Every year at IU there is a bike race called the Little 500 (or the Little five). Apparently it's a BIG deal. So, the MBA school held a Little Little 500 in honor of this race. Teams of 5 MBA's raced against other teams of 5 on little kids bikes. Andy was on a team with Logan, John, Joe, and Bryan. We (the wives) thought it'd be fun to make a t-shirt for each of them. We thought we were pretty clever and with the help of Tye's photo shop skills we surprised them with some great t-shirts.
Their Team Name: Hoosier Daddies

On the sleeve of the shirt we wrote the following formula: =IF(Dad,Win,Lose)
On the back of the t-shirt were their nick names and this picture
(John, Bryan, Logan, Joe, Andy)

Here they are trying to do the same pose that is on their t-shirt

Andy warming up and practicing for the race.....ha! ha! ha! This cracks me up!

I guess the practicing paid off...here is andy getting ready to pass another team!! Yeah, Who's YOUR Daddy?!??!
And the winners are......Hoosier Daddies!!! Yes, the daddy team beat all the other teams!! (I think they won because of the awesome t-shirts!!he! he! he!) We had a GREAT time watching them and I think this trophy will have to be the new traveling Settler's of Catan Trophy.

Here are the kids watching their dads race (the older kids were in school)

Here are all of the dads with their kids!

Not only was it a FUN day racing but it was also
Andy's Birthday! We had fun celebrating at 7am with a pancake breakfast and then enjoyed having some friends over for pie and cupcakes in the evening.
Happy Birthday to Andy!! You really can't ask for a better father or husband!!