Ashley's 4th Birthday was on Friday, June 22nd. It was a very busy day at the end of a very busy week. She started the day with a wrapping paper roll sword fight.
Next she finished off a session of swim lessons. Here she is ready to push off and swim to Spencer.
Andrew working on his frog stroke (breaststroke I think)
The last day was fun because the class sang her happy birthday and they got to play in the waterfall.
Then she was off to her last day of a week long Fairy Ballet Camp. Each day she came home with a fairy craft. The last day was most exciting because the class sang her happy birthday and she came home with wings.
Then, before we even got home from Ballet, guests were arriving for her Puppy Party!
Here is the invitation. When you lift the ears up all the info is there. They are silly and cute, and most importantly Dogs, so Ashley loved them. Each invite had a personalized dog tag with the child's name on it, and then I made fun envelopes too.
I was so rushed when the party was starting that I just had time to snap a few quick pictures. We had a doggie cake, paw print cupcakes, mini corn dogs, cocoa cereal (it looks just like dog food), dog bone graham crackers, otter pups and drinks of course.
The house was decorated with Ashley's many, many dogs, puppy pictures and regular birthday fare as well.
It's a BDay tradition to cover a few big walls with lots of favorite pictures of the BDay kiddo. It is a fun way to see how they've grown and it makes them feel special to be showcased.

Each guest got a doggie bag with a new little doggie to take home too. They took the bags from station to station to collect little prize and keep their crafts.
I split the kids into 3 groups to visit the stations. Just before the party I decided to move 2 of the stations into our garage and all the food inside, because it was such a windy day, and because it smelled awful outside with the big fires burning at the southwest end of the valley. The garage actually worked really well for painting crafts at one station and decorating dog bone cookies at another. I was amazed that all the kids wanted to save their cookies to take home!
Outside we had a dig for dog bone game and a pin the tail game. Far in the background you can see our cousin's gentle giant dog named Hawkeye who came to the party too. Ashley adores Hawkeye!
Every party needs a pinata.
Then quickly on to singing to the BDay girl, eating cake, opening presents and the chaos of pick-up time. I wish I'd taken more pictures of the party activities and especially of her opening presents but, it got busy.
Later on Ashley opened her presents from our family.
Andrew sure loved helping!
Hailey slept through the entire party like an angel baby and was finally awake for family presents.
Ashley's favorite presents were her basket to put on her bike, because it can carry doggie friends along, and her ladybug helmet, because now that she has a helmet she can go with Andrew and Daddy on bike rides out of our circle.
Once the sun went down we started the backyard big screen movie. Ashley chose to show Lion King. We had a great turnout and all the kids, cousins, and neighborhood kids love it. Thanks to Nana we served snow cones this time, along with the regular popcorn and drinks.

Phew! What a day! After this big day of non-stop fun the kids were exhausted and oh so ready for bed!
There is so much to say about a beautiful girl like Ashley. She is spunky, funny and wild and also sweet, thoughtful and encouraging. She loves to be a part of the adventure, whatever that might be. Ashley is very social, loud and a chatter bug. Ashley works hard to make us proud. She is determined. She is tough yet very tender. Ashley loves to be held, to cuddle and has to make sure she gives and gets a hug and kiss before Dave or I ever leave. She is smart. She is way too brave. She loves books. She loves all animals endlessly. She adores all of her cousins. She loves dinosaurs. She is an artist. She is a good friend and plays so well with others and she can also keep herself entertained and play alone with great imagination. Her smile is gorgeous and her hard belly laugh is contagious. She is a kind and caring big and little sister. She is wonderful and I love her with all my heart. I can hardly believe she is already 4 years old and as always, I'm wondering how to slow it all down.