Andrew and Ashley love dying Easter eggs! They worked on eggs over and over again through April.
We were lucky to have beautiful weather on Easter, though, they do still need fleece jammies. Like everybody else, our kids loved searching for eggs. We have late church, which I never like, except on Holiday Sundays; we had a great morning.
I love Ashley's intense expression and long un-brushed hair!
The Easter Bunny brought some good Toy Story loot. Andrew got Mr. Potato Head, Ashley got talking Jessie and Hailey got Slinky Dog. They got a poster, paints, new bouncy balls, and sidewalk chalk to share. And candy, of course.
They looked so adorable in their Easter clothes! Hailey was still napping and missed the photo op.
This picture isn't flattering of any of us, except Dave who looks quite handsome but, it was just before church and we tried. I should have worn blue! We had a lot going on that day; I was in charge of Sharing Time in Primary and we were hosting Easter dinner after church, so we just didn't have time to get anything better.
Easter evening we had a family dinner with my side at our house. The kids had another fun egg hunt and loved being with wonderful cousins.
Ashley, Alyssa, Andrew, Ethan, Damon and Mac. Hailey missed this picture too!
Happy Easter!