Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Wonderful World of Returns
For any of you who really know me - you would know I am queen of returns. I usually buy things and let them sit in my closet for a month or so before i am sure if I will keep it or not. And sometimes I just can't take the time to try things on with two (now three) kids with me. So, I buy LOTS of stuff with the intention to only keep one or two of the items. It's just much easier to buy and decide on my own time without dealing with the kids. I introduced Andy to the happy world of returns when we got married. It was as if he had never heard of the concept. Anyway, the reason for this post is because this weekend we had a churrasco with a lot of people from work. I was part of an interesting conversation. The women got talking about the USA and the things you can buy and how cheap things are. Then some of the women who have been to the USA or have family living there said things like "....and you will never believe it. You can return anything you want. Even if you open it you can still take it back. There doesn't have to be anything wrong with it and they still take it back. I mean what kind of world would let you buy and return whatever you want" It was funny! Such a normal concept for me and these women just couldn't believe you could do that! I LOVED being part of the conversation because it has been so long since I have shopped to return. I haven't done it for nearly a year and after being part of that conversation it made me excited to be able to do it again soon!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Puzzle Anyone?
Lucy LOVES puzzles!! She has always enjoyed them and has been pretty good at them. Last week she woke up and did this 100 piece puzzle all by herself! I was pretty amazed that she could do it all on her own. Anyway, it brings me to the question of who really likes puzzles and why? I am really glad Lucy likes puzzles but I have never been a fan of puzzles. At Christmas time in my house it seems like there is always a puzzle table. People sit at the table for hours working on this giant puzzle - but why? You spend tons of time putting tiny pieces together and ultimately take it apart and put it back in the box. So, what is the point?
Anyway, even though I really don't like puzzles I think it's great Lucy was able to figure this out by herself! I sat down to do it with her on Sunday. I was in charge of the sky. It didn't take long for her to realize I was not doing very well. "Sorry you can't do it mom. It's kind of tricky!"
Anyway, even though I really don't like puzzles I think it's great Lucy was able to figure this out by herself! I sat down to do it with her on Sunday. I was in charge of the sky. It didn't take long for her to realize I was not doing very well. "Sorry you can't do it mom. It's kind of tricky!"
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Stuck in a Bathroom
Given that Andy is at work all day, it isn't too often that I blog just about him. However, he told me the funniest story that happened to him at work and it is definitely blog worthy!!! Apparently he went to another building to do some testing. Late in the afternoon he went to use the bathroom. While in there he saw a man he knows. The man left and Andy used the bathroom. When Andy was done he went to leave only to find out he was LOCKED in the bathroom!!! He found out later that this was a "special bathroom" and only certain workers had access to it. Not sure why but whatever!! So, you need a key to use the bathroom. Well, apparently Andy was not one of those "special bathroom users" because he didn't' have a key. So, he began banging on the door, shouting for anyone to come help. But that did nothing and given the hour in the day it was very possible nobody else would use that bathroom that day. He also didn't have his cell phone on him. So, he had to climb on the toilet and poke his head out a little window at the top of the wall. He said he stuck his head out and was waving his arms while shouting. One man heard him and looked around for a while not thinking to look up at this window. Oh yeah, I can just imagine walking by and seeing this crazy man poking his head from this window calling for help!!! I was laughing really hard when he told me. The man he called to didn't have a key either so after tracking someone down Andy finally got out of the bathroom and was able to come home for the weekend!! Thank goodness. I would have never thought he was locked in the bathroom!!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
We took a really fun day trip to Embu. It's a cute art town in Sao Paulo. Thanks to my
sister-in-law we know about this cute town. She came across it when she was out visiting in March. You can imagine the excitement for our kids when we told them we were getting in the car to drive 2 hours each way and once we got there we would just be going in and out of stores!!! Yeah, it's not exactly what every kid loves to do so we were a bit nervous how the day would turn out. But, our kids surprised us and were sooooo good. Lucas slept most of the time and Lucy and Ethan were good to wander in and out of stores. I'm actually surprise Andy was up for the trip given he's not much of a shopper but he enjoyed it too. It was nice to spend the day together as a family.

The stores are very colorful and full of interesting things to look at.
The kids were worn out by the time we got in the car to go home. This picture is especially funny because Lucy takes after her dad. I always think it's funny when Andy takes a nap he covers his head because it's "too bright"! So, I got a good laugh and Andy was secretly happy to see Lucy sleeping with a blanket over her head!!
sister-in-law we know about this cute town. She came across it when she was out visiting in March. You can imagine the excitement for our kids when we told them we were getting in the car to drive 2 hours each way and once we got there we would just be going in and out of stores!!! Yeah, it's not exactly what every kid loves to do so we were a bit nervous how the day would turn out. But, our kids surprised us and were sooooo good. Lucas slept most of the time and Lucy and Ethan were good to wander in and out of stores. I'm actually surprise Andy was up for the trip given he's not much of a shopper but he enjoyed it too. It was nice to spend the day together as a family.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Cute Lucas
Finally some pictures of our sweet Lucas. Unfortunately it seems with each baby we take fewer pictures because what they are doing isn't new like it was with the first baby. With the exception of a few night issues, Lucas continues to be such a blessing to our family. He is so easy going and makes us all smile. We LOVE Lucas!!
Here is his newest toy which he can't get enough of. Ethan enjoys playing with it too!
Lucas has learned how to roll over and loves being on his tummy.

I know I'm his mom but isn't he CUTE?!?!?
As soon as we put Lucas in his crib he rolls over to his tummy. This is how he sleeps all night long.
Here is his newest toy which he can't get enough of. Ethan enjoys playing with it too!
I know I'm his mom but isn't he CUTE?!?!?
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Cool Skies
Andy's mom is a great person and it seems that whenever I am around her she comments on things that I have never paid much attention to. For example, when she was here in January she commented several times on the sky and mentioned the clouds. To be honest I have never paid too much attention to the sky here or back in the U.S.A. I always love a good sunset but in terms of always looking at the sky and noticing it's beauty - well I've never paid too much attention. Ever since her comment I have started paying more attention to the sky and I don't know if it's Brazil or if the sky in St. Joe is just as pretty - but sure enough we have the most beautiful sky here in Brazil. So, here's to Andy's mom! 

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