April 30, 2011


Andrew and Ashley love dying Easter eggs! They worked on eggs over and over again through April. 
We were lucky to have beautiful weather on Easter, though, they do still need fleece jammies. Like everybody else, our kids loved searching for eggs. We have late church, which I never like, except on Holiday Sundays; we had a great morning. 
I love Ashley's intense expression and long un-brushed hair!
Hailey and I were there too. Here's a self taken shot.
The Easter Bunny brought some good Toy Story loot. Andrew got Mr. Potato Head, Ashley got talking Jessie and Hailey got Slinky Dog. They got a poster, paints, new bouncy balls, and sidewalk chalk to share. And candy, of course. 
They looked so adorable in their Easter clothes! Hailey was still napping and missed the photo op. 
This picture isn't flattering of any of us, except Dave who looks quite handsome but, it was just before church and we tried. I should have worn blue! We had a lot going on that day; I was in charge of Sharing Time in Primary and we were hosting Easter dinner after church, so we just didn't have time to get anything better. 
Easter evening we had a family dinner with my side at our house. The kids had another fun egg hunt and loved being with wonderful cousins. 
Ashley, Alyssa, Andrew, Ethan, Damon and Mac. Hailey missed this picture too!
Happy Easter! 

Random Lately

Why do older brothers HAVE to torment their sisters? 

April 21, 2011

My Little Ski Buddy

Andrew and I went skiing for our last time of the season this week. I have had a lot of fun this winter having an activity for just the two of us. I think we went 8 times to Alta and one practice day on a tiny slope on our side yard. He got better and better each time and I've gotten a little better at teaching too. 
Andrew can do flatter areas all alone. He needs help with stopping and confidence in steeper areas, so he skis right behind me and we each hold on to one end of one of my poles and he does great. I've spent all season skiing in a pizza wedge and I hope that once I'm done teaching kids to ski, I will be able to ski with french fries too ;) 
  I'm most proud of him for learning to not cry when he falls and to not fall down on purpose if he is scared; both big accomplishments. He has great balance and once he's a bit bigger and stronger it will all come together really well. 
Andrew's favorite part of skiing has to be looking for beads in the trees while we're on the chair lift. He also likes going fast with help, his helmet, playing 'get mom' games and getting to watch a show of his choice on the drive (below).
I'm so proud of Andrew for being brave and happy to try something that is new and a little scary. He is a great little skier and best of all is that he really likes it and asks to go. Good work Andrew!

April 15, 2011

Spring Soccer

Andrew is playing indoor soccer this spring with his buddies Livie, Eli, Daisy, and their awesome Coach, Jared. I'm not sure Andrew could like soccer any more than he already does. He is so excited to play and never gets tired of it. They've had 3 games so far and Andrew scored 3 goals, then 4 goals, then 3 goals, which is a lot! He is also an excellent blocker, which is great and also a little sad for the other teams. We love to watch him and are so proud of his determination. His victory dances for when he does something great or is proud of himself are priceless. 
So ready to play
So happy to Play
 I love this blurry picture because here he is about to make a goal. Next game I'll bring the video camera instead. 
Way to go Andrew! 


When Hailey was brand new she did not like taking a tubby. Now she likes it a lot and is about too big for her infant tub. I thought we'd better get a few infant tubby pictures before it's too late because lately, I've just been dipping her in with the bigger kids.  
Getting Ready
Her favorite thing is to have water poured over her belly, she loves to watch and grab at the water. 

April 3, 2011

Latest installment of cuteness

My Brother's darling kids came to play a three different days while they were off-track for three weeks. We went to the zoo, the park, Wheeler Farm, colored Easter eggs, played and played and just loved being with them. I love having them. You should see the looks people give me with "my" 6 kids. 
They are incredibly good to my little kids. Andrew loves them as much as I do.  His cousins are his best friends.
 Hailey is now 7 months old! What?! When did that happen? 
 She is a mobile little thing, scooching all over the place with her wormy army crawl. About 3 weeks ago she  mastered rolling the other way, so she began rolling every every which way, all day, and at night she started rolling right over to her tummy, which has helped her to sleep deeper. She is liking every food she tries. She loves her brother and sister, running water, sucking her thumb, eating paper (we can't leave paper anywhere!), silly songs and dances and jumps, playing with mommy in the mirror and cuddling in close. She dislikes sitting up, being alone, and more than a few minutes in her highchair. She keeps wowing us with her bright smile, big blue eyes and too cute dimple. Her 2 teeth came in way too soon, and even though it's cute, they are sharp and she has been biting me when she nurses..a lot. 

Despite the daily challenges of little kids, we are all at stages that I'd love to freeze so we could enjoy it a while longer than it will last.