Had this conversation with hubby last nite
Me:Do you still remember Dr Hasliza(our gynae)told us it takes 18-24 months for the c-sect to fully heal so it's best for us to wait before i get pregnant again.But soon Muhriz will turn 18 months,abang dah ready for the second askar?hehe
Hubby: Of couse la,Muhriz dah besar nie.Tapinya..
Me: I know there are plenty of mak mak who have carried back-to-back after a c-section and they were just fine.Kak yah(my 2nd sis) pon kan
Hubby: I know,but that means you MIGHT have to give up breastfeeding Muhriz before he turns 2.And i know how much you would like to susukan him sampai 2 tahun kan?Nanti pregnant letih nak nenenkan muhriz lagi macamana,tau lah muhriz kan monster susu.
Me: Thanks abang hik hik
Terima kasih Allah for a very supportive hubby.When it's the breastfeeding call,hubby is into it as much as i am.The other day we went to look for a manual breastpump for his colleague's wife.Macam comel je bapak bapak discuss pasal breastfeeding.Hmm maybe i too can start selling manual pump jugak lepas nie.
Comments: (3)
Before i started going out with hubby,saya ialah tidak makan di kedai mamak.Nor did i eat any Indian food,mmg rugi besar kan?Hubby nie pulak kalau boleh dating kedai mamak pon tak apa sebab die hantu roti canai,naan dan segala roti lain.Awal2 i still jual mahal,gi makan mamak order nasi lemak ;p pastu suka maggi goreng,lepas tue dok penang for almost 3 years i yg hantu tosai la tandoori la,roti pisang,tisu?semua telan.Ni kalau dulu every week kene makan,sekarang pegi penang wajib pekena!
Kapitan's (Lebuh Chulia)tandoori
I suke with nasi beriani

Hubby had it with garlic naan
Suka sampai menjilat jari hik hik
Kapitan's (Lebuh Chulia)tandoori
I suke with nasi beriani
Hubby had it with garlic naan
Sy dan hubby sgt suka kan cuti cuti pulau.Tapi last ke Redang was 4 yrs ago?ke Perhentian pulak setahun sebelum tue.So it's been a while.Now that we have muhriz,lagi lah mak risau nak naik boat.When i saw this Jerejak 2D/1N voucher for just RM120,knowing that Jerejak is just few mins away from Penang(10 mins boat ride to be exact),tak pandang belakang dah terus beli.Murah kan?We made it to the island last friday since coupon x boleh guna for saturday/public holiday stay.
Everyone knows Jerejak Island offers no crystal clear sea or stretches of white sandy beaches.Macam nie takde.
Everyone knows Jerejak Island offers no crystal clear sea or stretches of white sandy beaches.Macam nie takde.
Redang,few years back.Perfect beach.
It's just a nice island getaway for those who want to relax,enjoy the sea breeze without having to travel far.So don't expect much,tak dak org mandi pon kat pantai tue he he,byk jelly fish,plus kilang penuh seberang,ada beran?The resort has a lot of outdoor activities though; jungle tracking,flying fox,wall climbing,telematch games.So utk teambuilding sgt sesuai.
Alamak,askar kecik sudah bgn.sambung esok lah
alaa malasnya nak pegi Imigresen lagi sekali,agak2 tak betulkan pon ok kot.

habis customer lain kat kedai gambar tu jenguk ke belakang tgk awat la budak nie dok meraung =p
Hubby sy ialah bukan picky eater,tetapi die ialah peng-ayam.Masaklah ayam cencaluk sekali pon die akan makan,yg penting ayam.ini lauk kegemaran suami sekarang,bg sepinggan tanak share kalau boleh.siap pesan tiap2 minggu kene masak nie
Sauce(sgt senang!): Lemon juice,lemon slice,chicken broth,honey/sugar,salt+pepper,tepung jagung utk pekatkan.
Muhriz buat jugak tapi most of the times we can spot the missing item back.Sebab dah tau his fav places hehe.Sometimes he put them in the fridge,laundry basket,or in his opened diapers pack.But his fav hiding place is always the mega block wagon
It's been a while since i last look into his wagon nie.Sebabnya 1)we didnot have any missing item to look for 2)sy malas nak bersihkan his mega blocks haha,nie mega blocks,kalau lego yg lagi kecik?
Anyho,i decided to clean it yesterday and look what have i found underneath the blocks!
My calculator,vit C for the fridge,ebm bottle,my skip rope!(hoho nampak sgt dah lama tak skip ;p) and my old phone.

