Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy Birthday to the GREATEST HUSBAND EVER!!!

Yes, Andy has once again caught up to my age (he loves to make me very aware that I am older than him- even if it is just by a few months!!!!)
We love him for so many reasons:
He's a GREAT dad
Always happy
The most patient person you will ever meet
Makes me want to be better
Always makes me laugh
Makes me feel like I'm the greatest person in the world
Hard worker
Listens to me talk, talk, talk
Supports me in anything I want to try or do
Brings a smile to my face

I could go on and on......
Happy Birthday to Andy!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Tom Sawyer

It's been a while but I'm pretty sure it was Tom Sawyer who had to paint his fence and ended up getting it done by putting his friends to work. Well, I've decided Ethan is our modern day Tom Sawyer.
He's pretty lazy. Hate to say it but it's true. Over the past month when it is chore time in the morning Ethan has been so good to Lucas. He talks in his nice high pitched sweet voice "Lucas do you want to do chores together." To Ethan's credit he does help Lucas get dressed (he even changes his diaper). The other day I said, "Ethan thank you so much for being so nice to Lucas in the morning and letting him do chores with you."
He responded so matter of factly, "Well, that way I don't have to pick anything up."
I'm usually busy getting myself ready during his chore time so this week I started to pay attention. Sure enough, Ethan sits on his bed pointing to the toys Lucas needs to pick up. "Good Lucas, now go get that toy and put it away. No not there it goes in the other basket. Ok, now come get....." You get the picture. Lucas has become his slave!
Even though Ethan is lazy he has created a GREAT worker out of his brother.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

These kids do keep me BUSY but I sure LOVE them. We had a wonderful Easter weekend!

Coloring Eggs

Once again we had fun coloring eggs and of course the kids wished I had made more. But honestly I can only eat so many egg salad sandwiches and they are no help in eating it!

Lucas was in heaven all weekend. Coloring eggs. Eating WAY too much candy. He now wakes up from naps and night time saying "treat!". He had tons of fun dropping his eggs from one dye to the next.
I did mean dropping when I said it. Notice his nasty looking egg. He dropped it a few too many times but still insisted on coloring it!! Sick!
Here they are happy as can be with their easter baskets. Lucas couldn't even wait to take a picture before his face was stuffed with candy. (Ethan did wake up a SUPER overly happy boy this morning. Maybe it's not such a bad thing to give them lots of candy right before bedtime!!!)

31 weeks.....but who is counting?!?!??!

I have had some requests for some "belly" pictures. So here it is. Less than 2 months to go and given what I find out at each Dr. appointment and how I feel each day I'm actually thinking this baby will come much sooner than planned! (oh and yes, this is the outfit I wear almost everyday! I hate it but am way too cheap to buy more maternity clothes. I keep hoping it'll get warm so I can pull out all of my maternity clothes but remember where we live......I don't think it'll really be warm until after the baby comes!!)

Friday, April 03, 2009

Lessons Learned!

This has been the craziest week ever. Here are a few lessons I have learned:

1) Never have a garage sale!
2) If you have a garage sale never do it ALONE with young kids around!
3) If you do have a garage sale that is supposed to start at 9:00 am don't allow a person to knock on your door at 7 am, get you out of bed, and ask to take an early view of your garage sale (and walk away buying nothing)
4) If you do have a garage sale never do it a day after listing your house on the market!!
5) If you do have a garage sale don't let the people parked out by your driveway at 8:00am intimidate you into opening an hour early in hopes you can get rid of them and finish making your listed house spotless, give shots to your diabetic son, feed the kids and finish pricing last minute items. Once you open for one they come out in herds and don't stop.
6) Never have a garage sale when your 2 year old has just entered the wonderful world of terrible twos. It can be really embarrassing!
7)Never have a garage sale and list your house in the same week when you are 30 weeks pregnant and experiencing pre term labor.
8)Just take all of your junk to Good Will and you will make as much money on your tax break as you will actually make on your sales!
9) Be EXTREMELY grateful for good friends and neighbors who offer a helping hand when needed without being asked! (Thanks Lisa, Natalie, Vern, Denise, and Amberly)

I am glad the week is almost over and look forward to a wonderful two days of General Conference!!