Photos Over due

>>  Saturday, April 26, 2014

No childhood would be complete if not tortured with a photo shoot. Here are some of the results of our Spring photos.

I realize that I'm biased, but the handsomeness in these two is enough to kill a girl. Love these boys!

This kid will always be my "Best Boy". He has my heart!
(If people only knew the sweet, smart, loving kid we know and love, the same way we do)

I can't believe how fast they grow. They both look so grown up...
makes a moms heart hurt..

This kid! The football pose was all his idea! Kid's a natural!

This one is by far one of my faves. It was more candid and really caught both
boys more naturally than some....

Because they were such troopers through the whole photo shoot, a reward!! ICE CREAM!!


Easter Traditions

>>  Monday, April 21, 2014

Traditionally, there are two local Easter egg hunts we like to take the boys to. This year was no different...

We always start with the local Air Force Museum. It's definitely our favorite!

Then, we move on to our local city egg hunt....
The kids monkeying around on the playground before the hunt began.

The boys just before the hunt began.

As always, it was a good time!


Skipping School

>>  Friday, April 18, 2014

It has been an exceptionally long week and things were at a lull so we decided to surprise the kids with a trip to the zoo. We pulled them out of school around lunch time and played for the rest of the day. It was good {and much needed} family time.

It was a cool overcast day and the animals were active. It was nice!


We sat and watched this peacock for quite some time, hoping he would show us his feathers. Our patience paid off, because he did!
Proof that I actually am on this family outing, and not just the narrator.
 No trip to the zoo is complete without your picture on the cat statute!


From the Pond

>>  Saturday, April 12, 2014

We found ourselves with a unique set of visitors at our house this morning.

We were surprised to see these pond lovers napping under our tree (with no ponds for miles).

The neighbors are now reporting that they have seen them around for {as far as we can estimate} well over a week. It will be interesting to see if they continue to stick around. Now, if we could only know what compelled them to pick our neighborhood.


Allergies! Allergies! Allergies!

>>  Sunday, March 30, 2014

My poor boys. When it comes to allergies, they don't stand a chance, having me as their mother.. I personally am allergic to just.about.everything. Seriously! I am one of those people that gets hives for days from something as simple as a bandaid, and don't get me started with all those fragrance lotions, soaps, wax name it. I'm an allergic reaction just waiting to happen.

I, unfortunately, have passed this less than desirable trait to my poor boys.

Our most recent allergy? Well, it exhibits itself in the form of a rash...wherever my poor boys skin is kissed by the sun.

This picture doesn't even depict the worst of it. He's a trooper though, and we think we've found ways to lessen the effects, without having to keep him holed up inside.


Hittin' the Ice

>>  Sunday, March 23, 2014

We took the boys to their first Hockey game this weekend.

They didn't quite know what to make of all the ruckus that comes from both the ice and the stands {enter cow-bells, bloody brawls, and load horns celebrating goals}, but a good time was had by all.

Mr. Mr. Gettie did announce, at one point, that he has no desire to become a hockey player. He didn't like the idea of getting hit in the mouth and/or being toothless.


Look at Me, and My Goofy Haircut!

>>  Monday, March 10, 2014

Our poor Shelby. During her hiatus away from us, we had forgotten how much fur she truly had. So the first order of business was to get her groomed. She tends to be a lazy folk, and doesn't groom well, leaving her with matted fur.

While the groomers did a great job and she's been entirely de-matted, she sure is a goofy looking soul, as of late.

We can't help but laugh at her silly new hair-do.

I guess it would make sense that a calico would have an interesting under-coat..not conducive to such a hair-style. Oops. But she is so much less maintenance this way. She's had to get used to the uncontrollable laughter, however, when she enters a room. Even guests to the house have not been able to contain their snickers and awe-struck questions, which have included "What did you do to that cat?" and "What in the world...what's wrong with that cat?"


No Words to Describe the Feeling..

>>  Saturday, March 8, 2014

We have a rule in our home that the kids are not allowed to use any electronics (tv, video games, radios, etc.) until they have done 3 things. 1. Read for 20 minutes (5 minutes of scripture, 15 of their choice). 2. Daily chore. 3. Homework/Handwriting assignments.

They figured out very quickly that if they took care of their reading and chore upon waking it makes their day go smoother. This morning they asked if they could read aloud together, from the same book.

This is what I found...

....them cuddled next to each other, each reading a verse until they had read an entire chapter of their scriptures, completing the entire 20 minutes this way.

Makes my heart soar, and gives me hope that I'm doing something right, in this arena of motherhood.


And Then There Were Three...Again

>>  Friday, March 7, 2014

It's no secret that we are a feline loving folk. Okay, maybe I should rephrase that..I'm a feline loving folk. My boys don't know any better, and the hubby has learned to appreciate my fondness. But I digress...

For those that have followed our animal saga, you will remember that I adopted a set of calico sisters {It's Twins!}, adding to the one we already had...making us a three cat family.

Almost a year ago, we found a "new" home for Shelby. We had contemplated the idea for a few weeks, but wanted to make sure that we found her a family where we knew she would be cared for. Enter a very dear friend and a set of circumstances that were ideal, and Shelby had herself a new set of faces to love her...leaving us with two feline friends- my tabby Jersey, and one of the sisters, Lexus.