Kids can sure be sneaky little monster hiks!
It's been a while since i last look into his wagon nie.Sebabnya 1)we didnot have any missing item to look for 2)sy malas nak bersihkan his mega blocks haha,nie mega blocks,kalau lego yg lagi kecik?
Anyho,i decided to clean it yesterday and look what have i found underneath the blocks!
My calculator,vit C for the fridge,ebm bottle,my skip rope!(hoho nampak sgt dah lama tak skip ;p) and my old phone.
Kids can sure be sneaky little monster hiks!

When you're expecting,it's the question everyone wants to know the answer to.Of course all you want is a healthy baby,but don't tell me deep down you are not hoping for a she or he hehehe.
Hubby and I?Mula mula we wanted a boy first.But going into 5 weeks,i told him a kak long would be fun too.Tapi lepas tue rasa nak boy semula ;p So being a fickle minded,saya tidak percaya kan naluri hati walaupon hati sy kata boy hiks.Masa 16 weeks check up,the gynae ckp there was a high chance for a boy,since then scan tiap2 bulan pon Muhriz budak tak malu asik tunjuk bird ;p
Ok anyway,you may have heard of all the old wives' tales;perut ke depan baby boy,melebar ke tepi girl,or is it vice versa?Tido ke kiri kanan macamana ntah.
Or tried the Chinese Calendar,or or makan asam to have a girl or more seafood to get a boy?eh again don't tell me tak pernah dengaq ;p
Hubby and I referred to none of those,we looked for a more scientific explanation instead;the ovulation calendar.meh nak share
There're 2 main uncertainties though ;
1) it's hard to be certain when do you ovulate 2)when exactly the conception happen.
But no harms trying,you still havve 50% of success rate hihi.Simple je,all u need to do is to look at the day of conception and the day of ovulation.Ovulation(waktu subur)selalunya on ~14th day of your menstrual cycle(count dari 1st day period).So,
-If conception occurred within 2-2.5 days of ovulation, you can expect for a boy.
-If conception occurred prior to 2-2.5 days before ovulation, you can predict for a girl.
This has to do with the nature of the types of sperm.The "girl" sperm tends to be stronger and live longer than the "boy" sperm but it is a slow swimmer.
The boy "sperm" tends to swim faster, and is more likely to beat the girl in the race to the victory.
So, it makes sense that if you and hubby go lovey dovey a day or 2 before your egg is released,the "boy" sperm would have died,leaving the "girl" But if conception occurs close to ovulation, the "boy" sperm are going swim like a champion,leaving the girls terkedek kedek
Our case?Went to Barcalona on my 13th day,before that mmg berehat sebab both hubby dan saya sgt busy and super tired.So Muhriz bukan Maisarah lah hasilnya kih kih
Tapi boy ke girl,itu Allah yg tentukan.Bukan semua girl a slow swimmer and who knows if your hubby pegi outstation hari ke 11 tapi you still get a boy?Tetapi tidak salah berusaha dan semestinya berdoa.Hahaha selamat mencuba!
Muhriz turns 16 months hari nie alhamdulillah.So mari tgk ape budak cheeky ini up to:
-If he wants something,he will say "nak" then point or take my hands to whatever it is.Paling suka,ajak berguling atas katil :)
-Babbles a whole lot!bising macam mama hubby ckp ;p.He actually babbles in his own language.Sometimes his sentence sgt panjang but there's no real words.Yg die boleh ckp clearly ialah bye bye,no,nak,bird,tuck(for truck).Sometimes panggil me betul lah "mama",sometimes "Ba".He sometimes calls "Ba" for almost everything,ayah pon "Ba" sekali.
-Understands simple instructions (with gestures)macam "Muhriz,bring the cup to mama please".Or if he wants to play outside,sy akan ckp "put on your shoes first"nanti terkial kial
mamat kecik tue nak pakai kasut.Suruh sayang mama,nanti die kiss atau lebih kepada makan pipi mama
-like to imitates.paling suka,tiru mama lipat kain lepas tue habis bersepah la
-tanak duduk dlm high chair dah.He prefers to sit on my/hubby's lap dan makan sepinggan.dah mama nak makan sambal belacan ke budu ke tak bleh dah
-power struggle nak tukar diapers.Hohh kalau die popped adalah hazab nak basuh,confirm mama kene mandi lepas tue(get what i mean?)
-Sudah dropped his morning nap.Jadi sekarang die adalah nap sekali sehari je.Tapi sekali nap boleh sampai 2jam.
-Terrified at the sound of loud noise macam thunderstorm or blender.Cepat2 dtg kat mama dan hug sekuat hati hehe.
Muhriz's first food was avocado.Pureed avocado.But that was a year ago,now anak mak dah boleh makan chunky food,byk buah dah dia makan.These fruits are his current fav;oranges,passion fruit,pomegranate
Pomegranate nie sy amalkan makan since pregnantkan muhriz.I guess most of you know about its beauty,buah disebut di dalam Al Quran.Among its good;provides 16% of an adult vit C requirement and rich in fiber,which entirely contained in the edible seeds,so jgn discard the seed.Muhriz kadang telan seed,kadang die buang huhu.
Sebelum nie phase suka dragon fruit,avocado and banana.

I've tried making strawberry smoothies before,but anakanda didnot seem to like it.Not sure tak suke strawberry or susu lembu!Maybe campur EBM die nak kot huuu.
Buah ape lagi penah bagi?Ha papaya,apples tue dah tapi kene reject.Don't worry Muhriz,byk lagi fruits for you to explore.Anyway,I'll make sure Muhriz takes a bowl of fruits setiap hari,kalau tak tahu nak offer which one,buka peti then let him decide.Try to avoid Yes/No questions,give your kid a choice instead.
Sebelum nie phase suka dragon fruit,avocado and banana.
Buah ape lagi penah bagi?Ha papaya,apples tue dah tapi kene reject.Don't worry Muhriz,byk lagi fruits for you to explore.Anyway,I'll make sure Muhriz takes a bowl of fruits setiap hari,kalau tak tahu nak offer which one,buka peti then let him decide.Try to avoid Yes/No questions,give your kid a choice instead.
In the cbsnews today! And i'm proud to be a Boilermaker!
I worked so really hard to get good grades in Purdue and ended up in the Distinction list.Now i am even a prouder home maker,so what?hihi mode tak suke org ingat housewife nie uneducated,tak lepas spm,tak pandai drive ish ish

muka ketat =p
Since hari nie ada pasar malam dan akan pergi ke pasar malam nak cari durian,mari tulis mengenai makanan pasar malam.
Sy dan suami suka ke pasar malam,tapi pasar siang 2 bulan sekali belum tentu hahaha.Tapi dgn muhriz nie tidak lah selalu sgt pergi,kesian pakcik tue kene berpanas.Sebelum sampai atau senang cerita,dari rumah lagi dah decide nak makan apa,so bile sampai,terus pegi gerai sama selalunya,beli dan terus balik. Kalau mood mama ok, mama pegi la cari ikan ke sayur ke.Makanan di pasar malam nie,kalau kami jumpa yg ok mmg tak pandang yg lain dah,takot nak try yg lain hehe dasar tak berani mencuba ;p.
One of our fav is Yong Tau Fu.Yong Tau Fu nie kalau tak sedar diri boleh sampai RM20 percaya atau tidak?Mmg kene percaya!Jadi kene beringat selalu dan muhasabah baru tak terbeliak mata nak membayar.Utk tidak menterbeliakkan mata lagi,kita masak sendiri yo!Senang aje rupanya. Sebab kene prepare dipping sauce die ajo.Hat lain?beli dan rebus dlm soup.Soup tutup mata boleh buat ece ce ce.Ni dah 3rd time buat sampai hubby tak mo dah keh keh.
Guna kaki ayam or rangka,letak bawang putih,chicken cube,daun soup,garam sket.
Gula Melaka,sos cili,sos tiram,cuka,kicap manis,kacang goreng dan tumbuk,belacan,cili padi,rasa kan dgn garam,gula,pekat kan dgn tepung jagung.
To serve:
Rebus segala rakan rakan pilihan anda,angkat,letak sauce,tabur bijan goreng.Siap!2 ringgit tujuh ploh sen sajork!
Thought of posting this entry as a wordless post,tapi muhriz tido,so baik daku menulis hihi
An oyster card is a smart travelcard used when traveling with public transport within London.It's more convenient and cheaper than cash tickets.Just like your touch&go,you can always top up your credits and put travel pass in it.Worry not,it got daily price capping,so if you need to make lots of journey in a day,they will never charge you more than the price of a Day Travel pass.You can get an oyster card at all the tube stations ticket window,i think they will ask for a 5quid deposit.When you're done using it,you can always return this card to them,they will refund the deposit and whatever remaining credit you have in it.So kalau nak balik malaysia dah,boleh pegi ke heathrow tube station tue,then refund.But of course a student,an elderly is entitled for more discount.But you have to apply and get an approval for that.
When in London,i stayed in Battersea,just across the River Thames.My apt is facing the Battersea Park(and did i mentioned Prince William once played football in here?).Home to school is about 3 km and the nearest tube station is South Kensington.So i might just walk or take bus.

Walking through the Chelsea neighborhood is always nice but i've got a lazy butt,i chose the easiest way and got myself a weekly bus pass instead.Traveling with tube is something i tried to avoid,bosan tgk dinding jer.And i hate it if i need to change lines and the gate of one another is so far away.Turun naik elevators,kalau elevators rosak?But no hope if it is a long journey,taking a tube is the option.you do not want to sit in the bus for 40 mins when the tube can take you there in merely 15mins.But believe me,the Central and District lines are the slowest and with most interruptions.So hop on the double deckers instead,London has a lot to be seen!
Hubby had been wanting to bring muhriz to the zoo since before raya haji,so on the way back from pahang,kami stopped by Zoo Taiping.It was nearly friday prayer,so masuk zoo lepas hubby solat jumaat lah.Tapi kusangka panas rupenya hujan.So lawatan sambil belajar ditunda ke last weekend!
Alhamdulillah,hari yg cerah!Such a beautiful saturday morning!Arrived Taiping around 10am.Just at the right time for animal feeding.They got fed between 10am-12pm.Tapi i berani bagi makan deers je hehe
Nampaknya Muhriz suka.Tahan mata tamau tido.Otherwise kalau die tak suke, jadi macam di Genting hari tue,tak sampai sejam dah tido.Anyway,after 2 hours,we were almost done,tinggal elephants jer belum tgk.Tapi anakanda was so sleepy that he fall asleep on his own.Tertido dlm buggy and without nenen!Hohh itu satu achievement,Muhriz tido tanpa nenen?? =p Mesti penat belajar nie hehe.
There're bears,lions,tigers,crocodiles,giraffe,monkeys.Byk la jugak.Tapi zoo negara pon last pegi dah 20 thn kan,so dah lupa la sebanyak mana haiwan kat situ huuu.

Watching the monkeys

marah tak dpt pegang rabbits hehe
feeding the deers

Time for lunch and we headed to the famous Mak Jah Mee Udang in Kuala Sepetang.Not that far from the zoo,about 20 mins drive.And there's signboard everywhere "Mak Jah Mee Udang 3km,2.5km,500m,200m!"No, i'm not joking,senang nak cari kedainya.I had Mee Udang Special,hubby pulak Mee Goreng Special.Both nie RM11/plate.Not bad or shall i say cheap compared to Mee Udang Sg Dua?Tastewise?Sedap utk my tekak!Lagi sedap dari Mee Udang Salwa tapi still tok leh lawan Sg Dua's.Itu tekak sy lah hehe.We will definitely come again,both to the zoo and this kedai mee udang

Alhamdulillah,hari yg cerah!Such a beautiful saturday morning!Arrived Taiping around 10am.Just at the right time for animal feeding.They got fed between 10am-12pm.Tapi i berani bagi makan deers je hehe
Nampaknya Muhriz suka.Tahan mata tamau tido.Otherwise kalau die tak suke, jadi macam di Genting hari tue,tak sampai sejam dah tido.Anyway,after 2 hours,we were almost done,tinggal elephants jer belum tgk.Tapi anakanda was so sleepy that he fall asleep on his own.Tertido dlm buggy and without nenen!Hohh itu satu achievement,Muhriz tido tanpa nenen?? =p Mesti penat belajar nie hehe.
There're bears,lions,tigers,crocodiles,giraffe,monkeys.Byk la jugak.Tapi zoo negara pon last pegi dah 20 thn kan,so dah lupa la sebanyak mana haiwan kat situ huuu.

Being a stay at home mama is not all about changing little one's diapers.Given this opportunity,i have to plan for activities to keep muhriz entertained and busy hik hik,takkan le anak aku dok tgk tv je kerjanya huhu.penat weh layan anak sorang pon.Sy selalu tanye hubby die ade terfikir tak ape mama dan dudu buat kat rumah?Kalau muhriz kene hantar ke babysitter die main ape ye?kene tinggal toys rumah babysitter ker?Hohh mama mmg byk pikir =p
anyway,let me share muhriz's activities here.
1.Playing with toys.Kami suke belikan muhriz toys and we will keep buying them.Mostly are educational toys,ones yg develop skills.Kami rasa itu ialah investment yg bagus.Tapi beli toys byk byk pon won't help if you are not playing with them.Jadi mama selalu join main sama,ride on muhriz pon mama naik same ok,hover dok?

2.Watch kiddie program/cd.Tapi limitkan masa tgk tv.
Yg sy observe,muhriz nie kalau bukak tv,toys tak layan sgt.Tv tutup mmg die main.So sy hanya turn on tv utk certain program shj.Let him watch the program,not the television.Pernah dgr or read somewhere sepatutnya kids under 2 yrs tidak langsung didedahkan dgn tv.Tapi kejam sgt pulak.Kami bagi lah die tgk cartoon,kalau Chuggington tue rasanya seploh kali pasang kot sehari kat laptop nie.Your baby can read tgk due kali sehari jer hahaha ok la tue,sekarang suruh clap,arms up,point to your nose,mouth,semua tahu dah.
Muhriz loves book,sgt suka.sehari tue mesti ade 4-5 kali reading sessions.It is him who usually initiates it.Die akan ambil buku,tarik tangan mama utk duduk on his small couch and read the book to him :) At this stage,mmg kid suka kan colorful pictures and they are building their vocabs too.So no harm reading the same book few times a day.Muhriz sudah ade more than 20 board books and more to come!kadang2 ayah balik kerja tak sempat duduk pon kene tarik tangan suruh bace buku dah hehe.
4.Plan for supporting and stimulating activities.
Kids are fascinated with almost everything,jadi tidak semestinya main itu dgn toys shj.It can be anything around;plastic containers,baskets etc.kalau muhriz die suke;
-emptying and filling,jadi sy selalu juga put small stuff macam cereal atau beras in one container,let him pour them out into another container
-inserting things in and out.kotak kotak kecil sy tidak buang.contoh die terjumpa kotak mopiko,ambil his Percy dan sumbat dlm kotak,keluarkan,then insert balik hehe.boleh juga bagi card holder dan card yg tak diguna kan.i believe ramai baby suke main card dlm purse kan?
-stacking .nie selalunya mega blocks die lah.
-mimicking my action;mama masak die nak masak,so i gave him periuk dan senduk.mama on phone die sibuk same,so i give him an old unused hp.
- latest one,suke scribble sampai dinding pon kene conteng!=p hoho jgn la muhriz ikut mama yg asik lukis kucing badan gemok kepala kecik.crayon sekotak tinggal sebatang je,sekali lukis,sekali baling patah.
5.Bring him out.
Since outdoor playground jauh dari rumah,kami selalu bawa die to indoor playground.Hubby selalu ajak keluar lepas dinner bawa muhriz main :) tiap tiap petang,saya akan lepaskan die main di porch,meloncat member hahaha habis semut kene penyet
yg selebihnya tue making mess here and there.Well,babies should be allowed to roam and mess.I believe they will learn something.Kesian lah kecil kecil tak boleh bersepah langsung =p But to keep yourself sane,jgn la pick up the mess right after.Clear the area once or twice a day jer.Or confine the play area,so idok ler sakit jiwa sgt.But to tell the truth,my home nie looks like a daycare with 10 kids in it kih kih
anyway,let me share muhriz's activities here.
1.Playing with toys.Kami suke belikan muhriz toys and we will keep buying them.Mostly are educational toys,ones yg develop skills.Kami rasa itu ialah investment yg bagus.Tapi beli toys byk byk pon won't help if you are not playing with them.Jadi mama selalu join main sama,ride on muhriz pon mama naik same ok,hover dok?

2.Watch kiddie program/cd.Tapi limitkan masa tgk tv.
Yg sy observe,muhriz nie kalau bukak tv,toys tak layan sgt.Tv tutup mmg die main.So sy hanya turn on tv utk certain program shj.Let him watch the program,not the television.Pernah dgr or read somewhere sepatutnya kids under 2 yrs tidak langsung didedahkan dgn tv.Tapi kejam sgt pulak.Kami bagi lah die tgk cartoon,kalau Chuggington tue rasanya seploh kali pasang kot sehari kat laptop nie.Your baby can read tgk due kali sehari jer hahaha ok la tue,sekarang suruh clap,arms up,point to your nose,mouth,semua tahu dah.
Muhriz loves book,sgt suka.sehari tue mesti ade 4-5 kali reading sessions.It is him who usually initiates it.Die akan ambil buku,tarik tangan mama utk duduk on his small couch and read the book to him :) At this stage,mmg kid suka kan colorful pictures and they are building their vocabs too.So no harm reading the same book few times a day.Muhriz sudah ade more than 20 board books and more to come!kadang2 ayah balik kerja tak sempat duduk pon kene tarik tangan suruh bace buku dah hehe.
4.Plan for supporting and stimulating activities.
Kids are fascinated with almost everything,jadi tidak semestinya main itu dgn toys shj.It can be anything around;plastic containers,baskets etc.kalau muhriz die suke;
-emptying and filling,jadi sy selalu juga put small stuff macam cereal atau beras in one container,let him pour them out into another container
-stacking .nie selalunya mega blocks die lah.
-mimicking my action;mama masak die nak masak,so i gave him periuk dan senduk.mama on phone die sibuk same,so i give him an old unused hp.
- latest one,suke scribble sampai dinding pon kene conteng!=p hoho jgn la muhriz ikut mama yg asik lukis kucing badan gemok kepala kecik.crayon sekotak tinggal sebatang je,sekali lukis,sekali baling patah.
5.Bring him out.
Since outdoor playground jauh dari rumah,kami selalu bawa die to indoor playground.Hubby selalu ajak keluar lepas dinner bawa muhriz main :) tiap tiap petang,saya akan lepaskan die main di porch,meloncat member hahaha habis semut kene penyet
yg selebihnya tue making mess here and there.Well,babies should be allowed to roam and mess.I believe they will learn something.Kesian lah kecil kecil tak boleh bersepah langsung =p But to keep yourself sane,jgn la pick up the mess right after.Clear the area once or twice a day jer.Or confine the play area,so idok ler sakit jiwa sgt.But to tell the truth,my home nie looks like a daycare with 10 kids in it kih kih
Pantang! Pantang mama or ayah ckp "no".He will instantly pull his face and give his this mulut ikan and in 30 secs,roll over on all four.Sometimes he even purposely hits his head on the floor!And he does this in public too if you are wondering;depan toys store,dlm tesco huhu.
It used to scare and upset me but now i can see they happen less and less.Depends on the situation,i will either attend or ignore him but will never walkaway.I repeat; NEVER walkaway leaving your screaming kids,mommies!They might hit themselves hard enough to cause injuries.
Anyway,here how i handle the show.If he throws a fit because i say "NO", then i just ignore his screams and cries.I will then proceed with something fun like play with his toys,read his book,or turn on the tv.Muhriz will usually pick himself and join in later hehehe,nampak sgt tadi buat buat =p
But if he is having a tantrum out of frustration like not being able to pick up that container from the laundry basket,I will come to rescue.Pick him up on the floor,give him hug then nenen(most of the time!) and tell him that i will help him.As soon as he is ok,i'll help him to accomplish whatever he doesnot manage before and let he try himself.
What if he does this in the mall and there are like 50 people watching?Haha nie confirm la i angkat terus and try to distract him with something else lah.
But in all cases,marah hanya sekali.Once he throws himself on the ground,sudah sudah la marah.Nanti makin teruk.
Alhamdulillah, the drama doesnot last for more than 5 mins most of the time.Not sure how many of you with kids yg buat macam nie but hope this helps. Can't wait for this phase to be over!
hihi dulu ade jugak post pasal muhriz's food,sekarang nan ado ;p
since die dah masuk setahun nie,muhriz byk makan ape yg mama dan ayah die makan,cuma versi kurang garam gula santan dan seangkatan.Did i tell you he is one picky eater?come one point,i was so upset,sgt tension,semua food die reject.mama dari malam dah plan ape nak masak utk kamu.nasib baik teringat this feeding rule; never turn a feeding session into a battle.Jadi mama ikut apa kamu nak;nak makan sendiri?nak mama makan sama?nak makan mama pon boleh
kadang kadang ada hari mama kene masak macam macam.contoh;scramble eggs -rejected,beehon goreng-makan sikit,nasi&soup ayam-makan,Aglio Olio Fussili-buat baling.Takpe,kamu tanak makan,mama makan kan hahaha.So sekarang if we have nasi goreng for dinner,he might have the same thing too,tapi yg tak ada cili padi.tapi kalau muhriz makan chicken porridge,mama dan ayah tak join la hehe.
yg nie die selalu juga makan,pasta with tomato sauce.blend tomatoes+ celery sket.heat up some olive oil,saute garlic till brown,masuk chopped chicken breast(sy suke rebus dulu),then sauce tadi.jgn lupe letak mix herbs sket.

easy peasy eh?
yummehh.mama nak?
nie pon selalu makan dah,rice porridge.dulu tak suke bubur.hehe macam macam.

since die dah masuk setahun nie,muhriz byk makan ape yg mama dan ayah die makan,cuma versi kurang garam gula santan dan seangkatan.Did i tell you he is one picky eater?come one point,i was so upset,sgt tension,semua food die reject.mama dari malam dah plan ape nak masak utk kamu.nasib baik teringat this feeding rule; never turn a feeding session into a battle.Jadi mama ikut apa kamu nak;nak makan sendiri?nak mama makan sama?nak makan mama pon boleh
kadang kadang ada hari mama kene masak macam macam.contoh;scramble eggs -rejected,beehon goreng-makan sikit,nasi&soup ayam-makan,Aglio Olio Fussili-buat baling.Takpe,kamu tanak makan,mama makan kan hahaha.So sekarang if we have nasi goreng for dinner,he might have the same thing too,tapi yg tak ada cili padi.tapi kalau muhriz makan chicken porridge,mama dan ayah tak join la hehe.
yg nie die selalu juga makan,pasta with tomato sauce.blend tomatoes+ celery sket.heat up some olive oil,saute garlic till brown,masuk chopped chicken breast(sy suke rebus dulu),then sauce tadi.jgn lupe letak mix herbs sket.
easy peasy eh?
Hari ini mahu mengarut boleh?Blog sendiri kan,lantak.macam lah ramai yg bace hek hek ;p
semlm hubby pulang lambat,730pm baru sampai rumah.kebiasaan dlm 6-630 sudah tiba,jadi 730 dikire lambat lah.anak pulak tak habis tgk upin ipin,640pm terus pengsan,pengsan sampai ke pagi!tak pernah dibuat.Letih ape pon tak sure,tgh hari dah tido,mama pon tido same hihi.
jadi si ayah gigit jari tak dapat main dgn anak.masa keluar pegi kerja masih gigit jari anak masih tido,cium pipi kiri,muhriz golek ke kanan,cium kanan,die golek ke kiri.then it got me thinking,andai kata saya bekerja,akan adakah situasi begini?Harapnya tidak.
Sy sudah memakai title isteri di rumah selama 2 tahun.Bukan tidak mahu bekerja kembali,tetapi masih mencari cari masa yg sesuai.Sesuai umur si anak ditinggalkan.Sy sgt cerewet tentang penjagaan anak,terutamanya keselamatan.Jadi dari saya menggunakan separuh waktu kerja dok call baby carer tanye anak macamana,baik saya jaga sendiri,puas hati.
Saya cukup berterima kasih kepada mereka mereka yang tidak pernah mempersoalkan keputusan saya utk menjadi ibu di rumah.saya hormat kamu,kamu hormat saya.tetapi masih ade juga yg tidak jemu jemu asik bertanya.Tidak serik kata orang heh. "Bila nak kerja semula?" eiii sakit telinga.Nak saja sy jawab
"tanak kerja boleh?" atau
"saya nak besarkan anak sendiri,tanak indon jagakan" atau jawapan lebih kerek
"saya ade degree dari US,masters dari imperial college london,penah jadi design engineer selama 3 tahun,kalau nak kerja bila bila pon boleh!"
tapi jawapan khayalan je tue.hakikatnya,sudah 2 tahun on hiatus,mesti market value ku sudah jatuh.Hakikatnya saya tidak berani berkata begitu.Risau org berkecil hati tetapi org tidak pernah risau hati saya kecil.tapi takpa,jawapan itu sentiasa tersedia utk mereka mereka itu hek hek.
