Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

Our friend, Tiago, from Brazil happened to be in town so we invited him over for dinner and pumpkin carving. He's never carved pumpkins. It was fun to teach him and so great to see him again.

Trick or Treat?

Lucas insisted on wearing the sunglasses for the picture. Kind of random but he's still cute!!

We went trick or treating with some friends from the ward.

You may think it is a trick that we went trick or treating tonight but it's no trick. Our town changed our trick or treating to tonight due to a high school football game. It's a little silly to me but whatever. Our kids don't care what night they go as long as they get their candy. We had great weather, the kids had fun, and there is way too much candy in our house!!

Lucy lost her tooth!

Yay!!! Lucy lost her first tooth. It's been loose for a week or so. It finally got to the point she was having a hard time eating. "Will it hurt when it comes out?" she would keep asking. I didn't think so but couldn't really remember. Well, good didn't hurt. She just wandered into the room holding up her tooth.. She had wiggled it with her tongue and out it came!!! We told her to put it under her pillow so the tooth fairy could come. She woke up to find no money and said, "You forgot to take my tooth and give me money." Yeah, she's too smart for that whole tooth fairy thing!! ha!

Look how tiny her tooth is!!!

Crazy Diaper Heads

So, the other day I asked Lucas to go get me a diaper and he came back with a swim diaper. I said, "Not that one silly. That's a swim diaper. Now what am I going to do with this?" So I put it on my head and of course the kids thought it was so funny so before long everyone was a crazy diaper head!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

One more gas update

There really are better things to be posting about but I need to pull my pictures off my camera and it hasn't happened for several weeks and I can guarantee it won't be happening tonight. So one more gas update. Today gas is at $2.28!!!! Can you believe it? This is very happy news!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gas Prices

Wow - I never thought I'd be so excited about paying $2.98 for gas but that is what I paid today and I was feeling pretty happy about that!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Funny Story

Andy took his young men to a High School Football game tonight for mutual to watch someone in their class play. So, a girl came up and started talking to one of the young men.
She said to the boy something like "Aren't you at Lakeshore High School?"

Then she looked at Andy, "Which school are you at?"

Ahhh I thought it was funny. I guess as we get older we don't mind looking younger than we are.
Andy told me he felt like saying "Well, one of my 3 children is over at the Elementary School"
That would have been funny!