Monday, April 26, 2010

Pinchy Boy

So, in our family when we make reference of "pinchy" we all know we are talking about Lucas. When he was really little he would ask if he could have gum. I would tell him no because he didn't know how to chew it at the time and would just swallow it. One day I tore of a tiny piece and said "Here Lucas - you can have just a little pinch" He chewed it and loved it. Several days later he came and asked for more gum. "No honey. You are too little" He looked at me with his big brown eyes and said in his high pitch voice "Mom, just a pinchy. I just want a pinchy of gum" And so it went every week and how could I possibly say no. Well, he is now our pinchy boy and for some reason when he does weird things or dresses crazy we say "Oh he's such a pinch" and we all seem to know what that means. And just to clue you in the following pictures are "pinch"pictures. Way too often he wears crazy outfits. He's not doing it to be funny. He just likes them and well this is pinch in his true light and these pictures help define what we mean when we say "pinch" in our family:

(I mean really! What is this outfit? One day I was busy doing chores and look up and find Lucas looking like this. I asked him to go do his chores and get dressed and he informed me he already did get dressed!)
This is how he showed up to family night once. Can those shorts go any higher? And I love the diaper sagging out of them!
This past saturday he was walking around the house giving his bear shoulder rides
One day it was time to get in the car and he looked like this. His pants are unzipped. His jeans are pushed up above his boots. Oh and a sidenote - he doesn't need boots because there was no snow on the ground when he was dressed like this!

And under all that craziness there is a pretty normal looking child! We love our pinchy boy!

We've seen a lot of the tooth fairy this week!!

Well the past week or so has been a week of TEETH! About a week while waiting to see the doctor for Jane's check up I discovered her first tooth had come in. I guess it should not have surprised me so much given she has had a grouchy streak lately which is not like her. She has also REFUSED to let anyone feed her anymore. One day she just decided she was too cool for baby food and will only eat real food and she is the only one who can feed her!! Wow! I've never had a baby flat out refuse the baby food!

Then a few days ago we were at dinner and Ethan started to complain about his "loose tooth" and how it hurt to eat. Andy and I kind of rolled our eyes as we knew he was just seeking attention because the night before Lucy who had a very loose tooth was complaining because it hurt when she bit into something and then she got lots of attention because her tooth started to bleed a lot. Andy and I didn't even know Ethan had a loose tooth so we knew this was his attempt to get some attention. We told him he'd be fine and keep eating. Well, much to our surprise about a minute later Ethan said "Oh it came out" and there he sat holding his tooth in his hand!!! It was his FIRST tooth he lost and I felt bad when I realized it really was loose and really was bothering him!!
Then the next day Lucy lost her tooth which means she is missing her two front teeth!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hoosier Daddy?!??!

Every year at IU there is a bike race called the Little 500 (or the Little five). Apparently it's a BIG deal. So, the MBA school held a Little Little 500 in honor of this race. Teams of 5 MBA's raced against other teams of 5 on little kids bikes. Andy was on a team with Logan, John, Joe, and Bryan. We (the wives) thought it'd be fun to make a t-shirt for each of them. We thought we were pretty clever and with the help of Tye's photo shop skills we surprised them with some great t-shirts.

Their Team Name: Hoosier Daddies

On the sleeve of the shirt we wrote the following formula: =IF(Dad,Win,Lose)

On the back of the t-shirt were their nick names and this picture
(John, Bryan, Logan, Joe, Andy)

Here they are trying to do the same pose that is on their t-shirt
Andy warming up and practicing for the race.....ha! ha! ha! This cracks me up!
I guess the practicing paid is andy getting ready to pass another team!! Yeah, Who's YOUR Daddy?!??!

And the winners are......Hoosier Daddies!!! Yes, the daddy team beat all the other teams!! (I think they won because of the awesome t-shirts!!he! he! he!) We had a GREAT time watching them and I think this trophy will have to be the new traveling Settler's of Catan Trophy.Here are the kids watching their dads race (the older kids were in school)
Here are all of the dads with their kids!

