Sunday, November 20, 2011

out of the mouth of babes

to set up the situation...
My hubby and I were discussing the budget and how much $$ we would have to do all of the charity things we like to do at Christmas... Food bank, sub for Santa, toys for tots etc.... our 9 year old asked what was toys for tots. We explained that Some families do not have $$ to buy toys for their kids so other people can buy toys for them.
My sweet 9 year old said, " Those poor toyless families. I bet the parents are going crazy."
me-- " why"
him-- " the parents are thinking I need a break, get these kids away from me. So when they get a scooter or a toy, they will leave the parents alone and the parents will go waahooo!"
So that is how you view the world little man?! Ya-- nominate me for mother of the year. My kids think they always drive me crazy and I just want them to go play away from me. Nice!
This was before the big tickle fight that left us both laughing so hard that we couldn't breathe. See I do like to play with my kids.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The greatest Honor!

If I ever need a self esteem boost, or if I ever doubt if I am a good teacher or not I will just have to remember the compliment I got today. A 4 yr old in my preschool thinks that school ranks right up there with Disneyland. This sweet girl was telling her mom that she wished she lived closer to Disneyland so they could go everyday. Well not everyday, they could not go on Tuesdays and Thursdays because those are school days. A couple hours later she said pretty much the same thing but changed it to she wished that Disneyland was closer to us so that she could go to Disneyland and not miss school or Miss Amy. AAWWWEEEE, melts my heart! That truly is a major compliment to be as good as Disneyland or better if they would skip Disneyland to make sure they don't miss school. In the eyes of a 4 yr old that is pretty serious business to be as cool as that place!Now to just convince the rest of the world of my greatness! HA

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

confessions of a food addict

So, I have been feeling a bit bad about myself lately. I know most if it has to do with my weight. Last year I was at a point that I hit a weight I have never been before. I did a drastic thing. I convinced myself that If I had a lipo surgery I would get down to a manageable weight that would allow me to exercise easier and help my lame knee. Well after then convincing my hubby that it would be well worth the money I had it done. I felt marvelous! it was grand! But I didn't learn. I still didn't exercise. .I still made poor food choices (I should have used that money to remodel the bathrooms I have been waiting so many years for.)

Well, here I am 16 months later, depressed, unmotivated, and LARGE! I have surpassed my highest weight by many pounds and can't even bare to pass a mirror. It kills me to even glance at myself as I brush my teeth.

But, I have tried buying only healthy foods and snacks, I find my self "sneaking" off to fast foods and bakeries. I feel I have lost all self control. I don't even know how to eat properly anymore.
The motivation just isn't there. The disappointment is not a big enough motivator. I have many excuses and they are very VERY good excuses. But that is what they are --excuses. I need a way to be stronger than the lazy sugar craving maniac that shares my brain.

Today, I had a mental picture motivator. Today, I walked into the bathroom and actually faced my reflection. I thought to myself I am like Ralphy's little brother (from the Christmas story) -- "I can't put my arms down!" Only sadly I do not have on multiple layers of coats. It is just me. I think that mental picture is going to get me through my next hurdle. But not even an hour later I find myself in the kitchen with my second handful of chocolate chips.
And now you know my own personal hellish secret.
Hi I am Amy and I am a food-a-holic. I am slowly shortening my life with the poisons of refined sugar and grease. But I do not seem to care.

Today, I feel like I suck.
Now, I will feel better tomorrow, I won't be beating myself up over this, but I will probably be just as unmotivated as always.
It is just one of those days. Please ignore this post. I just wanted to write it out. I am letting off negative steam you might say.

Monday, October 31, 2011


As our busy month ends with an even busier few days... I thought I would take a minute and catch up the ol' Blog!.

Well the 2 kiddos (J&A) were off track for the majority of the month and we spend some good old quality time doing fun things. We went to classic family fun center a few times and enjoyed skating, bouncing, and jungle gyming or hours. We enjoyed the extended nice weather with a few trips to the neighborhood parks and picnics. We also enjoyed a trip to the Gardener's village festival of witches. We took one of their cousins since it was her birthday and had a ton of fun going on a scavenger hunt.

We hosted a couple get togethers. We hosted a murder mystery party and just a game night with old friends.

We had many expensive trips to the dentist and vet trips for the dog.

