Saturday, February 27, 2010

California here we come!!

I am happy and grateful to say we have an internship for this summer. Andy accepted an offer with Toyota in California. We look forward to spending about a month with my parents in Utah and will join Andy for the last 2 months of his internship where we will live with his mom and enjoy being close to lots of Andy's family and of course enjoy lots of time on the beach (which is just down the hill from where we will be living!) Other than our 3 day trek out there and 3 day trek back we are looking forward to this summer!!

Dory lives here....really!

Remember good old Dory from "Finding Nemo" who says one thing and within seconds forgets what she said or even what she was talking about. Well, Lucas is unfortunately deserving of the name Dory! He makes Dory comments DAILY.
This is just a sampling of some of our Dory conversations:
Lucas: Mom that's a big car
Me: Yeah Lucas you are right, that is a BIG car
Lucas: What car?

Lucas was laying right next to the piano
Me: Lucas can you put your gloves away please?
Lucas: Where are they?
Me: Under the piano
Lucas: What piano?


this is kind of a gross example but he is potty training and has not yet learned to wipe his bottom so he called me to wipe his bottom
Lucas: Do I get a treat because I did a big giant poop
Me: No, remember you don't get treats anymore for going poop but you are right it is big (sick)
Lucas: What's big?
Me: Your poop
Lucas: oh, when did I poop?
REALLY?!?!? I mean I'm standing there wiping his bottom and he's asking when he pooped? Hmmmmmm!?!??!?

So, to Lucas' credit he is not stupid and is really funny and I'm not sure if he's serious when he says these things or if he's trying to be funny! Hopefully he's just trying to be funny....but sometimes I can't believe how much he is like Dory!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010


This is pretty funny! Tonight at dinner our topic of conversation somehow got onto "bad words"and it went something like this:

Ethan: Well I know what the "S" word is!
I was shocked. Why and how does he know these bad words.
Me: What is the "S" word Ethan?

His eyes got really big

Ethan: You really want me to say it?
Me: Yes. Just here one time but never again.

Ethan: unsure if he should really say it or not and finally he blurts out "STUPID"
( I was relieved to realize that was the word)

The conversation continued

Ethan: I also know the "F" word
Me: How do you know that I said in disbelief.

Hesitantly I asked what it was

Ethan: "Fat"
Me: (sigh of relief) Yeah, that's not nice to call people fat.

Ethan: I also know the "D"word and the "P" word - DUMB and POOH

The conversation continued for a little bit longer and was finally dropped. It is kind of funny when I think about it because although stupid and dumb aren't nice words I don't think we've ever discussed that these are "bad"words. I guess I'm glad these are the words they know and not others!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Poor Baby

On Friday morning Jane woke up with a cough. I didn't think anything of it. Saturday morning her breathing was a bit labored but I didn't feel it was too bad. I ended up taking her into the doctor thinking she might have strep throat. As it turns out we were sent to the hospital because she had pneumonia! Poor girl. She was on oxygen for the first day. And I had a very interesting 33rd birthday celebrating it in the hospital with Jane. We were finally released on Monday and today she finally showed signs of getting better. Thank goodness for so many willing friends offering to help in so many ways! And thank goodness for andy who volunteered to stay in the hospital Sunday night so i could sleep at home. (I only got 3 hours of sleep the first night in the hospital and was exhausted on Sunday) Things like this make me grateful for good health. I also couldn't help but think of my friend Becky who is in and out of hospitals ALL the time with her son Ben and yet always has a smile on her face and deals with it. You are amazing Becky!
Look at those sad eyes!!