By request from one of my deshi I was asked to write an article on stationary zenkutsu-dachi. I thought that I'd keep it really simple and highlight the most basic points in the most simplistic manner possible. Overall, I hope that this is useful for everyone, even my seniors here in Japan who conversely want to convey their teachings into English for the next generation. One of the good points of having English as my mother language and Japanese, is that besides training itself, I can get lots of information then translate that, when I teach.
Basic zenkutsu-dachi in a transitional period after shomen. |
(1.0) Formation of zenkutsu dachi (shomen)
The usual width of the stance is that of the hip joints, to
be specific, the inside edges of both feet are the same with as the outside
edges of the hips.
The length is dependent upon, and dictated by the
flexibility of the ankles and hips. These dictating factors are firstly that
rear foot can point more to the front than the side. Ideally this is about a 30
degree angle, but no more than the less ideal 45 degree; furthermore, that the
outside edge of the foot can be made completely flat. Secondly, that a
perfectly aligned shomen (frontal/forward facing) position can be achieved.
This also includes pelvic, back and head/neck alignment. Thirdly, the straight
expansion of the rear leg and ‘rolling over of its respective thigh’ with
harmony of the knee, upper leg and corresponding hip joint. Keep in mind not
only the frontal alignment of shomen but also the lateral alignment; that is,
tilting the upper body to either side.
The front foot is pointing approximately one toe-width
inwards. To be more specific, the outside edge of the foot is facing directly
forward as opposed to the toes. The knee head of the front leg is usually
directly above the tips of the front foots toes; furthermore, the front knee
must not be allowed to collapse inward nor be pushed outward unnaturally.
Accordingly, there is a very subtle inward squeeze so the outside of the front
knee and corresponding thigh are in perfect alignment. This methodology makes a
strong connection between the thighs of both legs which feels like the formation
of metaphorical triangle. Like the rear feet, the front foot is completely flat
on the floor
(1.1) Rotating into zenkutsu dachi (hanmi)
Once the zenkutsu-dachi shomen position is acquired one is
equipped to utilize koshi no kaiten (hip rotation) to transfer into hanmi or
the ‘half-facing’ position. Whilst this position is not as strong as shomen it
is elusive for defense and allows for a strong counter rotation.
To make hanmi, push from the heel of the lead foot and
rotate the hips diagonally towards the rear leg. The degree of the rotation is
variable but typically ranges between 45 and 90 degrees. More subtle turns of
the hips are also utilized. The key points in this rotation are as follows:
firstly, keep the front knee and leg as set as possible—no pulling back or
wobbling sideways, likewise keep the head set and facing directly forward;
secondly, when rotating into hanmi the axis of rotation should be the rear
shoulder and rear hip—imagine a pole from pointing perfectly straight down
through these joints; thirdly, keep the hips perfectly level at all times;
fourthly, required to achieve the previous point, without any changes below the
rear knee, slightly contract the rear leg by bending and rolling it outwards.
Without this point the waist bio-mechanically cannot be kept on a perfectly
level plans, moreover, the imperative drive of the rear leg cannot be fully
applied in the counter rotation; fifthly, be conscientious about the
contraction of the rear legs gluteus-maximus muscle. To clarify this, it should
be slightly contracted/tilted under and a little lowered, but not enough to
make any change in height whatsoever.
It is important to conclude that when utilizing this action,
with lead arm techniques, use the hips/waist as coordinated unit to hurl the
(1.2) Counter rotation from zenkutsu-dachi (hanmi) into
zenkutsu-dachi (shomen)
To counter rotate from hanmi to shomen in zenkutsu-dachi, in
contrast shomen to hanmi one must use kakato-chushin driving with the rear heel
to expand (stretch/straighten) the rear and roll it inward and downward. This
is, of course, subtle tai no shinshuku (the contraction/compression and
expansion/stretching of the body). Again, the front leg should be made as still
as possible, in particular, the front knee must not be pulled back. This
elucidates the meaning of zenkutsu-dachi, which translates as the ‘forward
leaning stance’; nonetheless, carefully insure this forward leaning does not
involve any forward bending of the upper body, which must remain perfectly
upright irrespective of the rotational action.