There were camp outs for D and dad and a trip to Idaho for A. She enjoyed it so much! (because Grandma R. Has a dog.

There we cub scout meetings that earned J his very own pocket knife.
We had J's first pine wood derby. He had a pretty awesome car that fared well. We do not know what he placed but we would guess 7-9th place. (there were 19 racers) We also finished up his Bear Rank advancement!

Lastly, there was trick or treating at Dad's work and fun for all. Carving pumpkins Halloween is finally upon us and we have a dog in for mouth surgery today, and school parades and parties are now under our belts. We look forward to Trick or Treating and gorging ourselves on candy to enjoy the sugar hang over tomorrow as we welcome in the next busy month of the year!

Time is going to fast I am ready to put on the breaks for a bit!


A with grandma R's dog Maggie

Dad's pumpkin from the carving contest for pumpkin alley at work.

D-mans scull and cross bones pumpkin
.My pumpkin is gining you the evel eye
J-mans pumpkin! cute huh? Little A's hasn't had its picture taken yet as it was a Mickey Mouse pumpkin and we have not attached the pumpkin ears yet.
J-man as a race car driver costume by HIS pumpkin
A as a snow QUEEN (not a princess) back view her cape has jewel pendents hanging on it but you can not see them and she has blue highlights in her hair.
front view with her "fairy eyes" face pant mask-- so no one will recognize her. SHHH it didn't work everyone knew it was her ;o)
The beloved derby car and the foam mat he created to display it on! I love that kid.
Creator with finished product and certificate! I wish I could have captured his excitement on his face every time his car was in a "heat"!
cousin B's birthday trip to gardener's Village!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

cake auction

So it is time once again for the annual cub scout cake auction.
This year J-man was so excited. He missed his first one since we were on vacation last year. He wanted to do as much as he could. He mixed it he baked it and he did the majority of the frosting and put on the wheels.
So the suspense is killing you right you are dieing to see this cake right??? Tonight he will be able to bid on about 20 cakes. I wonder if he will bid on his own?
well here is the big reveal!

Our best cake rendition of a RED 1976 ford pick up truck!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


OK so this week... (starting last Sunday) I was released from my callings as the Cub Scout Chairperson and Primary. I feel a bit out of sorts wondering what I will do with myself and hope that I will be able to let go and not miss those responsibilities. I am not being sarcastic. I loved my callings. So, for some strange reason, unknown to me, I have now been called to be the sacrament meeting chorister and Nursery (children aged 18 months- 3 yrs) chorister. I am excited for the nursery part and am enjoying that immensely. The sacrament portion is a bit frightening. I am not musically knowledgeable... I have never done anything like this in my life. So for all of you that did not pay attention today (thank you) and or those of you who were unable to attend to see the spectacular sight I will give you a brief overview...
For the opening song... 1st verse... I got light headed, could not find where i was in the song and just stood there frozen frantically trying to find where we were while trying not to fall over. yep, I provide good entertainment. Every other song wasn't as bad but I still messed up every single song. Well at least now there is only room for improvement right!
On Wednesday, the change was a tire. I had my last cub scout responsibility and took the cubbies on a field trip. As we were leaving I became aware of a flat tire. Boy was it FLAT! the spare tire was flat and I couldn't get it off the car so I had to call in a rescue party to get me and the boys home. Good times. (thanks to my mom in law)
On Thursday I went Brunette again. I love it! jokingly my mother calls me her little Mexican child but I still like it a lot!
D-man finished his math camp and had such a good time! He is almost done with Tennis again he loved his lessons. We many have found his niche. On Thursday we went to his JR high and walked around and found his locker and made sure he could open it. Very exciting times! He really gets his braces this Monday.-- If I do not mess that up again. Then off to a scout camp for the weekend.
Little A. is changing piano teachers and see if that will help her a bit. It will also help my pocket book a bit.
Also after 3 weeks of peeling this sweet girl off of me for her to go into the school we have changed to I can watch from a near by fence. She told me that after 3 weeks of that she may be brave enough to let me leave her there completely. I do see that she is finally adjusting to the changes of the new school. but keep reminding myself she it taking it in "baby steps"
change is good and seems to happen all the time but is just seems very much in the fore ground lately.
After next week I look forward to settling down into a routine again. It feels like forever.

Friday, August 12, 2011

family pictures

In hind sight this shade of red was a bad idea.

