Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

i moved.

i moved out of the mold infested house into a lovely, new townhome right next to the mountains. the price and location are perfect, as well as the cleanliness, big windows, balcony, theater room, and roommates. i couldn't be happier anywhere else. i am soo grateful for the answers to my prayers.

view from the balcony

view from the front door

i can't wait for spring and summer! i have a ton to look forward to. i'm going to disneyland/trying out for wipeout in 2 weeks, going to moab to hike/camp/run in a half marathon in a month, abby comes in 2 months, birthday in july, and then mexico (hopefully-- more on that later...)! and the usual things that come with sunshine...ice cream cones, bike rides, swimming, going to the park, tennis, watermelon, camping.........

i feel like this whole ordeal with my messy life has lasted forever. i'm trying to be patient, keep positive, have a good attitude, be happy...you know, the usual. i'm so grateful to my friends and family who have helped me out so much. and i'm happy to say that i am starting to feel better. i feel like sometimes it's only a little bit, and sometimes it's a lot. but at least it's something and anything is better than nothing!

things really are looking up and thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your love and support
and favors and listening ears!

(trying to remember this)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gnomeo & Juliet Movie Trailer Official (HD)

the doctor i work for, dr. bacon, is soooo excited to see this movie. let me tell you why. his son, chris bacon, is a film score composer. back in september dr. bacon and his wife got to go to london to watch him compose music for THIS film. with elton john. now, here it is, coming out tomorrow. woooohooooooo

just a friendly reminder

"...God improves everybody; he blesses everyone and everything he touches; it is his nature to raise and to bless. He has raised us from whatever we were before we were spirits to make us his spirit children. He has given those of his children who would allow it physical bodies...Naturally he wants to give us all everything, but of course most of us resist him-- so he gives us what he can. It's his job-- his 'work'; and it's what makes him great-- his 'glory'. Saving us and improving us is what he's all about." --Stephen Robinson, "Following Christ"