A fantastic trip. A gorgeous trip. A growing trip. We loved visiting Colorado and the Rocky Mountain National Park.
Even on vacation we serve!
The rope swing at Eden Valley where we stayed.
We did a lot of hiking while there. These water backpacks got a lot of use!
We met a deer. :(
Downtown Denver was a pretty unique place!
One of the yummiest vegan restaurants I've ever been to!
Our 14 mile Colorado hike. The hike was rigorous and the views were amazing. We got a workout and we'd all do it again. Despite the downpour on the way back down the mountain!
Finch Lake on the way up to Pear Lake
It poured and stormed on the way back down. We ran part of the way.
The end of our trip was Colorado Family Retreat. What a blessing!
Troubles with the trailer on the way home...
More troubles....
But God saw us through. We were so glad to see this sign!!