But the kiddos in the black and white shots are totally my favorites!

I am a bit biased, but my kiddos are some of the cutest that ever were!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


New school year.
J & A in front of the school sign.

First day of Math Camp!

Happy 7th beautiful girl!
Yes, that is supposed to be a blue Scooby Doo- thanks for noticing =o)

I am a proud mother of 2 muscle men and a princess
swimming lessons Aug. 2011
My sweet Aunt Phyllis from Wisconsin.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

on your mark get set go!

What a busy week we have had!
pictures to come...
Well my 2 younger kiddos started school at a different Elementary school and it has been a very hard adjustment for my daughter. She is really struggling!! but J-man is really enjoying it. There are many familiar faces in his class from previous church wards and soccer teams. And he really likes his teacher. Little A. has just the opposite experience.

This past weekend Little A turned 7! this has been hard on me. I am very excited to watch her grow up and be who she is going to be but it is hard to think my wee sweet youngest baby is not a baby anymore. For her birthday, one of her grandmas took her to Build a bear workshop for the first time and both she and Grandma had a wonderful time. Then we had a small party with all the grandparents with cake and ice cream. then as a family we went to the local "fun" pool and spent a couple hours in good ol' fashioned splashy fun. D-man even jumped off the high platform at the diving pool. he almost backed out but he did it! Yay him!!

Last week also started a series of Dentist appointments for D-man. He is set to get his braces on most likely next week. We went to a new dentist and found out a lot about D-mans mouth and the Orthodontist seems extremely nice too. Here's to the next 20-24 months of metal mouth.

last week all 3 kiddos started swimming lessons after taking 3 years off. J-man really needs to get much better, because next summer he has to try to pass off his aquanaut swimming at webelos summer camp.

In a couple weeks J-man starts his fall soccer season and D-man starts tennis lessons and a math camp he was invited to attend because of his High math skill demonstrated last year.

In between all this I am trying to keep D-man entertained as he still has a month before he starts Jr. High (yikes) and trying to start preschool prep. I wish I was father in the preparations for school than I am but hey we have been having a great time being busy!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A weekend of firsts!

My Aunt Phyllis Frautchy and her daughter Sue came in from the Illinois and Wisconsin area for a visit. they flew into the SL airport and stopped by to see me. I got to see them first! we went out to lunch and chit chatted and introduced them to 2 of my children. then they were off to Idaho.
I now know that I am all grown up.
This weekend I drove up to my home town. All by myself I think for the first time (alone). I never got lost either! My home town has changed quite a bit since I lived there 16 years ago. Wow, am I that old?!! I have been away almost longer than I lived there!
I spent a wonderful day with one of my BFF's from the good old days! We made hair bows and they actually turned out! I can't wait to share my new knowledge with others that I know! Then we enjoyed going out to dinner. It was fun just to get away and see people and catch up!
later we went back to her house and chilled with her family as they were preparing to go camping in the morning! It was great!
Another first... I checked in to a hotel... I have never done that before. then I stayed at a hotel all by myself. that was weird.
The hotel I should clarify was a very cheap motel. It was one of the best nights sleep I have had in a long time! Very cumfy and CLEAN. Down fall --there were not any plug in outlets in the bathroom and all the outlets in the sleeping quarters were taken up by lamp cords or the airconditioner. So, needless to say, I didn't want to curl my hair in the hot or the dark with out a mirror. So I didn't. Then I checked out all by myself. I am such a grown up.
Next I took myself out to breakfast at the very luxurious restaurant called McDonalds. Some of you may not have heard of it. It is very exclusive. HAHA. Anyway I then picked up my grandma Laughridge and took her to my parent's home and enjoyed the company of my brother Steve and his wife Mary. Also My AuntPphyllis from Wisconsin who was there for a visit and we celebrated her 80th birthday. I missed her! I haven't seen her for 18 years. Her laugh is contagious and I wish that I could record it and listen to it all the time!
Then the short trip ended and I headed back to my home to see my family what I missed very much!
My hubby and D-man had been at scout camp all week and I had missed them terribly! Grandma & pa Moody had my 2 little munchkins over night so that I could go up to Idaho.
So a tid bit of scout camp news...
They attended the Bear lake Aquatics camp.
D-man earned all the merit badges that he was signed up for! yay!
Even the wilderness survial one that I about had heart failure over.
Sadly, tho this year, at this camp, there was a death of another scout. Another 12 yr old scout drowned. And uncany, another 12 yr old scout in another part ofUutah also died the same day by being stuck by lightening. My heart goes out to those families as it just as easily could have been my boy! It was hard news to hear. But I count my many blessings that my boys came back safe and sound.
happy weekend to all!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I spy...

