Both boys were able to attend and participate in this years Blue and Gold Banquet. The theme this year was "Looking to our past, prepares us for our futures" {Read: Family History}.
{This theme really got us going at our house, and I've spent many hours working on our Family History as of late (genealogy).}
As part of the evenings events, the boys were invited to bring a cake that either depicted U.S. History, Church History, or Boy Scout History. This wasn't an easy theme to take control of. It took much thought and brainstorming. {You may remember last's years creation: See it HERE and HERE}. The boys and I finally settled on an event from Church History, and set out to create our depiction of "The Miracle of the Gulls", set in cake....
This years cake wasn't as outspoken as last year {nor are the pictures as well composed-it has been a LONG week}, but for anyone that knows the story, I think we got it!
The Finished Cake
Our Cake, setting with the others to be judged
*The boys ended up being awarded "Best Use of Theme".
Mo-Tay, along with the scouts in his age group, performed a short skit, depicting the pioneers walk across the plains. I neglected to get a picture of my cute boy dressed as a pioneer (bad mom, I know). But together we built a few of the props. His 'hand-cart' included.
Not too shabby for using a box pulled out of the garage, scraps of wrapping paper, and a recycled piece of poster board.
All in all it was a good night. It's fun to experience these milestones with my boys.