Is your mom is too sick to play with you? Well, heck! Toss on your new supersweet sunglasses, toss aside your regular glasses (remember, mom's too sick to keep up with much) and play basketball to your heart's content!
I've spent the last week-ish on self-imposed near bedrest. Seriously, sick people. This is second only to the time I got the flu (also known as "The Last Time I Didn't Get a Flu Shot" or "Back When My Doctor Almost Fired Me as his Patient for Being so Ridiculous as to NOT Get a Flu Shot When I have a History of Significant Asthma").
Some things that didn't Happen:
House staying clean. (Um, duh.)
Making cute Halloween crafts with the kids. *with one exception--see below.
Going to a pumpkin patch before they get all picked over.
Being able to get an appointment with a doctor you know. Or have ever met. Or would even recognize if they came up to you on the street and smacked you.
Homecooked meals in any form.
Commenting on blogs (don't worry, there was plenty of reading of blogs.)
Work. :( I hate calling in sick. :(

Milo triumphing at the top of the big boulder he climbed today.
Some things that DID happen:
- *So, so cute friends (thanks Sagie and Melissa) let me crash their lunch and Halloween craft extravaganza so the kids could have some fun, make a gingerbread haunted house, and go to town with all manner of Halloween decorations and stickers.
- The doctor proved to be very kind and very, um, flexible. This is made known because he spent nearly the entire visit with his legs folded up under him like a flamingo or stork or something while balancing precariously on a spinny stool. Oddly enough, his last name is "Bender". This all added to my overall feeling of disorientation.
- Said doctor was "very concerned" and put me on a steroid burst (ick) and antibiotics. Also, was (am still really) tied to my rescue inhaler like when I was a kid. These things will all make you very grumpy.
- Steroid bursts equal the infamous "Roid Rage". Anybody's kids ever have this while on steroids for croup? Well, turns out it happens to adults too. It will freak even yourself out.
- Attempted to go the gym because I was pretty sure I going to lose my everloving mind. This helped slightly but also made me feel even worse all at the same time.
- Went to Martinez Farm with kids' preschool. Their enthusiasm and excitement over the fieldtrip and me being there was ADORABLE. The bitter cold wind and hayride did not do so much good for the previously mentioned asthma flareup.
- Husband took kids rock climbing today so I could "have a day". This might have been code for "you're freakin' us all out and we're still not convinced that your disgusting cough/phlegm/wheezing isn't contagious" but whatever. Went for a long/slow walk on the Spring Creek Trail. Sister-in-law calls and informs you that you kinda sound like you're dying. The walk will be good for the spirit and the fresh air feels great.
- Woke up every morning thinking THIS will be the day that I'll be feeling SO MUCH BETTER. So far, I've been wrong. But, I'm still holding out for tomorrow. ;)
- Decorated the house for Halloween in one last ditch effort (Friday at 6pm) to salvage the lame "Mommy's So Sick" week that my kids had. They loved it and couldn't wait to show Daddy every detail when he got home. :)

Isabel, anxiously awaiting their first costume party of the year. She's working on proper broomstick-sitting approach here.
Now, something else important that DIDN'T happen this week:
Not Fighting the Girl at Runner's Roost
Today, while I was "having a day", I decided to get out of the house for the previously mentioned slow walk and to register for the Heart Center of the Rockies 10K next weekend. Thought it would be good to A. get off my kiester and B. give myself some great motivation for the next week.
Mind you, I was still feeling blechy, pale, unkempt, weak, wheezy and, generally, unattractive. So, supercute collegiat athlete girl at the running store who helped me with my registration didn't really help. But what REALLY didn't help came AFTER I gave her the registration.
Girl: "So, the Asics technical shirts that we got this year, um, only come in women's extra small but they come in men's small, medium, and large." Here, she has clearly sized me up and deemed me to be a men's size because she skimmed over the women's option as though she'd offered me a size 3-6 months.
Me: "Oh. Really? Because the form says that they are women's size small and I think they're the exact same shirts as last year." This said, knowing that I have the women's small from last year and that it fits me JUST FINE (but only because those shirts run very big--I am so not a size small).
Girl: "Um, yeah. It's pretty small." Again, sizing me up with some totally disturbing look of pity and doubt on her face.
Me: (Uh oh. Here comes that Roid Rage again.)
"Well, do you think that maybe I could look at it? Because if it is the small, that's what they offered last year and I have that EXACT shirt at home."Girl: "Um, sure." She hands me the shirt--really tosses it to me with the same pity/doubt look combined with a titch of, um, fear?
Me: (Ripping the shirt triumphantly down over my head and existing shirt.)
"Oh yeah, this is the EXACT same size as last year."Girl: (Making absolutely NO effort to hide the shock on her face or in her voice--not at my actions but at the fact that the shirt fits me.)
"Oh wow! That one actually doesn't look so bad!"So help me, muffin top or no muffin top! That size small shirt was going home with me! As I pushed my way out the door of the store I had a brief flash of
"Oh my gosh! Did I seriously just make her give me a shirt that is too small for me?!" But, no fear folks, it really does fit. Thank goodness because there was no way I was going back to that store, risking seeing the supercute collegiate athlete girl who obviously thinks I am too soft/buxom/men's-sized for my new pink Asics technical shirt.

Isabel and her awesome rock climbing skills.
Still reading? We're currently in contact with two birthmoms. Both show some promise--hopefully, one will be THE ONE. Cross your fingers and toes for us. :)