Friday, May 30, 2008

an album of my weekend plans

My Weekend Plans
As soon as I get off of work I will be running in the mountains:
Driving to Park City for a friendly get together:
Tomorrow, I will be watching Lost at some point:
Going for a long trail ride:
Remaking some delicious granola:
Going for a tandem bike ride:
Getting dressed up:
Enjoying a demolition derby:And doing this all with my totally awesome friends!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

mi familia

this weekend i went to visit my family in texas for two days. it was a super short trip but i am glad i got to see them. my brothers are so great. i wish i had more time with them.

we didn't do anything too spectacular while i was there, just all hung out. but it was still cool. theyre going to visit later in the summer and im pumped!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


While other countries may be experiencing earthquakes, typhoons, protests, and rising death tolls, here is something my country is experiencing:

(Anne Geddes gone horribly wrong)

(Jenna Bush wedding decorations gone horribly wrong)

(America's Next Top Model gone horribly wrong)

Monday, May 19, 2008

im pretty sure im roasting from the inside out

it is 90 degrees today! it is soooo hot. i'm glad it is summer and all but i am not ready for this heat. to top it all off, the A/C in my car AND my house don't work. super lame! my only sanctuary is work (i never thought i would put those two words together).

besides the heat(which in all reality isn't that bad), life is good. i crashed my bike on saturday and i have some bad road rash on my leg and arm, but i guess thats what you get when you live life on the edge (totally kidding). i love my roommates and my friends, wish i had a lot of money(dont we all), and am starting to get in good physical shape. this will be MY summer.

Monday, May 12, 2008

home sweet home

i got back yesterday morning. it felt so good to be home but at the same time being in arizona and moab was so nice too. life is too often bittersweet. is there anyway to change that? i doubt it.

there seemed to be a lot of thinking time on my trip due to the massive amount of driving we did. i realized that at the moment, my favorite candy is mike and ikes and my favorite restaurants are olive garden and pita pit. also, after seeing what a wasteland arizona is, i've realized that i need to live somewhere green. it is necessary for my survival.

i guess i should talk more about my trip. everything and everyone was so beautiful. nothing went wrong and everyone was so happy. there was no contention at all. we drove up to moab after the wedding and the reception and hiked and camped. it was so great. also i am proud of katherine and i because we got our own wood from a tree and built our own fire. and put up our own tent. who really needs men anyway? booyah!

also i have been in a baking/cooking mood lately and i think i like it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

my mother was a chicken and my father was a farmer

i feel like i have a lot to say but every time i go to write a new post, the desire to write leaves me.

tomorrow morning i am flying to arizona for a friend's wedding. on saturday we are driving to moab and hiking and camping. i am so excited! i have never been to either place and i am super pumped!

also, i love my new roommates. i love coming home and really feeling like it is my home, not just a sterile environment where i keep my things and sometimes sleep.

i feel liberated.

Friday, May 2, 2008

definately, maybe

highlights of the past week:

music: maria mena
bargain buy: this puzzle-- 60% off!!
accomplishment: moving, signing a fall contract
fun past time: bike rides, exercise in general, crafts, $1 movies, laughing
misfortune: eating a cookie tainted with pistachios and/or cashews and being deathly ill for hours
new thing ive done this week: new ward, meeting new people, new roommates
proudest moment: a kick butt grade in my class!
funniest thing: not able to be mentioned on this blog

im not too unhappy these days. things are good, and though i felt as if there is a lot of instability in my life a few days ago, i have realized that there are a lot of stable things i can hold on to. i think i might be growing up a little...

my mom, brother, and dog are rock stars for fighting and killing a water moccasin that was in our backyard!!