I spy with my little eye 13 masked superheroes! can you find out who their true identities are? I will give you a hint one of them is J-man!
Cub scout day camp 2011:
What an adventure we had! This was J-mans 2ND year at camp. he had such a great time! I loved that I got to go with him both days and see his excitement over the activities. The first day we attended superhero academy. Day 2 was Jurassic Journey. The high lights of the camp as usual were the BB guns and bow and arrows. they also got to try their hand at sling shots this year! Also another highlight is always the obstacle courses! It is fun to see the boys accomplish tasks that stretch their abilities and see their strengths. Cub Scouts ROCK!! I love working with these fine young men! I get excited for the future to see what these boys will do when they "grow up"

Friday, June 24, 2011


If your not one for quotes or one liners than now is the time to stop reading. I wanted to put down some of my favorite quotes. At least as of lately.

"Character is the ablilty to carry out a decision after the emotion of making the decision is past"

"Let us not be too long suffering on our own shortcomings." ~~Neal A. Maxwell

"When you have done the best you can, be satisfied and don't look back. Rather than berate yourself for what you didn't do, congratulate yourself for what you did." ~~M.Russel Ballard

"We come to an end to find a beginning. Often we worry about arriving at an end with too little faith in what follows." ~~Don Quixote

"Faith is to the soul as sunshine is to the earth." ~~ David O McKay

"Successful people always do more than they are expected."

"The best way to get rested is to speed up. When we get ahead of our work we love it and it becomes easy. When it gets ahead of us, we hate it and it becomes difficult. A winner at the end of the race is never tired, he's ready to go again."

"The high minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think." ~~ Aristotle

