January 26, 2013

Sunday Style

My beautiful (crazy, messy) children all hyped up after 3 hours of church
Andrew and Ashley convinced me that they could pose well for pictures on the couch. 
We tried it. 
It didn't work. 
At all. 
Don't they look like they could be committed? 
Fake Laughing
 Andrew looks so handsome while the girls are still faking laughter
 Ash is looking so cute...if only I could've convinced Hailey to give put the Skittles down
 Hiding so they don't have to take any more pictures
 Running so they don't have to take any more pictures
 Somebody loves candy! 

January 23, 2013

A long Happy New Years Post!

Katie started the month at 3 months old. Smiley, cuddly, and oh so cute. She started rolling over from her belly to her back this month, just every so often. She started babbling a bit, blowing bubbles and loves to stick her fists in her mouth. She also took her first bottle successfully and has done it a few more times too. She is so quick to smile, all you have to do is make eye contact and her smile lights up the room.
Hailey is a complete tornado. She loves to get into everything and we finally found where she's been hiding things - under Dave's low hanging clothes in the closet. But, I still find all sorts of treasures (and old food too)  hidden in funny spots all over the house. 
 She is a chatter bug, and rarely stops talking. Most of what she says is still a mystery but, not her potty talk. All those words are as clear as can be. She loves to call everyone Poo-Poo Butt, Poo-Poo Eyes, Poop in the Potty, Poop in your Pants, Toot, Toot Face and Bum. Have you seen the movie Brave? It's cute. Our favorite Hailey pose is in the picture below, she loves to bend over to show that cute bum and say "Feast Your Eyes"
 Andrew is loving his Jr. Jazz team. It's been such a fun sport. I love his team, mainly because we put it together with his cute buddies, and Dave is the coach. All of my action shots are blurry but, here are some others.
 Andrew is doing great. He has really gotten good at dribbling and rebounding, he has a good shot and is usually good at passing too. In the last game he made 2 of our team's 7 baskets. He is having so much fun with his friends and dad, and I love watching him.  
 My own shot on picture day. Matt, James, Seth, Dave, Luke, Andrew, Owen and Joey. Missing Liam. 
 We had the most amazing snow storm this year. It kept coming and coming and coming. We got about 30" in East Millcreek over just a few days! Andrew and Ashley's have Friday ski lessons at Brighton and they were cancelled for the day but, school sure wasn't! So, Andrew went off to Kindergarten! I hate the cold but, I love Utah snow. The kids played out in our winter wonderland over and over again until they were frozen! 
 Building a snow fort with Daniel and Matthew
Playing into the night!
Cute Kate always enjoys her nightly tub. Her hands are always freezing, from sticking them in her mouth, and I love warming them up so nicely in the tub. 
 Andrew is so sweet to Hailey most the time. This day I asked him to read one of his practice books to Hailey so I could work with Ashley for a few minutes. I couldn't resist taking a picture. When he was done his body was exhausted from sitting like that!  
 Her hair looks red in this picture but, it is not at all.  
 She is so lovable. Katie has been a dream. She is pleasant and happy most all the time. She has been a great eater from day one, she likes her swing and sleeps well so long as were cuddling, so we spend a lot of time cuddling! She sleeps with me and keeps me warm all night. She's so spoiled and I love it!
 Mess Maker McGoo, working on Q-Tips
 Katie will be 4 months old tomorrow and I swear she is even cute now than at the beginning of the month. Her are some of her many faces: Happy
 Shocked or maybe Disgusted
 Hailey may be a huge trouble maker but, we love her anyways! I'm never going to get over how cute her dimple is!
 Dave took the big kids to a Jazz game so we had time to kill and I was trying to convince Hailey to sit or lay next to Katie but, this was what she had in mind instead.
 Then I convinced her to hold Katie on the couch. I love that Katie is smiling despite how she's being held.
 Katie smiled like this the second I rescued her from Hailey's lap. Must have been an adrenaline rush.
 Like I said, Katie has been rolling over a little bit. Here she is planning her move. 
 Going for it!
 Did it! Nice job little girl! 
 Hailey pretending to be sleeping as she hides from me
 More hiding and sleeping!  
I know that Andrew and Ashley only made it in to a couple of pictures this time but, in my defense, they have been doing lots of skiing and are in a lot of ski videos this month, don't like to have their picture taken lately, and get to leave the house more for other fun activities while the babies are stuck home with me and my camera.