Sunday, September 24, 2006

Ethan is famous and Brazilian baby boy is revealed.

Funny Story! Andy might be dancing with Lucy 2 nights a week but I have to go swimming with Ethan 2 times a week. This wouldn't be such a bad thing but keep in mind I am almost 6 months pregnant and putting on a swimming suit is the last thing I really want to be doing. So, I went the first day and not only do I have to wear my ugly maternity swimming suit but the owner of the pool explains that we have to wear swimming caps. Ugh! So, you can imagine how beautiful I feel!! Ha! Anyway, during our first lesson the owner asks if he can take our picture. Of course I tell him yes (not like I could tell him no even if I wanted to given my great language skills!) To make a longer story short, I got a call a day later asking if they could use that picture to put in the Sunday newspaper. I about died! Anyway, it is a pretty funny story. So, in less than a month of living here we made it into the local newspaper! Ethan is enjoying his swimming lessons. He kind of has a mind of his own and is a bit stubborn at times but is really a great little swimmer.

For those who are interested (which are usually only the expecting parents) here is the first glimpse of our Brazilian baby. This is the first time we have ever had a 4-D ultra sound. It was pretty neat. Anyway, it is a boy and we are anxiously awaiting his arrival!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Brazilian Vacation, Ballet, and a little Rio Claro fun

Hey, so we just got back from our first real Brazilian vacation. We weren't sure what to think when we first arrived, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. We drove about 2 hours to a little touristy town called Serra Negra in the mountains and stayed at a huge resort. (remember this is Brazil, not Disneyland... the term "resort" may not mean quite the same thing to you) We had a blast. We played at the "cidade das criancas" (kid city at the hotel), swam in the pools, ate a ton of food (Lucy decided she LOVES beans and rice-- a good thing to love in a country where beans and rice is served at every meal), visited the Cristo Redentor statue in the city, did a little shopping, and played around in some waterfalls.

Lucy has started taking Ballet classes. I should say that her Daddy has also started taking ballet classes, since I am right beside her practicing first position, twirls, plies (or whatever they're called) for the entire class. They haven't made me wear tights yet, but we'll see what happens at tomorrow's class. Ethan has started swimming class and so far the jury is out on what he thinks.

And finally, we've also had some time to explore Rio Claro. We found a really cool nature conservatory near our house.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wow, we have a blog. PS We moved to Brazil

Ok, so here we are 2006 and we figured that it was time that we start a little blog about our family (after much prodding from friends and family--hat tip to Jon Bishopp). Heck it's 2006 and we just got our first cell phones, so we're not exactly pushing the technology envelope here.

Anyway, we've officially moved to Brazil!!! Our moving truck stuff hasn't made it here yet (ahhh customs), but we are all here and accounted for (and at least all of our luggage made it). This is us after our 18 hour excursion from St Joe to Rio Claro: We really love our condo... mostly we love the neighborhood that we live in. It is a walled in community with about 100 families. A lot of them have small kids and everyone just kind of lets their kids run around.

Amy says it kind of feels like the 50's, with all the houses the same: