Monday, 23 January 2012

still on going

hey guys! hey~ "life" / "hidup", perjalanan kehidupan penuh dengan cabaran kan, the challenge is every where,
same goes to me, today just wierd for me, my mom ask me so many question, and one of those question, i even cant answer it.

let me explain from the beginning, this sem, im in sem 2, i know i have lot work to do, i have 7 subject, 21 credit hours, its maximum credit hours for the place that im studying, agak berat,urmm, bukan agak berat, tapi memang berat laa, 4 month for 7 subject, some people will get it easy, i know hardwork is important.

permulaan sem agak kurang kacir,serabut dengan penyusunan timetable, have to suit myself with new roommate,new housemate,agak pelik jugak la mula2, because i never stay asrama, waktu sem 1 pun duk satu bilik sorang je, but this sem baru merasa stay hostel, bukan sebilik sorang lagi, baru merasa share bilik, macam mana cara nak sesuaikan diri, for me, semuannya macam culture shock, pelik sangat, even not all things i share with my mom, but i sure i just kind of "anak emak", because sejak kecil sampai sekarang, many things, my mom do it for me, even time registration sem 1 dulu pun student lain masuk sorang2, but me, my mom teman, ouh god! matured? i doest have that, i just 18 years old kid, even its not kid anymore but i really have to give me myself really high confident, to drag my self alone, no help for simple things anymore.

Then permulaan sem jugak, i have conflict with bunch of people that i just dont know why they are like that, doest like me? just leave me, no need to make me get into spotlight just because of bad thing, just go away, ishh, apelaa kamu2 ni, hesh~

usually i will go to my sister  to share my problem, but i also have conflict with her, really doesnt know what to do, really, i miss you sister.

macam-macam berlaku this sem, last sem i have problem with permasum, a hr organization, but the true story just lost, cerita mulut orang pulak yang tersebar luas, oh my reputation goes down even its not a true story,
then this sem masalah dengan pbsm pulak, apa yang kamu2 ni ta puas hati pun ta tahu lah, same thing happen, kebenaran lain, but cerita yang keluar pulak lain, tak sangka la ramai nya orang yang suka tikam belakang ni, pening sungguh nak pikir, stress jadinya,

today my mom ask me lot of question, and salah satunya, "macam mana hubungan dengan dia?"    aduhhh~ na nangis ni, tapi cover je lah, karang kena hentam pulak, hmmmm, ntah laa macam mana dengan dia ek, lama da ta contact, rindu,sebak,semua ada, dia budak sekolah lagi, kamu pun bukannya sepenuhnya bersedia, 1 percent pun ntah kemana, tapi memang betul lah, no use laa, i miss her but have to let her go peace, maybe thats the right decesion,

hmmm, mulut orang memang ta bole nak tutup kan? tapi yang sakit hati tu, bukan jemulut, telinga orang lagilah ta bole na tutup, apa2 jela, kita sama2 manusia,

urmmm i just think i need someone, someone that really we will be something. just looking, still looking.

this face? arghh lot of thing in that head, sister pun cakap, kenapa makin serabut ni, not only sister, every one that i meet, eh asal ko makin selekeh ni, makin serabai la pe la, ikut kamu lah na cakap apa,bukan kamu yang na share masalah ke peke , heshh!  

ok sory guys, just na luah perasaan jap, sebab da takde orang nak luah dah. byee.

Monday, 9 January 2012

in and out still same!

hey guys! a singer? u all suka ke artis yg menyanyi hebat,album laris tp live hampeh,suka ke?
law suka, i pn bole mcm tu,law nyanyi kat studio,sume org nyanyi sedap,name pn studio,byk je arh artis malaysia sekarang yg nyanyi dlm album je sedap,live out tp cuba tgk 2  org gadis yg lahir dari youtube, yuna dan najwa latiff, they great u know, ramai je yg ta suka dorang tapi what im try to say is they memang hebat,dlm studio ke live ke still best, ta caye tgk la satu vid ni, najwa latiff ni,  :D

best kan? nice! ^_^