Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm a big fan!

Not that it really matters to anyone but I am a HUGE fan of steel cut oats and if you haven't tried them I highly recommend it. They are full of protein, fiber, and lots of other good stuff. It's basically the center of the oat kernel cut into a few pieces. It looks a bit like rice and you cook it up like any other hot cereal. However, unlike oatmeal (which I also like) it is grainier (and healthier) so has a great texture. If you like hot cereal and have never tried this you really are missing out!

Monday, January 05, 2009

A touch of Paradise!!

Thanks to Andy's mom, we got back a few days ago we got back from a WONDERFUL trip to Cancun - actually about 1 hour South at a great private resort called Taninah. The 85 degree weather was greatly welcomed by us. (I'm not sure our California family could appreciate the warmth as much as us!) We had tons of fun and the week went by much to fast. We loved hanging out with family, eating wonderful food, and soaking up some rays!!

We enjoyed a little shopping and bargaining. Here is Lucy trying on a hat.
This is the place we stayed. We were at a resort in the jungle which happened to be only about 5 minutes from the beach. It was only our family on the property during the week. We each had a little house like this to stay in. The kids were so tired at night they went to bed without any problems!
There was TONS of stuff to do at the resort. This is a gym/play area for the kids. It especially came in handy during meal time. They would play in there while we finished our meal.
This is where we congregated for meal time and at night to play games and talk
The food was soooooo good and we ate way too much. There were 11 men on site 24 hours a day. They cleaned and cooked for us. They were so friendly and became our friends. We had freshly squeezed orange juice every morning with fresh pineapple, cantalope, and other fruit which was followed by the main breakfast. Lunch and dinner were always fabulous and dinner was finished off each night with some rich hot chocolate. They served us our meals. It was nice because they'd serve the kids first and then the adults. Meal time was not stressful at all. They even cleaned the high chairs. Does it get any better than that?!??!

The grounds were beautiful
Some of the activities on site included a trampoline (built in the ground - so no worries about injuries), mini golf, a trail to go running on, volleyball nets, ping pong, air hockey, slides, sand boxes, t.v., a giant movie theater (they set up the big screen and served us popcorn a couple nights we were there), a pool, and a big hit was the zip line.
Another great thing they had at the resort was this water slide in a cave. There are stalagtites (I think I got that right) everywhere with a little pool of water to slide into. It was quite a site. Ethan LOVED the slide and as you can see here Lucy isn't so sure about it!!
This is what it looks like all around. It's really cool.
We had lots of fun on several different beaches. Yes, the water really is this beautiful blue!!
We had a great time snorkeling. Lucy and Ethan couldn't figure out the masks but they had fun looking around with their goggles. I had a wonderful time cruising around with Lucy

Ethan went out with Andy......I can't get enough of the water! We all some some cool fish.
Here is Katie taking a rest with this statue!! Ha!

Here are the ping pong tournament planners looking very seriously over the brackets!!! Chad was the winner!
The workers set up a pinata on New Year's Eve for the kids. They had so much fun!

We even played volleyball against the workers......they beat us!!!

There was a dog(LUNA) running around all week. She lives there and we always knew when she was near by because Lucas would let out the loudest screech. He is HORRIFIED of dogs!!

And here is the lucky group that got to go para sailing. Amy and I were both a little sad not to be in on the action but given we are pregnant we decided we better not go. I did, however take a rain check!!

Here are Andy and Mike

We enjoyed our visit to Tulum where we saw all of these old ruins. It was a hot day but worth seeing. There is a beach right behind the ruins so we were glad to get wet after the tour.

A HUGE THANKS to Andy's mom for a FABULOUS trip!!! We had tons of fun and wish we were still there with everyone!

Christmas 2008

This year we spent our Christmas break in two very opposite places. We were in Minnisota which is the COLDEST place on earth for Christmas and then we headed to Mexico (85 degrees) to be with Andy's family for a week. We had a wonderful time in both places.
Matt and Camie were so great to have us for Christmas and let us join in with their family and for anyone who knows Camie she is a GREAT entertainer. We never lacked good food or conversation. We also never saw our kids because Lucy was too busy with Lydia and Ethan instantly clicked with Clayton.

Our first day in Minnesota we went to Macy's to see the greatest display of Santa's Workshop. We walked around and saw what the elves keep busy doing. It was pretty magical.
Here is a picture of the elves trying to get some sleep. Cute - huh!!!

The kids loved decorating sugar cookies. Lucas just kept globbing the frosting on. He was in heaven!!

Lucy and Lydia decorating cookies. (Notice the winter wonderland in the background. Like I said, Minnesota is the COLDEST place on earth!!!)

Ethan and Clayton are great friends. They had so much fun together!!
We had a talent show on Christmas Eve. The kids did lots of different things. Lydia recited "Twas the Night before Christmas", Lucy played a piano song, Ethan did summer salts, Clayton sang a song, and Lucy and Lydia sang together. Everything was very cute!!
Clayton singing a song with his antlers - too cute!

At the end of the talent show we all played bells to Christmas music
After dinner we enjoyed acting out the Christmas story. The kids really got into it and had fun.
Then it was the traditional P.J. time. The kids opened their Pajamas from grandma and grandpa. Thanks to my wonderful sister - in - laws (camie and Liz) I got a snazzy pair of P.J.'s too!!! (Can you get a tackier pair of P.J's - oh and yes, they are feet pajamas with a giant zipper. I felt like a GIANT wearing them and didn't stay in them too long!!!)

Christmas morning was lots of fun. Here is Lucas showing off his new ball. He was mostly interested in ripping open everybody's presents. He loved tearing the paper!
Santa gave Lucy and Ethan scooters. They LOVE them