Mr. Beautiful Blue Eyes at 1 week shy of 5 months old. Smiling, laughing, grabbing, rolling and showing off his pleasant nature and friendly personality.
Sweet Hailey. So loving, affectionate, cuddly, happy, silly, artistic, helpful, creative, clever, and kind. She is a thinker and problem solver. She notices needs. She loves her family. She is independent. She is an adventurous eater. She loves animals, going places and candy best of all.
Ready for dance in another great outfit she put together
Always creating or decorating.
After Church posing. Nathan slept through the first few
Hailey's ballet and tap dance mini-recital. She did so well! She was happy and darling and we were so proud
Third from the left. She is tiny.
Dave keeping Katie entertained
All done! Way to go! Hailey is in the center
Basketball Team Late Over. All 10 teammates plus our family celebrated a great season with a late over movie, pizza, plenty of treats and a nerf gun war throughout the house after the movie. They are great kids and it was a blast.
A fun afternoon at the Aquarium. Later that night we went to the Ute Gymnastics Meet which was fun too.