Have a nice day.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

vacation 2011

Well we are spoiled to enjoy our second vacation of the year. We toured southern Utah and many national and state parks also saw the grand canyon.
Our first stop was actually Saint George. We stopped by the Johnson farm dinosaur museum for a bit. We visited the historic sites of Brigham young home, the Tabernacle and the temple visitors center. Then we went to a family fun center for a round of mini golf, arcade games and go carts and a couple goes at the bumper boats. Our kiddos enjoyed this very much!
Day 2--Next stop- we headed off to Zion National Park. We enjoyed many beautiful hikes! We hiked about 9 miles. (in case you were wondering.... my old lady body handled it just fine) the kiddos did the Jr Ranger program and earned a fun Jr Ranger Badge. One of the hikes up to the upper emerald pools, I stayed behind. When the others returned J-man had quite a tale of falling off the trail (down 10 feet) and skinned up his ribs pretty good. We were good and tuckered out that night!
Day 3-- The Grand canyon! Yep it was big! D-man decided this was the day to be absolutely afraid of heights! His anxiety did not ease mine while the other kiddos were running and sliding on the trails with drop offs on either side. Again the kiddos earned the Jr ranger badge! then we headed back to Panguitch Utah. We enjoyed listening to a couple books on tape while driving from park to park. Amazingly enough the kiddos liked it so much they never pulled out their DS's or watched any movies!
In Panguitch we enjoyed a home cooked meal while we visited one of my hubby's mission companions and his family. We learned a new card game and taught them one of our favorites, 9 down.
day 4-- Bryce canyon NP, natural bridges NP, Kodachrome state park, and a unsuccessful ride to find an arch. it was successful in scaring the living day lights out of me. If you know me at all I can be quite a dramatic scardy cat! it was an unkept road and we missed where we should get off to find the arch. It continued to get more treacherous and steep narrow.
But the kiddos earned 2 Jr. ranger badges this day. We were very late to check into our hotel that night!
Day 5-- capital reef NP.- we took a nice scenic drive through this park. We visited a restored pioneer home that also had a small country store where we bought ice cream and an apple pie MMMMMM. there were orchards and other things from the settlers there. The kiddos earned an additional patch here the Jr geologist patch for attending and participating in a special program in the park. and you guessed it they also earned their Jr Ranger badges too.
Day 6-- Sunday, The kids and my hubby took a walk in the morning to let me sleep in a bit. We intended on going to church in Monticello. Well they had changed times for church services since we had check online. So we missed it. We wondered through an old pioneer park and visited the temple grounds and played at a playground for awhile. went back to the hotel and watch some LDS clips on you tube and watched Hotel For Dogs on TV.
Day 7-- we took the kids swimming before breakfast and then did laundry before we started out our day at the needles part of Canyon lands NP. We completed the Jr. Ranger program here to, they really liked earning those patches and badges. then we drove to Moab Ut where we went to see Kungfu Panda 2. there was a fire in Moab that day.
Day 8-- I dreaded this day most of our vacation. Yep my over dramatic self cried as they gave the instructions for what to do if you fall out of the raft. OK yep we went river rafting. I hate open water anything... yep in a delusional moment I had suggested doing it and my hubby jumped at the chance in my lapse in sanity. NOBODY FELL OUT! WE ALL SURVIVED!! Don't tell anyone but in the end it think I liked it. still wouldn't do it again but am proud of my self for doing it. So our raft only included our family of 5 and the guide. We all had to row. By the end of the trip it was down to only the 3 adults. We had to fight some rough rapids to get to shore. The other boats did it with ease as they all had 6-8 adults aboard.
That afternoon we headed into Arches NP. it was so hot! our poor kiddos were so hot and flushed afterward that we were nice parents and treated them to ice cream afterward.
Day 9-- Island in the sky part of canyon lands, Dead horse point state park. DHP SP in my opinion not worth the entry fee. But our kids did earn yet another Jr. ranger badge. then we went back to arches to catch another hike before we retired for the evening.. into the pool for some good ol' splashy fun.
Day 10-- finished up what we wanted to see in Arches and headed home.
In Arches NP J-man loved scouting for animal tracks. it was amazing how many we really saw. He also REALLY wanted to touch a lizard but alas that did not happen for him. But before we left the kiddos earned their last Jr. ranger badges of the trip. We had a short stop in Orem Utah BSA office to pick up a special National parks tour patch for J-man as part of his cub scouts. we made it with 5 minutes to spare before they closed.
it was a very fun trip but I am glad to be home.
Oh yeah, somewhere along the trip.. it all blurs together now.. we saw a lot of petrified wood someplace. At another place we saw ancient Indian ruins... and I am sure a lot more that I forgot.
We saw 46 of 50 state licence plates only lacking Alaska, Hawaii, New Hampshire, and Washington DC. we also saw Canadian plates from Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia. The most odd thing that we saw was a flock of ostriches!
My husband was loving a rare beauty on our trip. We hit at a perfect time of year. the cacti were in bloom. He had never seen it bloom before! We saw yellow, white, red, rink, and I think even purple blooms. They were rather beautiful.
But, Dorothy said it best, "there's no place like home."

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Yesterday was a very nice day. I enjoyed Watching J-man at his last soccer game of the season. It was his best game ever! It is fun to see how much his skills have improved!
Next we were off to see the D-man and little A. at their piano recital. It was D-man's second and little A's first. It was quite enjoyable. We will need to work on presentation for A's next one but she did fine. At first it was play one note scratch her head then the next note rub her nose... you get the idea... But she had a great time and can't wait to do it again.

Then we ended the day on a great note. Our wonderful neighbors are BBQ enthusiasts and they have an annual BBQ to prep for the upcoming BBQ compitition season. Man it is GREAT food but EVEN BETTER company!! We just love them. It is always enjoyable to spend time with them.

It was such a good day I wanted to remember it. I just wish I would have remembered my camera!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

a mothers day tribute a day late!

There have been so many mothers in my life! Of course my real mother, and grandmothers, But I had friends growing up that their mothers were just a dear and influetial as my own. I had Young womens leaders who were examples and kept me on the right track. I loved them all and they loved me right back! I think that is a trait of women that has been bestowed to us all. Love. We have the ability to love deeper and more sincerely and compassionatly then men. But with that I also believe that we feel more hurt and pain for ourselves and others.

