Thursday, January 15, 2009


This is an email that I got from my Grandma. Sarah is my cousin that lives in Oregon. Last year her dad was diagnosed with Cancer and right after he found out he was in remission, Sara found out she has the same cancer. There family is struggling right now, if anyone wants to donate anything here is the information below. Thanks

If everyone I send this to would donate just $10 and everyone you send the message on to would donate $10
it would add up quickly. Thank you- Nicole


Sara is 24 years old. She was raised in Scappoose and graduated from Scappoose High School .

Sara is married and has 3 children, ages 6 years, 2 years, and 21 months. Her husband Jeff works as a temp in the computer software industry. He has been given notice that his job will end in March.

In November, Sara was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Initially, a 3.5-inch mass was seen growing around her aorta valve. After further tests, they found 5 growths in her heart cavity, 3 in her neck cavity, 2 in her arm pit, and 1 in her right arm, for a total of 11 growths. She has had one chemotherapy session. With the side effects of the treatment, Sara spends 6 days intermittently sleeping and vomiting. On her best days, she is constantly tired. A side effect of chemotherapy is the destruction of white blood cells, the loss of her immune system. The chances of secondary infections are very high. When Sara went for her second chemo treatment she found out that her white blood cell count was so low they couldn’t proceed.

Under any circumstances it’s tough running after two toddlers. Now, Sara has found that it is impossible to watch her children and is dependent on her family to care for them during the day until Jeff gets home.

But this is only part of the story. Sara’s parents are unable to help financially because her father, Steve, has not worked since last spring. In April, he was diagnosed with . . . guess what . . . Hodgkin’s lymphoma! It is incredible that two members of the same family would get this same disease since it is not genetic. The doctor said they had the same chance of winning the lottery, only in a bad way. Their other 4 children are really sweating it too hoping they aren’t next.

Because Jeff is not an employee of the company where he works, he and his family are not covered by medical insurance. Although the children can receive care through the Oregon Health plan, adults cannot.

The medical bills are piling up at an astonishing rate. They owe over $20,000 for the first month alone. It is now mid-December and it continues to grow. If all goes well, she will undergo chemo treatments every other week for 4 months at a cost of $16,400 per month followed by radiation treatments through July. It is hard to estimate the entire cost, but based on the past months, it could be well over $100,000. that the family will be unable to pay.

Sara and her family would greatly appreciate any assistance you can give. A fund has been set up at U.S. Bank under the name Sara DeWolfe. Just in case you are confused, Sara’s maiden name is DeWolfe and since so many people remember her that way they set this account up accordingly. (If for some reason US Bank is not available in your area you can make a check out to the U. S. Bank for Sara DeWolfe and mail it to Ruth Zornes at P.O. Box 73 in Scappoose, OR. 97056) For more information please contact via e-mail at (This is her sister Shannon ’s address set up to help with this)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The cost

So what is the cost of building a new house??? Besides money, there are many other things that suffer. I work on the house from the time I drop the kids off at school until dinner, every day. Here is a list of what me and my family have gone through lately.
1. I don't always get a bath in every day.
2. This is what Mandy told me the other day, and I quote "you took a bath!!! I didn't even know you were here because I couldn't smell you"
3. My kids haven't worn matching socks in like a month.
4. My car hasn't been cleaned out or washed in like two months.
5. I went to fix my hair the other day and I couldn't remember which side I part it on.
6. I look like I have dandruff, because I have so much paint in my hair.
7. I can't remember how to cook.
8. My poor kids never know from day to day who will pick them up from school, or if they will get picked up from school JK
9. Mike can rarely find socks or underwear
10. I have gained 10 pounds, seriously, because I will eat whatever anyone brings me.
11. My friends are embarassed to go anywhere with me (Tiffany and Mandy)

Anyways, the house will be done in a couple of days, praise the good lord, and I will post some pics then.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Mandy turned 30 yesterday!!!!! If anyone has any pics of Mandy when we were all younger, please post them (mine are all packed). I just want to tell Mandy how much I love her and what an amazing friend she is. God definately puts certain people in your life to help you, and she is a godsend to me. I couldn't love her more if she was my own sister. I hope you had a great birthday and I hope you are always as happy as you make those around you. Love you

Everyone please post a funny memory of Mandy on your own blogs

I have so many funny memories of Mandy but this one was hysterical. Mandy was going out with Brett Taylor and we were on our way home from a softball tournament and we were eating in Globe and Brett's dad came to the restaraunt and he was going to meet Mandy and she comes walking out of the bathroom with a long peice of toliet paper stuck to her shoe. Freakin hilarious.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Drew has a little girl in her class named Josey that was burned in a bad house fire a few weeks ago. She was burned over 80% of her body. Josey passed away this morning. I hope everyone can pray for her family. It breaks my heart, and everyone will miss this sweet little girl, but I am so comforted to know that this sweet spirit is with our Savior. We love you Josey, and we will miss you.
Josey is the one if the very back next to Drew. You can only see half her face in this picture but it was the only one I had

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Movie

So on Monday I finally got to0 see the movie. I Loved It!!!! At first I didn't really think I was going to like it, or the boy who plays Edward, but the movie gets better as it goes and I fell in love with Him and Kristen Stewart. I would have stayed and watched the late show too if I hadn't had anyone with me. I definately don't think someone would like it who hadn't read the book. Can't wait for the next movie......................


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mike's Buck

Mike and I went hunting on the Kaibab last week. We had so much fun. Him and Cory both got tags but I didn't so I was the driver. Anyways, Mike killed this buck right off the side of the road and he spine shot it so we didn't have to track it, which is good because it snowed and it was freezing so we just backed up the truck and threw it in. It was a great hunt. It had to have been one of my favorite vacations.
Drew wanted to be in the picture but there was no way she was touching it.

This was the day after we got home. I was sooo tired. We are going this weekend back to the kaibab for Braydon's doe hunt. It should be interesting.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I was gone hunting during Halloween so I only got to see pics of them in their costumes.
Jordynn, Drew, Peyton and Kinnly

Always the poser!!