Life is a song - sing it.
Life is a game - play it.
Life is a challenge - meet it.
Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it.
Life is love - enjoy it."

About Me

My photo
U.S. Outlying Islands
The true freedom is to be Bold and Daring................ I am not really good at words but I do love to write down the things that I can't frustrations in life as well as my happiness.

Shout Out Corner

Enjoy your visit

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Been a while..

Hello everyone!!!!I am back!!!I know I had been away for awhile,how are you guys?As you noticed I am not back in my cooking or baking lately,but I promise I will soon.I have been so busy at work and that I have no time to cook and bake. I wish everyone a happy Sunday...hoping for a Sunny Sunday here since it has been snowing alot lately.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Been Away..

Am so sorry if I haven't been here for a while,as you know,I been on diet and I stop cooking and baking for awhile,as soon as I will be in the mood to do something I will post it here. I have been addicted to facebook as well,especially one of their virtual game called" FARMTOWN",most of my free time I am there playing,it is just a stress reliever for me.Don't worry,I won't quit from cooking and baking am just not in the mood yet. hope you will be still here when Iam back,take care all!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lasang Pinoy ..the best pa rin talaga

I was in the mood to cook last Sunday,we got alot of Filipino hotdogs so I decided to make a spaghetti,of course,Pinoy style,I used Jufran Ketchup and a Spaghetti sauce plus ground beef...We had a good meal for the whole day.

As I Said,iba pa rin talaga ang lasang pinoy...the best!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fra Lippo Lippi......i

I really love this song,so meaningful and inspiring..Enjoy!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Am a chocolate?

You Are Chocolate
You make people feel euphoric and dreamy. You're very addicting.
You definitely drive people to passion, lust, and even obsession.

While you are quite sensual, you are also comforting.
You sure know how to work your magic. It doesn't take long to get someone to love you.

Friday, March 20, 2009

The phantom of the Opera...

The longest -running show in broadway history.I bet everyone or almost everyone watched the movie or the play...and i believe that you will agree with me that this is one of the best broadway show has ever made..
The main characters are Raoul,Christine Daae,the Phantom or the opera ghost who fall inlove with Christine...
Music by:Andrew LLyod Webber..
No more talk of darkness,Forget these wide-eyed fearsI'm here, nothing can harm youmy words will warm and calm youLet me be your freedom,let daylight dry your tears.I'm here with you, beside you,to guard you and to guide you...CHRISTINESay you love me every waking moment,turn my head with talk of summertime...Say you need me with you now and always...Promise me that all you say is truethat's all I ask of youRAOULLet me be your shelterlet me be your light You're safe, No one will find youyour fears are far behind you...
All I want is freedom,a world with no more nightand you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me...
Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime let me lead you from your solitude
Say you need me with you here, beside you...anywhere you go, let me go too
Christine, that's all I ask of you...
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime...say the word and I will follow you...Share each day with me,each night, each morning...Say you love me...
You know I do...
Love me - that's all I ask of you ....Anywhere you go let me go tooLove me - that's all I ask of you...
i just love the show and their music.....superb!!!One of the best musical live show I have witnessed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

and I am missing this

If you are from Zamboanga City ,Philippines,I am sure you are like me who loves to eat this kind of food.All my friends and classmates way back shared the same appetite when it comes eating this.I been dying to find-out how to make this,especially the sauce but it seems no one I know knew the secret ingredients,that is if there is any. I've been calling some of my friends who knew the owner of the best place where to eat and make this recipe but sad to say,he wasn't able to get any clue or even just hint.I am talking about Satti,one of the best food I ever tasted.Maybe you wonder what is Satti?I think the picture itself will give an idea what it is and how delicious it is. It made off sweet and spicy sauce,beef in a small stick,and rice that covered with coconut leaves,we called it "puso".If anyone out there reading this and know how to make/cook Satti please......can you share it with me?Begging mode here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Arroz Ala cobana

This is one of the recipe that I learned in my younger years.I still remember the first time I made this,mommy-lola was still with us at that time and oh dear she really loves to cook.She cooks without measurement and it came it out so delicious.
I am not saying that this version is soooooooo good but I am proud to say that it has taste and everyone in the table enjoy it.We love to have fried eggs and fried saba with this kind of food.I ate with my bare hands and lotsof rice with it.For me,it is one of my comfort food where I feel I am close to home though I am not.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Quick Lunch

Today no one seems to bother to cook for our lunch since I am in the mood to cook,I made our lunch,it was one of the easiest food to prepare and it is really good,especially to those who loves pasta with bacon on it.Everyone enjoys and we are full.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

mashed potato and Ground beef Croquettes

We have lots of mashed potato from our lunch last Sunday so I decided to make a croquettes out of it by using lean ground beef.It is a lot of work and sometimes I ended up throwing away the first that I made.This time I made it just right,no waste.It is just our counter top was so messy coz of the potatoes and ground beef that fall from my palm.
You need to have enough patience when making this recipe,you have to handle it love and care(laughing).This is my favorite recipe when I am having my summer vacation in my mommy-lolas house in Manila.She really made it very delicious and the shape and thickness is perfect,I wonder how she did it.If you wanted to try it,here is the recipe:
  • Ground beef about a pound
  • mashed potato bout 6-7 pcs( just prepare it like you do with mashed potato but less butter)
  • 1 medium onion,sliced finely
  • 3 cloves of garlic,minced
  • 2 eggs,beated
  • breadcrumbs for coating
  • oregano just a pinch
  • salt and pepper to taste.


  • put the ground beef in a wok and let it cook with its own oil.Remove and drain the excess oil.
  • Get a tsp of oil from the beef and sautee the garlic and onions.Mix the ground beef stir.Put some oregano,season with salt and pepper.Be sure that the ground beef is not too wet but not too dry.Cool it down completely.
  • Scooped some mashed potato and put it in palm,press it lightly.
  • When the beef is ready,put some on top of the mashed and covered.
  • Press lightly but with a bit a pressure,be sure that it is totally covered.
  • Dip into the eggs.
  • Roll in breadcrumbs and coat it perfectly.
  • In a frying pan heat some vegetable oil,in a medium heat.
  • Fry the croquettes until it is lightly brown.
  • Be sure you obtain that consistent heat of the oil so it will not break.
  • it is good with ketchup or with thousand island.Steam veggies is recommended if you want.

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