I never expect that i gonna receive 2 blog awards two the most pretty and gorgeous bloggers namely traveliztera and rainbow box.
Traveliztera was one of the pretty and sexy blogger, besides of being jolly and cool person, her blog also was very famous especially on weight gain and loss(maybe she must teach me how to gain weight.)
Next is madam rose a.k.a. Rainbow Box, a pretty and sexy blogger and also a very nice friend.
Again, thank very much to traveliztera and rosemarie for including me on your blog award. Two thumbs up for guys.
Thank you so much for choosing me! :)
THE RULES for this award are:
1. Save the image above and post it on your own blog.
2. Pass the award on to 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees.
4. Let the nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to the person you received this award from.
My 12 bloggers are in random order :
1. Maus Trap - http://trapnimau.blogspot.com/
2. Kikilabotz - http://inusentepapalaako.blogspot.com/
3. Emmaleigh - http://myfingersrtyping.blogspot.com
4. Kaleidos - http://jaggedjagger.blogspot.com/
5. Nafacamot - nafacamot.blogspot.com
6. Midnight Drayber - http://bumubusibusina.blogspot.com/
7. moshi moshi anone - http://sikoletlover.blogspot.com/
8. Daddy Kuri - http://stupidorkris.blogspot.com/
9. Ferryz Will - http://gorgeousferry.blogspot.com/
10. Anak ng Tokwa - http://renanne.blogspot.com/
11. Emotera - http://emoteramuch.blogspot.com/
12. Yanah - http://lifetwitching.blogspot.com/
13. Yow - http://itsyowtime.blogspot.com/
14. Aryan - http://scarletrain.blogdrive.com/
15. Tong - http://bostongkreme.blogspot.com/
16. Pinx - http://hazeljlabado.com/
17.Jiayeen - http://eggiejiayeen.blogspot.com/
18.Anna - http://mahiwagangsirena.blogspot.com/
19.LadyMyx - http://www.ladymyx.info/
20. Mervin - http://mymervin.blogspot.com/
21. Leah - http://neneleah30.blogspot.com/
22. Dark Lady - http://wentokoto.blogspot.com/
23. Unni - http://glaze9980.blogspot.com/
24. Babaeng Lakwatsera - http://gepayporkchop.blogspot.com/
More power to us bloggers!