She loves to garden and has wonderful fruit trees and beautiful flowers. I would always find these in my bathroom or sitting on her kitchen table. She loved going out and picking them and spreading them around her house!
Here is a picture from the beach we would go to and she lives up on this hill. Can you get any better than that? It really is a beautiful beautiful place!
I don't think we would ever tire of the fresh lemonade and orange juice we drank! All we had to do was pick the fruit and the goodness was ours!! We were totally spoiled. Now it's back to no juice or juice from the can. It doesn't even compare!
Andy's mom is a kind thoughtful woman. She babysat on many occasions for me so I could run errands or so Andy and I could go out. She put up with our noise and chaos. And she is talented in so many ways. One night Andy and I were going out to visit his friend who lives in Hollywood. We wanted to bring flowers so in a very short time Andy's mom had gone through her yard, found a vase and created this beautiful bouquet.
So, summer fun is over and now it's time to find a job!!! It has been nice being back and seeing friends and it feels so so good to have our first year behind us. It's a good feeling to be second years!!