November 30, 2016

November 2016

I have a lot of favorite months. November definitely has to be one of them. It's a more relaxed month for our family. Hailey didn't waste any time getting into her Christmas clothes. 

 Hailey has a set playgroup every Thursday morning before kindergarten, rotating houses. It's Hailey and 3 little friends; Haddie, Harper and Bridget. On this day, playgroup was at our house. Haddie's grandpa is very sick with a terminal cancer. Hailey made her this card. It says, "I am sow soreey"
Andrew on stage for his scout troop's skit at Pack Meeting.

 Hailey had a Daddy Daughter Date to the Jazz game! 

 On the way home they visited the Capitol

 We made our annual trip to our favorite "Santa Photographer" in early November. The kids did great! Here's handsome Andrew when we pulled home in our driveway. 

 Andrew climbing a very tall pine tree at the Celeste Way church during a family walk.

We went to the school to see Ashley's class's 'Space Museum'. The little kids always need some playground time while we're there. Hailey and Kate are both in their gymnastics clothes which tells me it was a Monday morning. 

 Ashley was assigned Mars for her class space museum. She worked hard on her poster (and so did I) and it turned out great. 
This is a picture Ashley's teacher, Mrs. Duff, sent home. In class the kids worked on passing off their multiplication facts by taking timed tests. The tests started a 0 and went through 12, then 3 tests of 20-mixed facts, and then 3 tests of 40-mixed facts. The students could take 1 test per day. Ashley was very motivated and competitive. She worked so hard! She and her friend Nathan were the head of the pack and neck and neck. Ashley was the 2nd finisher in her class. She felt a little slighted because she missed one problem on a test and had to wait to re-try it for the next day but, Nathan missed one also and got to retake the test during recess. It didn't matter to me, we were all so proud of her for hard, hard work and strong desire to learn. 

 A morning at the Evergreen Playground

A morning at the Canyon Rim playground

We took Jerusha J too

Andrew and Daddy got to go to a special Jazz night with dinner and games with the Jazz players. 

Andrew and Joe Ingles
A tea and cupcake party a la Hailey

Our home teachers are President Paul Shields and his son Matt. Paul dropped by 4 tickets to the U of U basketball game his family couldn't us. Dave was way out south picking Ashley up from a birthday party at Boondocks so, I loaded up the other 4 kids and we went. (Luckily Nate is 2 and didn't need his own ticket.)
 Paul didn't mention that the tickets were on the front row behind the press. I didn't notice either until we were entered the right portal. We had a lot of fun!
Nate loves June

 I had a dermatologist appointment and couldn't find a babysitter. Dave met me there and played with Nate in the waiting areas. 
Parent observation week for Ashley's Jazz class
And ballet class 

 Andrew, Ashley and Hailey each entered the reflections contest again this year. Andrew and Ashley both entered visual art, photography and literature. Hailey entered visual art and photography. Ashley won a medal for literature and the rest were all just participation prizes. They sure love it. They get called up to receive a Cold Stone certificate, Menchie's certificate and a cookie for each entry! 
Here's Ashley in turquoise receiving her medal


 I do the Art Attack program for Andrew, Ashley and Hailey's classes. I go in every other month to teach a specific art project. Here's cute Andrew in his class. 

 Parent Observation day for Hailey's ballet/tap combo class
 And lastly, Parent Observation day for Ashley's tap class. This is my favorite class for her. It has only 2 students! 
Snow!!! We love it!

 Hailey, Nate, Kate and a play date of Hailey's enjoying Twister! I love that cute Nate joins in!

 It was Ashley's turn for a Utah Football game with Daddy. It was Joe's turn in his family. I love her cute little face! 

More love for June 

 And another Hailey picnic/party 

After Church pictures on a windy day

 Dave got a free Star piñata from work. We had a great time!

Early Monday morning piano lessons for Andrew and Ashley. 
Kate after her preschool Thanksgiving party 

 We went to the library and the kids went straight to the ipads. Oh brother.

Thanksgiving morning at the zoo with the cousins

 Thanksgiving Dinner at the Prices
Ice dancing on the patio on Thanksgiving Night

Dave got our house looking bright and cheery! 

 We went to the Ogden showing of the Nutcracker to watch Lizzie dance as a soldier. I took Andrew, Ashley and Hailey. Dave stayed home with Kate, Nate and Charlie too. 

Uncle Shawn's work has bay at Top Golf. Shawn invited Dave and Andrew to go and they had a fun afternoon of golf. 

 Hailey's Santa beard bib. So funny!
Nate loves 'Shoot guns'

 4-square in the driveway for Andrew, Ashley and some of their friends. Andrew is in his Santa hat and Ashley's in blue pants. 

 After Church. Nate is wandering around and we're trying to talk him into joining the picture.  

 We went to Temple Square on a beautiful snowy night. We parked in the first spot and were nearly the only ones there. It was wonderful!  

We had it all to ourselves and it was so fun! 

I have an endless list of things to be thankful for. This family of mine is amazing, wonderful, beautiful and more than I could've ever asked for. 

 Ashley had to do an oral book report on a How-To book. She chose a how-to train your dog book and brought June as her aid. June was awfully hyper but, Ashley loved every second of showing off her puppy!

Nate loves shovels! 

Dave's company party this year was at the Hogle Zoo for Zoo Lights. It was fun but, it was so bitterly cold and would've been more fun if we were warmer. 

 Santa and Mrs. Claus were there. It's always fun to see Santa. I love hearing the kids shyly tell him what they're hoping for for Christmas. 

 We could take endless rides on the carousel so I think we did about 3 or 4 times. 

 The lit bridge was neat but, it was also a tunnel of frozen air so we hurried through. 
 By the end of the night we were frozen. We practically ran to the car and I felt great gratitude for a warm car and a warm house to go home to. 
Andrew played indoor soccer with school friends, with the majority of the games being in November. It's very unlike me, but, I didn't take a single picture. If I remember right he played about 6 games and missed 2 for skiing. The team didn't practice, and was very laid back. They did have fun and get exercise. They lost a couple and won all the others. Andrew is a great player and in this season he scored goals each game, made some great passes and was a reliable, fast and smart player. He loves soccer and it was a fun experience.