I'm more than just a little behind on this post. Sorry...we were out of town for a few days--more on that later.
This is the first year that the kids have really enjoyed Valentine's Day and had fun with it. They woke up to some candy, cards, heart-shaped toast with strawberry jam, and oatmeal with strawberries. Later, we had lunch with Grandma Kim ("...because we love her and it's Valentine's Day Mom?") and for dinner we had a heart-shaped pizza. A fun day all around with much discussion about whhyyyy we have Valentine's Day and whhhyyyy Mom and Dad would buy Valentine's cards and candy and whhhyyy people love each other. Pretty cute and a pretty abstract holiday to explain to almost-four-year-olds.
Asked as we're leaving Papa Murphy's: "Mom, did that guy make our Valentine's pizza for us because he looooves us?"
We even had to cut the individual pieces into hearts. Not as easy as it sounds. Two words will be the key to your success here--angular hearts.
As for the adults, we had Thai takeout, gorged ourselves on yummy desserts from Whole Foods and watched one of the greatest love stories of all time, The Office: Season 3. :) I know, I know, some haters out there (Spencer) will try to say that it is just a workplace comedy. True fans know that this is simply not true. It is a love story. SIGH. The love story of Jim Halpert and Pam Beesley. (Returning with new episodes April 10th!!!!!!)