Growing up, my mom worked alot. but in the evenings as we would settle down to watch tv or what not she would always let me snuggle up to her. I loved that.
I was also blessed to live next door to my great grand mother and kiddy corner to my grandmother. I have wonderful memories of these women also! they raised chickens and rabbits and had huge gardens that we could visit and enjoy anytime we wanted. what fun for a city kid like me.

may I remember to remember all those influential women everyday and not just mothers day!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

mothers day style & A's sadness

today, My dear hubby is working on the honey do list (his list that he created for himself) Filled with many back breaking heavy duty work. tilling up the garden and newly added compost by hand (with shovel) mowing, weeding... he then volunteered to run errands and go shopping! have I told you how much I love this man. He is awesome! Anyway he told the kiddos that he was going to be too exhausted to help clean the house today and to clean the whole thing by themselves for mothers day. Well I guess they took it to heart. While doing their regular Saturday chores J-man and Princess A were working together to clean the bathroom. I heard J-man tell Princess A. "they needed to clean it mother's day style so keep scrubbing!" How cute is that! I don't know how to convince them to do it Mother's day style every week tho!
I have great kids who surprise me everyday! life is good.

On a side note, Princess A has a cousin just her age. They are very close practically unseperatable. They recently moved from right around the corner to the next city. She has been very sad with out him so close. She had a a tad bit of a hard time adjusting to him not being at school with her everyday. She really misses him. Well we got word that Friday that he had been in a pretty bad accident. He fell out a 2nd story window. he was in the hospital and would have to stay there awhile. (things look good- It could have been a lot worse.) Anyway, Princess A. really was concerned about him. it was not great but interesting how she took the news and the questions that came to her young mind as she tried to figure out this small tragady and miricle in her mind. We are thankful for answered prayers. A- prayed and prayed for her cousin. It was very sweet. She worried so much that she would lose her best friend.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mormon joke of the day

take it as you will -- I laughed.
3 religeous church leaders were standing in a boat and they were going to cross the lake. But decided to try walking on water. Who ever could do it would have all the bragging rights! Well the first on to cross was the Mormon Prophet and he did it! The next was the Catholic Pope and he made it! the 3rd was a Jewish Rabbi he took one step and sank! The Pope leaned over to the Prophet and said, "Do you think we should have told him about the rocks?" The Prophet said, "What rocks?"

A kiddo in my primary class told me that! I love kids!


Today was an interesting day. Have you ever noticed that the hand of the Lord is constantly in your life but most times you don't realize it until after the fact or moment is over? Simple things and not so simple are guided by the Lord to help us out. Twice this week I have had simple promptings or nudges you might say. And 2 specific ones I did not "listen" to. They are silly nothing life or death but I have been trying to be more aware of these promptings and twice I chose not to listen. Now nothing bad came of it.
1st one: I kept thinking we should review how to bare our testimonies at church. Since it was fast and testimony Sunday and all. But I ignored it. Well my 9 yr old decided to bare his testimony today. He really wanted to share what he felt in his heart was right and true. (there is no official way to start or what to say But typically everyone says the obvious... I would like to bare my testimony) Well he got up there and just stood for a whole minute and he looked down at us on the front row with asking eyes... so we start whispering "I'd like to bare my testimony" he then whispers back.."WHAT???" then he turns around and talks to the bishopric sitting on the stand behind him then comes back to the microphone and bore a sweet simple testimonies of the truths that he knows. Like, he knows that Jesus loves him, that the scriptures are true and that Joseph Smith really translated the book of Mormon. then he turned and whispered to the bishopric again and came and sat down. he came back by me and said, "mom, I couldn't remember how we start it and end it. I instantly think that I knew I should have talked about that with them this week. Silly Me I didn't listen.
Well it kind of turned out for the good most people in the congregation took it as his shyness or being scared. 4 different adults who do not usually stand up did. each of them commented that if "little Brother Moody" could get up here than so could they. We heard some very simple heart felt testimonies that were very touching. When the meeting was over J-man leaned over to me again and said "mom, I helped 4 other people be brave and bare their testimonies today!" By the way every time they mentioned him he would duck his head and turn a little red in the face. What a super kid.

