July 31, 2016

July 2016 - Last Days and New Puppy

Our puppy came home to stay on July 30th. Her name had been June and the kids just couldn't bear to change that. I wanted her name to be Roxy, and in hindsight I should've just said we're changing it but, June it is. 
June's brother, Boomer, was adopted by the Ivins. They were out of town and this was the last day to pick up the puppies so Boomer got to come home with us and stay for a few days. It was really fun to have 2 puppies and it helped Ashley and Hailey not need to fight over them as much.
Hailey dressed Boomer up in all the cute things she could. 
 They loved being together I think. They never whined and just wrestled and played all day. 
 June and neighbor dog Jackie

July 30, 2016

July 2016 - Part 4 Newport Beach

Friday, July 22nd
We woke up early and began the long drive from home all the way to Newport Beach. We had a non-eventful drive, which is just what we'd like. We got to the beach and it was so busy that we couldn't park and ended up parking across the busy street. So the first touch of sand and ocean was on the Balboa side. Then we walked over to the donut shop and to our regular beach to play. We stayed in a hotel about 10 minutes away that night.

Saturday, July 23rd
We woke up and checked out of the hotel. We were lucky and parked next to the yellow house and spent the morning at the beach. It was completely foggy and misty. So much so that when you sat on the beach you couldn't see kids playing in the waves, and so you really couldn't just sit on the beach. Luckily, the mist lifted a little but, it wasn't ever sunny that day. The cousins arrived too. In the afternoon we could check in to the yellow house and unpack. The kids all spent the day loving the sand and water, all day, everyday. 
Sunday, July 24th
We went to Sacrament Meeting at church and then came back to the yellow house. We went to the Tide Pools in Corona Del Mar. The tide was low but it was still fun to explore. Katie and Nate were both so tired. Later we walked to the new playground that's across the busy street by the harbor. And after that we visited the old playground on the beach at 15th Street. 

Monday, July 25th
The entire week a full of wonderful, sunny days at the beach! All the kids loved playing and jumping in the ocean and sand for hours on end. Andrew and Joe set a high record for paddle ball, over 300 hits! Ashley loved catching creatures. Hailey discovered that she loves boogie boarding and did it again and again, just like Andrew and Ashley! Kate loved water and sand play too but she was most interested in taking care of the babies and helping them share and bringing them toys. She zonked out for naps on the beach when she needed to. Nate loved playing in the sand and water and working and digging with shovels and he took great naps in our kid tent on the beach every single day. This year I dressed the girls in matching swim shirts and the boys matching too. It was so helpful and great to be able to keep track of each kid playing. It was a wonderful week! 

Tuesday, July 26th 
Ashley found a silk worm first thing in the morning. The rest of the day was another beautiful day on sunny beach time. 
That's Nate sleeping in there. He's such a dream baby!
And Kate is a dream girl too!
Russ taking Hailey and Will out to boogie board. They are great buddies. 

Wednesday, July 27th
What can I say, it was another beautiful, happy day. 
We started the day off way too early when these 4 all woke up way before I'd like. We went for a walk and got donuts so we wouldn't wake up the rest of the house. 
Nate's nap ended up being extra early after such an early morning. His light hair and forehead are all you can see, plus his favorite grey Elephant blanket. 
Will, Callie and Hailey
 Lizzie, Ashley and Andrew
Will, Callie and Hailey
Hailey could spend all day boogie boarding...she pretty much did. 
 Bacci Ball
Ashley and Lizzie
Ready for a nap
And napping!
Boogie Boarding until the sun goes down
Ashley too!
 Nate awake and ready to play
Riding the Ferry to Balboa
 Nate didn't like it
But everyone liked the ice cream and balboa bars
Thursday, July 28th
We woke up and spent early hours on the beach and under the Pier. We had another wonderful beach day, though I didn't take a single picture to prove it. We went to the Angels Game that night.
I love my 3 beautiful girls! They're beautiful even with their wake up hair! 
 They spotted a big crab and Ashley had to have it.
Eating breakfast and watching TV
Angels Game! 
Hailey Haze
Katie Kate

Friday, July 29th
Ashley's front tooth had been wiggly and she so hoped it would come out at the Beach. On Thursday she showed Russ. It was super wiggly but it needed some help so he pulled it out, at Ashley's request. The next morning she woke up and the tooth fairy had left her a Sand Dollar! 
We made lots of rollerblading, scootering, strollering trips to the playground. Friday morning means the last one of the week. 
Our group shot. Dave, Nate and I are on the far left, Andrew is just right of me in a navy shirt and the 3 girls are easy to spot in their navy and pink heart swim shirts. 
 We played lots of horseshoes this week. The mid-size kids especially loved to play. 
I wanted a cute picture of Nate and Charlie. They are such busy bodies that they don't hold still long. It's easy to tell them apart of course but, in later years when I'm looking back I think I'll be glad Charlie has his glasses or it might not be so easy. 
Kim leading the baby boys
Look at the sand covering Hailey. She is a real beach girl! 
Ashley's missing tooth makes her look totally different! 
One last beach day nap for sweet Nate
 And for sweet Kate too
 I end up with fewer pictures of Andrew because he is out in the water and busy all day. He is practically a fish. He's always doing what Joe is doing and growing up too fast. 
Kate awake and ready for more
 All the cousins on the Life Guard tower
Hailey's big jump!
Katie surprised me by being super brave and jumping off the platform too! She's tiny and sometimes timid so it was fun to see her be so excited to jump. 
Ashley, Lizzie, Andrew and Joe
Kate on her own!
Dinner at Charlie's Chili
We love to walk on the Pier at night and see all that the fishermen have caught in their buckets. It's a favorite activity that we always do at least 2 or 3 times. 

Saturday, July 30th
Leaving the beach always makes me feel sad and yearning for more. We drove off early and wished we weren't. We stopped at Mcdonald's about half way and made it home that evening. The long drive is hard so we all look pretty disheveled. The kids were so excited to go pick up our new puppy, June, that we only took a few minutes at home before we went to go get her. That made leaving the beach a little easier on the kids but not me.