tonight, i just feel like pouring my feelings out, just for you, my Lovely Bones.
first of all, dear, i would like to express my unlimited gratitude to The Most Merciful. without Him, i will never ever find you. i went through many failures before i finally found what i've been looking for. and i'm happy with my final finding. He sure knows best :)
dear, tau tak that you fit me well. you have all the things i ever wanted from a man. you are like a combination between my dad, my pakngah and my arwah atuk. that's why i love you so! even though sometimes i complain about this and that, and you get all confused with what i want. but truly, you have it.and that's why i said you're just too irresistible to me.
you stand by me when i fall down, you cheer me up when i'm sad, when i'm happy you are there for me. when i cry, you wipe away those tears. you love me more than you could show. you are truly one in a million, dear. the best one i ever had. and i'm certain that there is nothing better than this :)
walaupun you don't trust CINTA, walaupun you are sometimes cold, but i knew you will not be like that after we are finally halal together. Insya Allah. :)
i find that these words which i changed a lil bit, originally by Maria Elena, best describe what i feel about you :D
despite all that 'malas-nak-layan', for him to be able to tolerate me at times i lose my temper, when i fall asleep while talking to him and then suddenly say the most random thing, for him to come all the way across the state to see me even for a short while, for him to listen and support me, and a lot of other things, makes him the best Lovely Bones i've ever had.
I'm moody like Squidward. Sometimes selfish, like Mr. Krab. A bit dumb, like Patrick.
But I'll always be here for you, like Spongebob.