Fast forward to this week.  Shelby's "new" family are also people I consider dear friends. We had a lease-to-own agreement. She was theirs, as long as they were able to take care of her, but if they ever found themselves needing to find her another new home, she was to come back to us.

Well, my friends. She'as back. Circumstances changed and we've gone back to our group of 3 felines.

Poor hubby. He was at work when I got the call that brought Shelby back to us. He came home from working an over-time shift to an extra cat. {Which is a an all too familiar story. He was on an over-time shift the day I adopted the girls, and he came home to them. Moral to the story? No over-time for hubby. I adopt animals when he's not paying attention}.

The good news is, she seems to be settling in nicely. She spent the first two nights in a room, secluded from the family. But upon integrating her back into the rest of the house she has fallen right into step with things, and has even gone back to habits we were accustomed to her having. Hanging out in her favorite chair being one of them...

Welcome back, Shelby Lynn. Welcome Back!


Cakes & Handcarts! Oh, My!

>>  Saturday, February 15, 2014

Both boys were able to attend and participate in this years Blue and Gold Banquet. The theme this year was "Looking to our past, prepares us for our futures" {Read: Family History}.

{This theme really got us going at our house, and I've spent many hours working on our Family History as of late (genealogy).}

As part of the evenings events, the boys were invited to bring a cake that either depicted U.S. History, Church History, or Boy Scout History. This wasn't an easy theme to take control of. It took much thought and brainstorming. {You may remember last's years creation: See it HERE and HERE}. The boys and I finally settled on an event from Church History, and set out to create our depiction of "The Miracle of the Gulls", set in cake....

This years cake wasn't as outspoken as last year {nor are the pictures as well composed-it has been a LONG week}, but for anyone that knows the story, I think we got it!

The Finished Cake

Our Cake, setting with the others to be judged
*The boys ended up being awarded "Best Use of Theme".

Mo-Tay, along with the scouts in his age group, performed a short skit, depicting the pioneers walk across the plains. I neglected to get a picture of my cute boy dressed as a pioneer (bad mom, I know). But together we built a few of the props. His 'hand-cart' included.
Not too shabby for using a box pulled out of the garage, scraps of wrapping paper, and a recycled piece of poster board.

All in all it was a good night. It's fun to experience these milestones with my boys. 


A Goal of Books

>>  Saturday, January 11, 2014

I used to devour books by the handful, all at one time usually. I used to go to the library a few times a month, get 4-6 books and read them all in one setting. Then life happened. Motherhood happened, and I found myself {too} busy to actually sit down and read a book. Even with all the new found devices (smart phones, my Nook etc) that allow me to carry an entire library in my purse, I still haven't managed to average more than 1 book a year for quite a few years....

I've set out to change that this year. I'm starting with a manageable goal of 12 books for the year. That's one a month. I can manage that, right?!? I should be able to do. I know the key to my success is going to be setting down the devices (unless it's my Nook, of course, but only for reading purposes), turn off the television and MAKE time for myself. The last one is the most important to me....making time for myself.

Wish me luck! I may need it, as the electronics in my life are incredibly enticing and the young folk {read children} insist on being paid attention to and fed. I mean, really? I gave them birth, they expect me to continue to maintain and sustain them, really!?!

These are a few of the books I've chosen for the year. No judging for the odd, peculiar or random selections. I read for enjoyment and escape. I'm a firm believer that books should take you on an adventure and introduce you to new "people".

*for the record, I recognize the importance of my children, but it's all much easier to digest with a dose of humor and laughter. I truly don't view them as nuisances or unimportant objects.


A Mother's Reward

>>  Saturday, January 4, 2014

I am one proud mama! I bought a leather kit for my best boy and set him free to make this pouch for his "boy scout" pocket knife.  I held the stamping tools while he used the
mallet, and I started the first stitch for him, but it's fair to say he made it all on his own!

He's a good boy and he makes me proud! He's getting so big and as much as it hurts to have my babies turning into boys, it's amazing to watch them soar on their own.


Cat Trap Set...

>>  Friday, December 27, 2013

Cat trap working!

I took the days following Christmas off, so that we could play and be together as a family. On this particular evening we decided to sit down and play some board games. The furry feline didn't want to miss out on the fun and insisted on laying ON THE GAME board.....

So, we sent one of the kids to get a box from the garage. Cat trap set, Cat trap working. She spent the entire hour we played sitting in the box. Genius. Pure genius. Silly cat!


My Little Minions

A very talented friend {and her husband} make these amazing hats! We gave one to each of the boys for Christmas. I can't help but smile when I see them in them!


Christmas Eve

>>  Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Traditionally, we spend Christmas eve with Hubby's family. Circumstances, however, changed and we were able to spend the evening with MY parents. This is the first time in 13+ years, and to say it was a hit would be and understatement.

We roasted hot-dogs and marshmallows in Papa and Nanas fireplace {over the "fake flame"} 

I think this was year 1 of a New tradition!!

*{There is a story behind the phrase 'Fake Flame'}


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