Thursday, April 21, 2011

Proof that my neighbor Mindi will one day be a hoarder!

Well first of all this is what I gave her for her b-day because she loves cats so much!
Look at what she wears to enrichment....bunny feet PJ's ! It does make you wonder!

Look at what she is holding onto in her closet for special occasions. I think it might come out on the cruise!! (what is she storing away in those sleeves? Probably cats!!)

Ok, so the truth is:
I did put this on her door for her birthday because we have had a few hoarding parties where we eat lunch and watch the hoarders show. (I would not recommend eating while you watch that show!) and we always joke that hoarding starts with cats!! ha!

She did wear the PJ's to enrichment but that is only because it was pajama night and she thought it'd be funny to wear these.

She does NOT own this dress. An older lady she works out with found out she was going on a cruise and brought this to mindi to borrow for one of the formal nights. Funny huh?!??!

If you knew Mindi you would know she would be the absolute LAST person to become a hoarder. Her house is always spotless and super organized. I just love giving her a hard time about becoming a hoarder!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

John has entered life with the oldies!!

John turned 30 last week. Amber planned to have the adults go to her house for fondu. What John didn't know is we were planning to dress as old people to welcome him into his 30's! His face was pretty funny when he answered the door and saw how we were dressed. It only took one more couple to arrive before he realized everyone was going to come dressed old! Then Amber took out clothes for both she and John. It was a fun evening with lots of laughs!! I couldn't get over some of the outfits. I think I know how Mindi really will look as an old woman and Mike....just think Biff on Back to the Future! Too funny!

Now here are some good looking MBA students!!
Andy, Bryan, John, Mike

I can now say that I went to MBA school!

Thanks to Sara I got to go to one of Andy's classes today and LOVED it. Sara asked me a couple weeks ago if I would watch Jenna so she could go to Joe's class and then she'd do the same for me. I was glad to get a chance to go and see what Andy really does every day. I got to attend his digital marketing class and I was highly entertained. The topic was fascinating. I also enjoyed sitting next to Andy, Joe, John, and Brian (yes, they are all in the class together!)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Make yourself at home

Jane is crazy and full of personality and for the record she is very strong willed!! In the middle of dinner one night she just decided to kick her feet up and relax! It took me by surprise and we were all laughing

Then Lucas decided he should do it. Funny how there is such a double standard when there is a baby around. With Lucas' feet up on our dinner table it wasn't so funny anymore. Just seconds after laughing at Jane for the same thing, we told Lucas we don't do that. It's bad manners. He still insisted on me taking a picture of him as I did with Jane. We no longer laugh at Jane for this behavior!! (I still think it's funny when SHE does it!)