RIP Ursi
A loooong time ago when my kids were in elementary school we happened to be in a pet store on Adopt a Cat Day...where lots of kitties were in cages waiting to be adopted. We already had two cats at home...but this black girl kitty looked so much like our sweet Smokie that we applied. About a week later, when Daughter #1 was home from school ill, a woman came by with the cat to check out our house and to make sure we would be a good adoptive family. The plan was to visit and if we made the cut, the cat would be ours a week later.
Arriving at our house, cat made herself at home and the other two cats met her and really didn't care that another cat was in house. The dog came by and sniffed her and he didn't have a problem either. Then the woman asked if we would like to adopt her and we of course said YES! And we were surprised that she left the cat with us that day. She told us that we were lucky because she was the only woman at the cat rescue that would adopt cats out to families who allowed their cats to go outside...we had a pet door and the cats and dog came and went so we didn't even need a liter box. Over the years, the kids grew up and went off to college....Smokie became a diabetic and we administered insulin daily...we had to close up the pet door because raccoons made nightly visits into our kitchen for meals...Mew our oldest cat reverted back to his feral ways and took to outdoor life...and Ursi? Well she went from not wanting to be petted to a friendly, cuddly cat.
We finally had to put Smokie to sleep and Ursi took over his job of meowing for breakfast to be served. She trained The Captain to feed her treats while he cooked dinner by rubbing at his feet and meowing until he got out kitty treats.
But since school began this year we noticed her slowing down. Yesterday I even looked up the mobile vet so we could have her put down after Christmas- last night she was sleeping under the Christmas tree when I petted her before going to bed. This morning, on the floor next to the packages and stuffed animals, we found her body.
I am not sure how old she was- she was about a year old when we adopted her and my guess without checking her records is that she was 16 or 17.
Thank you Ursala for allowing us all those year of your life. You brought up happiness and many lizards and birds. XXOO your family.
I just pullled the post from A-Z Mondays from my old blog LMNOP circa 2007...
Ursi...Sweet, fat Ursi....
"Quick, cut the photos and FEED me breakfast!"
She is actually Ursala...named after the Sea B^#tch in The Little Mermaid. She's a rescue kitty who is about 12 or 13 years old...we've had her for about 10 or 11 years. She was abused at her first house...and took quite a while to realize that no one here would toss her out the door or toss her anywhere for that matter. She still freaks out if we carry her to the door to put her out. But she's a good cat who obviously loves her crunchies...and a good, long cat nap on the couch...(like a full day's worth)....that's where she can be found unless I send her outside for a sunny afternoon.