Things have been a little busy around our house lately so no fabulous father's day posts this year but here is a shout out to my wonderful husband who is a GREAT father! And, to my dad who was a wonderful dad to me. Happy Father's Day!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!
Things have been a little busy around our house lately so no fabulous father's day posts this year but here is a shout out to my wonderful husband who is a GREAT father! And, to my dad who was a wonderful dad to me. Happy Father's Day!!
Thank goodness for moms!!
After 2 weeks of wonderful wonderful help my mom left today. I was so sad to see her leave. Thank goodness for moms who are so willing to help. My mom is wonder woman when it comes to helping with babies. She seems to do everything. She makes meals, cleans, does laundry, takes care of a crying baby in the middle of the night, and the biggest help of all - she plays with my older kids and they LOVE it. And this time around she even got to help keep our house nice and clean in case we had to show our house!I am lucky enough to have my mother-in-law arriving tomorrow. So, I am spoiled to have help for one more week.
We - or I guess I should say my mom stayed plenty busy while she was here. Here are a few pictures from the couple of weeks she was here.
Even though it is a lot of work, it is so fun to have a little baby in our house. Jane is a sweetheart!
There is something about sleeping babies - especially when their mouth is like this that just melts my heart!!!

Lucy is my little helper. She hates hearing Jane cry and is quick to offer to hold her and snuggle with her. I love my girls!!
Here are my two babies. Two weeks ago Lucas was my baby. I still thought he was little. But when he layed down by her the other day it reminded me he really is not my baby anymore!!

Funny Story - The first time Lucas saw me changing Jane he shouted out "Eeeeew! Yuck. Pooh pooh on Jane's belly. " He could not understand what that nasty looking thing was on her tummy!! It was really funny. Oh and one morning Ethan woke up nice and early and was watching t.v. He came back to my bedroom holding something in his hand and said so matter of factly - "Mom, I found Janes belly button on the floor." There in his hand was her dried out umbillical cord! I guess it fell off in the middle of the night when I was feeding and changing her.
This was one of the favorite things the kids did with my mom. they loved playing outside with her and being pushed on the swing.

Andy went on a high adventure trip with the youth in our ward. So, the first morning he was gone our garbage didn't get taken out so my mom had to do a mad dash in the pouring rain to get it to the curb before the garbage man came. What a good sport!!
Jane loves baths. It surprised me because I don't remember any of my other babies enjoying bath time as much as she seems to!!

We - or I guess I should say my mom stayed plenty busy while she was here. Here are a few pictures from the couple of weeks she was here.
Funny Story - The first time Lucas saw me changing Jane he shouted out "Eeeeew! Yuck. Pooh pooh on Jane's belly. " He could not understand what that nasty looking thing was on her tummy!! It was really funny. Oh and one morning Ethan woke up nice and early and was watching t.v. He came back to my bedroom holding something in his hand and said so matter of factly - "Mom, I found Janes belly button on the floor." There in his hand was her dried out umbillical cord! I guess it fell off in the middle of the night when I was feeding and changing her.
Andy went on a high adventure trip with the youth in our ward. So, the first morning he was gone our garbage didn't get taken out so my mom had to do a mad dash in the pouring rain to get it to the curb before the garbage man came. What a good sport!!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Welcome Baby Jane
We are so happy our baby girl finally arrived! She is beautiful and is providing plenty of entertainment for our kids. It's very fun to have a sweet little baby in our home. She has made me realize Lucas is not so little anymore!!
So, here's the story.... I went into a labor a week ago. (Here is my last pregnant picture) We went to the hospital and came home the next day with no baby. It was so depressing to leave the hospital and still be pregnant! I was dilated to a 5 but nothing was happening so I went home and continued to have contractions for the week. It wasn't until I went for my appointment and my doctor stripped my membranes. Things started almost immediately. I started contractions around 4:00 pm and we went to the hospital a little after 9 pm and Jane was born just after 11:00.

This is from my first trip to the hospital. Sorry, but there is something very frightening about these dilation charts!!
I decided to try a "natural" birth this time. I tried reading a book to prepare myself but it freaked me out a bit so it wasn't until I actually went into labor that I finished reading the book in the last several hours before I actually delivered. Everything went really well - until the very very end when I had to push and then I wondered what in the world I was thinking trying to have a baby without an epidural!!! However, I'm glad to have done it and am amazed at how much better I feel.
Our baby has been so sleepy since arriving home so Lucy asked, "was Jane sleeping when she came out of you?"
"Oh, no sweetie she was screaming really loud when she came out" (I bit my tongue but wanted to follow by saying and so did I!! Let's be honest - it hurts!)

It was so fun to have the kids come visit me at the hospital. They just love their new sister and it was fun to have all of my kids with me. (Of course, it was nice when they left too!!ha!)
Ethan surprised us all with his gentleness. He couldn't get enough of Jane. He was so sweet in the hospital and wanted to keep holding her. It was very cute. Look how angelic his face looks!!

So far Lucas has been fine with the baby. He thinks it's strange when she makes any kind of noise or stretches her arms.

They were so fascinated with how little everything is on our baby!!
Lucy is happy to have another girl in the house!! So am I!!
I can't say enough about my wonderful wonderful husband. He was fabulous during the birth and has been running around ever since. He took Lucas and Ethan to a Father and son campout Friday night and has been good to keep things going around the house. He has been running on little sleep and do you think I ever hear him complain? No!! Of course not!! He is wonderful.
We had to stay one extra night in the hospital because Jane's billy reuban (I have no clue how to spell it) was too high. So after an afternoon and night under lights she was ready to go home. So, we left bright and early. Andy and the kids picked me up just before going they headed to church.
We are so thankful for all who have helped us over the past several days. We are blessed to have such wonderful friends - especially given we don't live close to family. And thanks to Stephanie who spent the night at our house both times we went to the hospital!!
Jane Teresa arrive Thursday, June 4 at 11:11 p.m.
She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 1/4" long
She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 1/4" long
This is from my first trip to the hospital. Sorry, but there is something very frightening about these dilation charts!!
I decided to try a "natural" birth this time. I tried reading a book to prepare myself but it freaked me out a bit so it wasn't until I actually went into labor that I finished reading the book in the last several hours before I actually delivered. Everything went really well - until the very very end when I had to push and then I wondered what in the world I was thinking trying to have a baby without an epidural!!! However, I'm glad to have done it and am amazed at how much better I feel.
Our baby has been so sleepy since arriving home so Lucy asked, "was Jane sleeping when she came out of you?"
"Oh, no sweetie she was screaming really loud when she came out" (I bit my tongue but wanted to follow by saying and so did I!! Let's be honest - it hurts!)
It was so fun to have the kids come visit me at the hospital. They just love their new sister and it was fun to have all of my kids with me. (Of course, it was nice when they left too!!ha!)
They were so fascinated with how little everything is on our baby!!
Lucy is happy to have another girl in the house!! So am I!!
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