Expanding on the rotational action be sure to not only turn
the hips but also drive them towards the target. That is, drive from the rear
heel, thrust of the back, rotating then forward thrusting of the hips. This is
the first variation of this action—one line from the ground up. The second way
is start at the center to establish a line of power via two lines starting from
the center; that is, the power is sent in two directions. In this case, the
rear leg is thrusted from the top down to the corresponding heel and
coordinated with respective waza. Put another way, the first methodology is
pushing with the rear kakato and sokuto; whereas, the second method is pushing
the kakato and sokuto into the floor/ground.
(1.3) How to make zenkutsu-dachi (gyaku-hanmi)
Whether in zenkutsu shomen or hanmi to make gyaku-hanmi (the
reverse half-facing position) is same with the exception of the scale of
rotation. From shomen this rotation with naturally be less. Also, irrespective
of the preceding position, unlike hanmi, the rear leg position must be like
that of shomen; that is, straightened to propel the hip of the rear forward and
beyond the position of shomen. The stance here is very important to highlight,
as while it is a form of zenkutsu-dachi it is in fact simply called
(migi/hidari) ‘zenkutsu’ or by Asai Tetsuhiko Sensei and the older generation
of instructors here in Japan (migi/hidari) ‘shokutsu-dachi’. Irrespective of
the respective term used, this variation of zenkutsu-dachi is shorter and
narrower than the regular version. The length of this position is dependent on
hip flexibility, the main point being the maximum extension forward of the rear
legs hip. The width has the rear legs heel in line with the inside edge of the
front foot; nonetheless, a fist width wider than this is also accepted as
correct form. Keep in mind when attacking with this position aim is to get as
much hip power into the technique as possible; whilst, when defending the
application is avoid the respective attack as much as possible. In either case
this action uses the hips to the limit. It is also worth noting that many
Japanese masters teach that knee can pass the tips of toes in this stance.
When making ‘techniques in a different direction from
zenkutsu’ this variation is termed as ‘(migi/hidari) ashi-kutsu’. A quick an
easy example of this to avoid a long explanation is movement 11 of Heian Yondan
Kata and all the rearward gedan-barai in Enpi.
(1.4) Movement in zenkutsu-dachi
Obviously I could on and about this subject, however, I want
to keep it simple today and focus on what is critically important. With that in mind "...Irrespective of the movement, the
aim is to “…optimally move the center for attack—to use maximum mass in one’s
attack"; also, to move the center for optimal defense." The relationship between
kakato (the heels) and tsumasaki (toes)—in Shotokan—plays a very important part in
kihon. In fact, this is a very central point, in the karate I’ve inherited, and to be frank is 'a very
deep well’.
From this point we can readily see the famous maxim: ‘attack
with your stance and defend with your stance’. Moreover, this highlights that
the stances in karate, in application, are not static positions but, rather,
active and transitional; that is, pragmatic/functional.
One point I need to reiterate is the use of the kakato (heels) and
tsumasaki (toes), which in my coaching/teaching I have dubbed ‘The kakato—tsumasaki
relationship’. Depending on the waza, and its application, the heels and toes
are used optimally. This optimization, in budo karate, is not merely for good
form or demonstration; rather, the objective is optimal effectiveness in actual
self-defense. Zenkutsu-dachi is powerful attack as it allows one to fully apply
their mass into a target; hence, its high emphasis not only in Shotokan but the
majority of other kaiha and ryuha as well. My biggest advice here is not only make it a position or a movement; instead, make it ADAPTABLE in accordance with spontaneity in relation to the situation at hand. This, of course is not only for zenkutsu-dachi, but for ALL EFFECTIVE KARATE.
– AB.
© André Bertel. Oita City, Japan (2021).