Wednesday, May 23, 2012

After spending a fun weekend with my parents and Matt and Alisa's families we enjoyed having them for a couple of days in our house. What a special time it was to have them knowing it would be 3 years before our kids would see them again. Our parents made the "tour" to all 9 kids homes and yet when they were with us they made it seem as though we were the only family they were visiting. They didn't seem tired of all the traveling and in and out of different homes. They spent good quality time with the kids and with Andy and I in the evenings. It was so much fun to have them around!! And it was VERY VERY hard to hug them goodbye the morning they left. I still get a lump in my throat when I think about it. I do think I have the best parents ever (as I'm sure most feel about their own parents). They will be missed!!
 This picture cracks me up because well soemtimes (ok maybe a lot of times) my parents have computer problems. So, no fail while my dad was at our house his computer was acting funny and totally shut down. Here is Andy helping him out with his problems.

 I have to include these pictures because it seems my parents have been part of a lot of painting drama with me since I got married. When we bought our first house they were so sweet to come help paint for many days. We went back and forth to the paint store in search of the perfect color. Well as it turns out they were visiting our house several days before a painter was coming to do our main level. So, they once again got to get in on the drama of choosing the perfect color. I can't remember how many times we popped into the paint store for another sample while they were here!!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa touring the country!

 Before mom and dad head to Mexico for their mission they have made the effort to visit all 9 kids and families in each of their homes. Given there are 3 of us who live in minnesota we got to spend a couple of days doing some group activities. This was our first stop - Fort Snelling! 

Go grandpa!! Here's dad trying to walk on stilts! Harder than it looks!

 Jane and Owen covering their ears when the soldiers were shooting guns