ini kerja lama yg ditinggalkan.tajuk kerja;CPU Design Engineer.tidak glamour sedikit pon,pakai baju busuk je pegi kerja.nasib baik saya mandi.kerja yg disukai,gaji yg puas hati.Tetapi utk kembali tidak rasanya,terlalu sibuk.
hubby pernah bertanya,aik bersih shj meja,tak ade paper work ke?
Ape kelas kertas kertas nie sayang oiii kekeke.
semlm hubby pulang lambat,730pm baru sampai rumah.kebiasaan dlm 6-630 sudah tiba,jadi 730 dikire lambat lah.anak pulak tak habis tgk upin ipin,640pm terus pengsan,pengsan sampai ke pagi!tak pernah dibuat.Letih ape pon tak sure,tgh hari dah tido,mama pon tido same hihi.
jadi si ayah gigit jari tak dapat main dgn anak.masa keluar pegi kerja masih gigit jari anak masih tido,cium pipi kiri,muhriz golek ke kanan,cium kanan,die golek ke kiri.then it got me thinking,andai kata saya bekerja,akan adakah situasi begini?Harapnya tidak.
Sy sudah memakai title isteri di rumah selama 2 tahun.Bukan tidak mahu bekerja kembali,tetapi masih mencari cari masa yg sesuai.Sesuai umur si anak ditinggalkan.Sy sgt cerewet tentang penjagaan anak,terutamanya keselamatan.Jadi dari saya menggunakan separuh waktu kerja dok call baby carer tanye anak macamana,baik saya jaga sendiri,puas hati.
Saya cukup berterima kasih kepada mereka mereka yang tidak pernah mempersoalkan keputusan saya utk menjadi ibu di rumah.saya hormat kamu,kamu hormat saya.tetapi masih ade juga yg tidak jemu jemu asik bertanya.Tidak serik kata orang heh. "Bila nak kerja semula?" eiii sakit telinga.Nak saja sy jawab
"tanak kerja boleh?" atau
"saya nak besarkan anak sendiri,tanak indon jagakan" atau jawapan lebih kerek
"saya ade degree dari US,masters dari imperial college london,penah jadi design engineer selama 3 tahun,kalau nak kerja bila bila pon boleh!"
tapi jawapan khayalan je tue.hakikatnya,sudah 2 tahun on hiatus,mesti market value ku sudah jatuh.Hakikatnya saya tidak berani berkata begitu.Risau org berkecil hati tetapi org tidak pernah risau hati saya kecil.tapi takpa,jawapan itu sentiasa tersedia utk mereka mereka itu hek hek.
ini kerja lama yg ditinggalkan.tajuk kerja;CPU Design Engineer.tidak glamour sedikit pon,pakai baju busuk je pegi kerja.nasib baik saya mandi.kerja yg disukai,gaji yg puas hati.Tetapi utk kembali tidak rasanya,terlalu sibuk.

Ape kelas kertas kertas nie sayang oiii kekeke.
Hubby ckp keturunan die mesti support Liverpool,MU jangan sesekali.Pantang.Katanya MU itu kelab ikut ikut rakyat Malaysia,yakni ramai supportersnya taktahubola-tapi-nakminat bola jugak.Jgn marah naa.So anak die kene paksa daftar diri patuh setia kepada LFC dari kecik lah,kesian hahahaha.Actually ni Muhriz's 2nd LFC shirt.Given by a friend,bought in Anfield.Yg bapak die belikan dah tak muat.