2nd one: All day Saturday the thought kept coming to my mind- Read through the Sunday school lesson. I kept telling myself why, it is not my turn to teach. The other teacher always does a fine job she won't need me as back up. Over and over "read through the lesson" Last night I even talked to my husband saying I hope the other teacher remembers that she is the lesson because she has been gone for a couple weeks. again I think I should read through the lesson. NOPE! Well at 1/2 hour before church starts I get a call from the other teacher. I am so sick and can not come to church will you please teach the lesson. UGH! No prep time I sat in the testimony meeting before my class started trying to cram together a well prepared lesson. sheesh. Why didn't I read the lesson yesterday???

See nothing terrible nothing horrific. Just I should have listened.

odds and ends

These are just a couple of facebook posts (and an FHE idea) that I wanted to save here.

April 17th
J-man came in tonight and asked how much a DS charger chord cost. then showed me the remains of what used to be our charger chord. I said I didn't know but would look some up online. He went and got his piggy bank and started fishing out money while I looked. He was so excited when we found it on amazon on sale for under $3! (normally $20) He was tickled! I was so proud of him for owning up to his mistake and trying to fix it! he even tried to weave all the copper wire-y things back together.
So Cute!

April 17th
Our family home evening lesson honesty.Jelly beans under cups.

We hid jelly beans under some plastic cups and took turns telling the kids which cup the jelly beans were under. I always told the truth but my husband "lied" some times and told the truth some times after about 10 times we asked the kids who they wanted to tell them where the jelly beans were hidden. Of course they chose me because I always told the truth and was reliable. After only a couple times of "lieing" my hubby always told the truth but they never believed him. It was a good showing of how once you are dishonest even once or twice it is hard to regain your trust to others.

April 22nd
My daughter, I guess you can call her very creative, just came into my room sporting a swim suit she made ALL BY HERSELF! it was a plastic grocery bag that she had made 2 leg holes in the bottom and put her arms through the handles all the way up to her shoulders. This even came with commentary. "you can see me demonstrate this swim suit in the deep end!" ha ha ha

April 23rd
Surprize! -- glad I went to the last hour of the stake MTC day-- All I can say is BRAD WILCOX!!!!! One of my all time favs was the guest speaker! I feel a bit spoiled.
-more information-
Stake MTC day is for all the young men that are aged 12-18 it is a missionary prep type day. they learn how to work with a companion and they recieved their imaginary call to places and they had to learn about the culture there and what not. well for the last hour they had a guest speaker. Brad Wilcox. He is a motivational speaker and teacher and author! He is funny and direct I just love him. well the parents were invited to attend for this portion and I am so glad that I went. He spoke about keeping yourself pure as a youth and how if you get into pronography or sex and those types of activities before marriage than you are selfish and have nothing special to gove to your spouce was they jist of it. but how staying pure in your youth will benifit your whole entire life and that the instant gratification you experience if you don't is your downfall.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


So experienced the hardest day I have ever had in preschool! This year has been tough to say the least while giving plenty of learning experiences as I have been presented new and really hard challenges. Do not get me wrong I LOVE what I do.

Yesterday, to put it nicely was ROUGH! Two brothers had a very bad day and sadly went home in tears. Today, out of the blue they came back to my house sporting these very pretty flowers (that they bought with their birthday $$) and hugs and apologies. It totally melted my heart and reminded me why I love young children so much! They are terriffic!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

being 9

Well he has only been 9 for a couple days but those days have been good! J-man you gotta love him. He is so excited to move up in cub scouts to the bear den. I think he is excited to be back with his friends. He mainly got $$ this year but he had fun picking out what he wanted. Yet he is so easily pleased. His primary teacher brought over a HUGE bag of milky ways (His favorite) and he couldn't stop smiling. the few small gifts he recieved from his siblings thrilled him. and he hasn't stopped playing with them. He was a bit disappointed tho that mother nature didn't cooperate on his birthday and couldn't believe that it snowed so much on his birthday. He is such a joy and wonderful kiddo. I am so glad that he has blessed our family with his simple joy and happiness. like he says "I have all the things girls want." reffering to his heart melting dimples and LONG eyelashes and the kisses from heaven (freckles). I love that boy! looking foward to another great year!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

being 12

Isn't he so handsome and grown up!

Well My oldest has had a busy week. After turning 12 he truly has become a little man. For members of our faith young men can receive the priesthood at age 12. They can now go into the temple and perform baptisms for those who have died. And as part of their priesthood obligations he is now worthy to pass the sacrament at church.

