). But after enjoying the new 'old' bike, with a handy basket on the front for her baby she was ready to shop til she dropped!
Malorie invited Kaylee to come along and shop, so the three of us had such a fun time... clip-on earrings, shoes, new outfits, another baby, then on to lunch. It was a great day, in Mal's words: "this is the BEST day ever!" It was a prideful moment but with the girls being glammed up and an extra swing in their hips as they walked with 'all their bags', they caught some extra attention by those passing by- it was fun to say 'yep they're mine'.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I'm in love with...
These four angels of ours! They have been so fun to hang out with all summer. All I can say is my heart keeps growing as I enjoy such priceless time with them. They are my favorite friends and such great friends to each other. A forever family sounds blissful!
Monday, June 13, 2011
What is Family???
Siblings. Best Friends. Pals. Buddies. Parents. All Happy together.... It feels like our family has grown. We always have our three extra buddies: Tyler, Brad and Colby here. They are called brothers at our house and I'm often called the mother of 7. The time we have with them each day is noisy, fun and busy but it's also the best time of the day. I think Heavenly Father has given us an opporutnity to have these busy boys in our lives for a reason and if nothing else it's increased love and the Spirit in our home by serving them. So what is family? I think it's whomever you're willing to include in the love you reserve for those dearest to you.
Wheeler Farm will always be a place associated with cousins and close friends. We've gone there a lot with some of our favorite people and it's always an adventure- from geese chasing us, to visits to the old-fashioned 'candy store', and lots of "watch out for the mud puddles!" This time the kids favorite part was the stinky baby pigs and milking a cow that really needed a bath. But any time with cousins is a grand time- and this day was no exception.
Scott Kids



Carson Drew


Liberty and Scout

Ang's Bucket List
- Learn to drive a stick shift
- Live outside of Utah
- Compile all my favorite quotes
- Serve a mission with Steve
- Learn sign language
- Become a good swimmer
- Make a snow cave in the mountains and sleep in it
- Create an oil painting
Steve's Bucket List
- Watch the fireworks in Disneyland while riding on Thunder Mountain
- Start a humanitarian project
- Play a musical instument really well
- Find history about someone in my family line that no one has found yet
- See the Northern Lights in Alaska
- Run a 1/2 marathon in under 2 hours
- Run a marathon in 4 1/2 hours
- Climb the 10 tallest peaks in Utah
- Compete in a Triathlon
My Like List
- Marking up a book as I read it...which shows that I read it and have favorite quotes in it!
- 'TRYING' to play tennis with my hubby
- Reading books with my kids
- Tall glass of water- no ice and at room temperature
- Days that I can have all the windows and doors open
- Crisp, clean sheets
- Old jeans that fit perfectly
- New white shoes
- Ordering Omlettes at IHOP (means I didn't have to make them!)
- Sleeping in on Saturdays