Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Lucy turned 9 today! It's hard to believe that 9 years has come and gone since she was born! She had a nice weekend. Her cousin Lydia got to come spend the night on Saturday night and spend all day today with us. We were also happy to have Lydia's family join us for dinner Sunday night. Lucy had fun opening presents and loved everything and was surprised when she found out she gets to go get her ears pierced.
Lucy is such a sweet girl - always has been and still is! She is such a blessing in our home! Happy Birthday Lucy! I love you!

Lucy is a bit obsessed with the weather so she decided to have weather cupcakes. She and Lydia had fun decorating them.

Ethan, Clayton, Wyatt, Lucy, Lydia, Lucas

Friday, September 23, 2011

First Day of School

This year we welcomed the start of school!! The kids were ready to meet new friends and feel like they belong here. Lucas also started his first year of "real" preschool and he loves it! And Jane, well she has a need to do what everyone else is doing so she got her picture taken too but no school for her yet. Each day she asks when she can get on the bus and sometimes she wears her backpack to the bus stop - i think in hopes of getting on the bus!

Lucy - 3rd Grade

Ethan Grade 2
Lucas - Preschool
Jane - 2 years old

Friday, September 02, 2011

A GREAT trip home......because we got to see friends on the way back!!

We stayed at John and Amber's house on our way back home. They were nice enough to let us stay in their new home (which is beautiful by the way). Lucas was especially happy to see Makenna again. It was so nice to be with friends again. Ahhhh we sure miss our IU friends!!

One more week in Utah

While Andy went on a couple of business trips I got to hang around Utah for another week. We enjoyed going to the canyon, going down to Salt Lake City to see my dad in action at work with Elder Oaks, saw (and cried through) 17 miracles, ate lots of popsicles, went swimming, watched Meghan and Adam open wedding gifts, ran lots of miles in the mountains, and enjoyed relaxing with Katie (for a couple of days), Liz, and Alisa.
Jane discovered she likes pickles. Oh and by the way she didn't get hurt. She has NO need for this band-aid but apparently needed it that day and got very upset if we tried to take it off!!
My dad is doing a leadership training series over the course of a couple of years and I happened to be there and got tickets to go on the day he was doing a lecture with Elder Oaks. Our seats were all the way up front and it was fun to see my dad in a work setting.

Wedding Day!

The day after our reunion ended Adam and Meghan were married in the Bountiful Temple. It was a wonderful day and we are so happy to have Meghan in our family!

The kids had fun at the wedding reception. Here are Lydia and Lucy during dinner

You can dress them up but you can't take them out!! Ha! Ha! I have to say all the kids did a great job but the boys were found wrestling at one point in the evening!! Oh my! oops! Why can't people control their kids?!?!? ha! ha!
Look at how darling my grandparents are! I was so happy to see them and grateful they were able to make the trip given traveling can be kind of hard on my grandma.

And they're off.....
Congrats Meghan and Adam!!!


We made a stop at Tai Pan Trading on the way home from the reunion. Andy dropped me off and I went shopping with Matt, Camie, Liz, and Keri. We had fun helping Camie make arrangements for her house.

Parties for the Bride and Groom to be!!

We had a bridal shower for Meghan one afternoon during the reunion. All the dads took the kids and we all enjoyed our time "off duty"! We had a great time and it was fun to realize that our family is now complete. We have all the sister and brother in laws!

It is also tradition to have a groom family party. The tradition started when Andy joined the family. My brothers threw a silly party with games such as "Andy belt" or the microwave game.....Well all the original games were there with and added car pull given this was the last wedding! There was lots of music throughout the evening and at some point each of the brothers ended up in their spandex. Sounds weird and it is but we thought it was so funny.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Let the Party Begin! Guess who turned 60?!??!

Dad turned 60 a couple of days before the reunion. We surprised him with a party and had lots of fun all evening long with dancing, games, tributes/skits from each family, and cake! Happy Birthday Dad!!

Adam challenged my dad to do 60 push ups between the two of them. He got to 30 and Adam did the other 30! Then Jane felt a need to try and top them both!

Jane joining in on one of the relay races

Reunion Happenings!

We had lots of fun hanging out, eating (we are all really good at that!), playing games, boating, jet skiing, and of course there is always some silly competitions that go on whenever we all get together so celebrating my dad's 60th birthday and having a family groom party provided lots of reasons to compete. We also went on a beautiful hike where we jumped off the rope swing into icy cold water, we watched a FABULOUS show called Who Killed Juanito Bandito (we laughed the entire show), and went out for raspberry shakes. Apparently you can't go to Bear Lake without having a raspberry shake!

This is the home we stayed in

Bear Lake

Let the competition begin!!
Doesn't Andy look cute?!?!?

Andy and Amy with our raspberry shakes

Andy, Lucy, and Lucas
Grandma won Jane's heart with treats!
Clayton, Andrew, Reid, and Tanner

Who is that under there? Yes, it's Brian!

Jessica, Camie, Lydia, Emma, and Lucy having a slumber party on the last night
Jane, Andy, Lucas, Amy


Ethan going on the rope swing

Everyone hanging out at the rope swing

Yeah! That's me!!