Well it was amazing to sit in the Bishops office and watch my husband give Big -D the priesthood and during the blessing the good feelings of the spirit were so strong. My hubby even choked up at the end. As he talked about that D-man has many challenges that others do not but he also has many talents that others do not.
He also got to go to young mens lessons instead of primary.
That same night he attended his first fireside and later in the week had his first weekly activity. I am glad that he gets a chance to be so involved so quickly.

We took D-man to the temple to participate in baptisms on Friday. It was fun to have him take family names and have his dad be able to participate with him. In D-mans words "It was so great it was indescribable" he makes me giggle.
Friday we also took all the family ice skating for the first time. For most of us it was our first time on skates. It was fun to see the determination in D-man. He typically gives up pretty quickly if things are difficult. But not then. J-man was the most brave and determined and did VERY well despite the 28 falls he had! He jumped right back up and didn't want to leave!
Tomorrow will be D-mans first day to pass the sacrament to the congregation. I am very happy for him but a little worried at how he will do. Then he also gets to participate in bringing sacrament services to those who are unable to attend church. Along with helping with this he has been asked to share a short gospel message with those they will visit. His young mens president is a special man in D-mans life and has really taken him under his wing. He will be an angel in disguise as D-man transitions into this new era of his life.

I just love that boy to pieces and and thankful for the opportunity I have to raise such a sweet young man! It is a privilege to be a part of his life and am glad that he still thinks that I am "cool" I can not wait to see what the future has for him =o)
The picture above is in front of the Oquirrh Mountain temple before he went inside.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Why is it that when ever you seem to hurt yourself terribly, it is always for a stupid reason. It never comes with a heroic story just a embaressing one.
for example when i was 12 I injured my neck COMBING MY HAIR of all things. It was bad enough that I had many weeks of chiropractic therapy and a neck brace day and night -- and of course you feel like a dork saying... I was just combing my hair.

Well my grown up equivalent was yesterday I was out shoveling light fluffy snow that was only about an inch deep. I thought since this was such an easy shoveling job I would do the walks for my neighbors out of town. Well the last throw of show my back seized up. it tool me 10 minutes to walk into my house. Well of not being able to move most of the day and evening I went to bed. I woke up to severe back spasms that was the worst pain I have ever experienced. I ended up going to the ER and had to tell everyone (all of my nurses , doctors, x-ray guy) that it happened while shoveling very easy snow. No heroic story of saving a child who was stuck in a tree or something cool. it was 7th grade all over again.
Sadly, I missed church as we finally got home from the ER just as the kiddos were waking up. I just had to get some sleep the 2 hours I got before the ER was just not enough. We are so grateful and appreciative for a "grandpa" just a couple blocks away, who came and slept on our couch so our kids could be safe while we were gone.

Nothing major to report and they gave me a couple prescriptions for pain and muscle relaxers.
And we worried about Princess A while we were gone, because she had vomited just before bed last night. Luckily it must have been a fluke as she is quite fine this morning.
I guess it was not a quiet normal Saturday night. way to break up the monotony!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's day

So I am a pretty lucky gal. On Friday night my dear Hubby took me out on a date! a play and late dinner. Isn't he sweet? On actual valentine's day, I had a simple little lunch date with the D-man. I thought that was going to be the jist of my valentine celebrations. Nope. My sweetheart came home from work early and suprized me with roses and that he was going to cook dinner. He cooked us up something rather nice and said that the kids could just have a pizza. He sent me to go pick it up. When I came home he had a candle light dinner set up in the front room away from the kids and we had a semi private Valentines dinner. All I did was buy him a book. Come to find out he wasn't really wanting that book. But, it is the thought that counts right?

Well, I hope all could feel loved on valentines day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

life has a way of slipping by me. I blinked and here it is Valentines day.

Tomorrow I take my sweet boy to Jr. High orientation! He is so excited and it makes me excited! But I am so nervous! Some ways I wish I could jump into the future and make sure all my kids make it to adulthood and turn out ok then come back and trudge thru and ejnoy the journey knowing that I didn't mess up anyone in the process. Some days I feel the pressure of being the mom is too great. But then I get a hug or a smile from my kiddos and the reward great!

All of our kids are now in piano lessons and the boys' teachers can't say enough about their talents. Princess A and the J-man start Tumbling again this week. D-man is debating between taking a break dancing class and tennis. Gotta love that boy!