Not only was it a FUN day racing but it was also Andy's Birthday! We had fun celebrating at 7am with a pancake breakfast and then enjoyed having some friends over for pie and cupcakes in the evening. Happy Birthday to Andy!! You really can't ask for a better father or husband!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Girls trip to Chicago

One day at the bus stop Jenner mentioned how it'd be fun to go to Chicago. Seemed that each girl agreed and by the end of the bus stop we had planned out a trip and about a week later we were on our way. Just the girls - no kids (well maybe a couple of nursing babies but no kids for me!!) It was such a WONDERFUL relaxing trip. We laughed a lot, Jenner and I enjoyed a morning run along the lake, we all ate yummy food, enjoyed seeing the city, and spent lots of time shopping. In fact 4 of us crammed into one dressing room at H&M and stayed in the dressing room for well over an hour. Some would run grab different sizes while others stayed in the dressing room. It was tons of fun giving our opinion on so and so's shirt or know how it is. It made us nearly miss our pizza reservation and we had the rest of the girls in a panic waiting for us but we made it to the restaurant just in time and good thing too because it was excellent and a great way to finish off a nearly perfect trip.

Monday, April 12, 2010

When I'm not in my house this is where you will find me!

Given our circumstances of being students with kids we definitely live in an ideal situation. Everyday we feel so grateful we ended up in the place/neighborhood we are at. It is filled with lots of MBA students (thanks to Jenner) and their families which means lots of friends for our kids (and for me!)
If it is a nice day this is usually where you will find me and all these great gals (and a few others who are not in this picture) Here we are enjoying some yummy salsa and chips Amber brought over for us to enjoy while watching our kids.
Here are some of the activities that go on in our cul-de-sac:

Thanks to Logan and Brian we all enjoy some scooter rides around the neighborhood. The kids line up and beg for rides. Here is Ethan riding with our friend Brian.
Even I get to take a ride from time to time.....I think I could own one of these some day!! It's really fun!

The kids are always making up new games and creating things to do. In the fall they use to race down the hill in wagons. Here are Lucy, Eliza, and Kamryn When Taylor brought out the Barbie car it was a huge hit with all....even the boys!!

The Cul-de-sac is always filled with lots of kids, bikes, scooters, bubbles, tricycles ....Everything seems to come out of everyone's garage and it becomes a free for all! It's lots of fun!


A little disturbing!!

So the other day a bunch of kids and moms were outside playing and Sara started talking about how scary this baby doll looked. As it turns out the little girl who owns this doll left it outside so the doll ended up in our garage for the night and I couldn't resist playing a trick on Sara. I asked her husband to put it on her pillow. I think he did something slightly different but I still thought I was pretty funny. However, the joke was on me. The next day I came home and found the doll staring at me. She had taped it to my door! It was funny!
Look at this scary looking face!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Easter

We had a nice Easter weekend filled with LOTS of Easter Egg hunts and excuses to get together with friends. It was fun. The festivities started with an easter egg hunt for the kids at the business school. Jane wanted nothing to do with the big giant easter bunny and I was surprised to see Lucas get within inches of it! On Sunday we enjoyed watching conference and then had a giant Easter dinner with about 50 other people. It was lots of fun. Thank goodness for nice weather because we would have never fit in our tiny apartment! Our Easter Festivities ended on Monday night with and egg hunt and dinner with the Kelly Kids. The kids loved it and have been on a sugar high for the past week. So have I!!
This was Janes first time sitting in the grass. She was pretty fascinated with it!

The kids LOVE decorating Eggs. Last year they each got about 4 eggs to decorate and that was it. They were disappointed when the eggs ran out so this year I decided to do LOTS. I did 4 dozen and yes, we still have a fridge full of hard boiled eggs! Jane even got in on the coloring. However, she never made it to the color because the egg went right to her mouth. Nothing like munching on a shell!!
Lucas LOVES the color green so of course all of his eggs were green!