This week was Carnaval. Andy had Monday through Wed. off of work. We loved having him home and spending time all together. People kept telling us we had to go to the carnival parade here and that it was tame compared to what you find in Rio. They said it would be safe to bring the kids. So, we decided to give it a try and experience small town Brazilian carnival and are glad we did.

Here we are waiting for the parade to start. It was SUPPOSED to start at 8:00

.....still waiting and enjoying a churro filled with dolce de leite - yummmmm!
......and still waiting so we bought popcorn a little later on
......and still waiting so kept giving the kids licorice that we brought from home

.....and still waiting! So, even though this is a bad picture I had to include it. We arrived at 7:30pm. Keep in mind our kids are usually about ready for bed by now. Plus we had Lucas who has to nurse every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. So, 8:00 came around and nothing was happening. It was about 9:15 (1 hour and 45 min. after arriving) before it actually started. Luckily our kids were good. No melt downs until we walked through the door later that night. We had to take pictures of the time because this is VERY Brazilian. Nothing ever seems to start on time and I'm not talking about being just 5 or 10 min. late!

But, once the parade actually did start our kids LOVED it. They were dancing to the music and amazed with all the colorful costumes. We had a great evening.