Thursday, September 12, 2013


Get ready for LOTS and LOTS of pictures! This is really one of the most amazing places ever! I could have stayed many many more days here. Yellow Stone was so beautiful and it was so amazing how you could stop at one amazing spot and drive 10 minutes down the road and see something completely different but equally as amazing. This is definitely a place you can feel close to God. This should be on everyone's bucket list!!

We chartered a bus for the day which was the best decision ever for a group this size in Yellow Stone! We spent one long day in the park and then at the end of our reunion we went back with Matt and Camie's family before making our trek home together.

Here we are in front of our bus. There were lots of little kids and babies on the bus and they were all soooo good!

 Brian was our "tour guide". He made a plan of all the places we would visit that day. He did a great job and I think our bus driver enjoyed the day as much as we did. She was really funny and would join us on our hikes and stops. She was loving it so much she said we could go over the allotted time with the bus if we wanted.
This was our first stop to a beautiful waterfall a little outside the park

 First stop in yellowstone. We loved every stop!

 Old Faithful
 After being on the bus for quite a while we pulled off to play in the stream. It was a nice break. Notice the picture below. Our bus drive is also taking her feet for a dip!

 Ethan and Will

Is this beautiful or what??!!?!

Touring around with matt and camie

This was amazing! This is not snow they are some sort of living organisms!

 Buffalo crossing the street right in front of Matt and CamiĆ©s car!
 Notice lucas is the only one I don't have a picture of in front of the Buffalo. Unlike the other kids who thought it was the coolest thing, Lucas was so scared. He had to stay in the car.

Notice the herd of buffalo behind us!

 We chose to go the scenic route out not realizing how much time it would add to our trip. check out the switchbacks on the GPS. I think we all agreed it's a good thing we didn't know how much time it would add to the trip as we might not have done it. However, it was so spectacular and my pics don't do justice because at this point we were really behind schedule so all my pictures are from our moving car. It felt like we were in Europe somewhere. It was so beautiful!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The big reveal!!

The kids were so excited to go and find out who their teacher was going to be! They were all pretty happy with who they ended up with! 3 kids in school together!! I can't believe it!