Sunday, January 22, 2012

Good as New

Ever since we moved into our home in June I have been busy with a lot of projects for the house. I have had a lot of fun finding cheap furniture or using old furniture and refinishing it. It takes some time but has been fun to see it from start to finish. Not to mention, I love saving money! Here are some of the things I have done:

this is an old dresser
(excuse the mess around it!)

Our old kitchen table
I sanded it down and Andy cut down the legs for me and it is now used as an art table in our bonus room


Here is a random night stand I picked up at the good will for under $5

(We put it in Lucy's room)

This was my greatest find. I picked it up on the side of the road in Indiana when we were living in our tiny place. I got it for FREE. It sat in our very small dining area for several months and looked ridiculous but I knew I'd be happy to have it once we moved and knew just where I'd use it. Even though we didn't really have room to store it I'm glad we held onto it.
(This was Free other than the glass I had cut to sit on top!)

Once again another good will find. Check out the price below!

(It goes perfect with the desk I put in Lucy's room!)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

This is more like it!

I was fully expecting a FREEZING cold winter with lots of snow. I have waited and waited. This is not to imply that I want the bitter cold I have been dreading but I have been so surprised at how little snow we have had and how "warm" it has been all winter. Well, the warm spell is over. This week has been bitter which is fine as long as you dress for it. Last night with the wind chill it was close to negative 30 degrees (or so my brother in law reported but i believe it because i stepped outside to see just what that feels like. It was beyond freezing!!It's nothing to hope for!!)
Today I went to pick Lucas up at preschool and dumped out some water from a sippie cup in the parking lot next to my car. By the time I returned back to my car (just moments later) it was an icy mess! Yes, I am not going to lie - it is COLD here and yes, I am now happy andy gave me a heating blanket for my feet in bed. However, I am still glad to be living here! We'll have to see if I still feel that way by the end of the winter!